What is grouping people together called?

The arrangement or placement of certain things.

The process of marketing and supplying goods, especially to retailers.

The act of matching a person with a job

The definition of combine is to join together or to unite.

(Publishing) The process of arranging editorial content, advertising, graphics and other information to fit within certain constraints.

The order of subunits that make up a polymer, especially the order of nucleotides in a nucleic acid or of the amino acids in a protein.

To plant in a clump; group together in a cluster

The definition of an arrangement is something that has been planned.

An arrangement or positioning, as of troops, ships, airplanes in flight, football players, etc.

An arrangement of persons or things in or as in a line

The prescribed form or customary procedure, as in a meeting or court of law:

(Uncountable) The quality of being organized.

(Chemistry) A functional entity consisting of certain atoms whose presence provides a certain property to a molecule, such as the methyl group.

(Grammar) To link (syntactic units) at an equal level.

(Intransitive) To associate or unite in company with.

(Archaic) To accompany, keep company with.

(Linguistics, translation studies) (said of certain words) To be often used together, form a collocation; for example strong collocates with tea.

To collect is defined as to gather together or to call for and receive payment.

The definition of coagulate means for a liquid to become a soft mass or a clot.

To gather or grow in a cluster or clusters

Club is defined as to beat, or to join together for a common purpose.

To arrange or group in classes according to some system or principle

To arrange, group, or rate according to qualities or characteristics; assign to a class; classify.

Circle means to surround or move around someone or something.

To put into a category or categories; classify.

To associate with others; keep company.

To gather into a group; collect

The definition of arrange is to put things in a certain order, form or design.

To convey or haul with a team.

To tabulate is to arrange data or information in columns and tables.

(Comput.) To arrange data or a group of records in a particular way, as chronologically or alphabetically, for more efficient access

To provide or establish as a model:

A set of elements subject to the operations of addition and multiplication, in which the set is an abelian group under addition and associative under multiplication and in which the two operations are related by distributive laws.

To put into a pool, as for common use:

To arrange or prepared for (an activity or event):

Muster is defined as to bring or gather something together.

(Video games) The act of a player aggroing enemies so they follow them and gather, forming a mob of foes.

(Dated) To allot; to sort; to apportion.

To join together with or as with a link or links

(Football) To gather in a huddle

To gather together or move as a herd, group, crowd, etc.

To get or collect gradually from various places, sources, etc.; amass; accumulate

To flock means to group together.

To file is defined as to start the process of a legal action, to register or to put something on public record.

To place in a particular class, rank, or grade:

To assign a suitable place in a class or order; to classify.

Range is defined as to set or place in order or position.

To arrange or classify by grades; rate according to quality, rank, worth, etc.; sort

To place in separate pieces or examples over an area; scatter:

To gather together; assemble.

To come together usually for an official or public purpose; assemble formally.

(Intransitive) To contact by telephone.

To break up and scatter in all directions; spread about; distribute widely

To distribute over a surface in a layer:

To frustrate, disappoint, and overthrow.

To place or arrange in a group:

To regard highly; think much of; place importance upon.

The definition of classification is a grouping of people or things in a systematic way.

(Parachuting) the start of something

Arrangement in a particular order

The definition of separate is to pull apart, disconnect or divide.

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