What is a good score on zetamac


I am currently using zetamac (has customizable number ranges but doesn't allow for decimals), tradermath (seems to be made to resemble the actual test for flow but costs money unfortunately), and rankyourbrain (has decimal questions but the they appear to be too difficult to be representative).

I know there are other questions asking similar things but they seem to be dead so hoping to bump the subject in this manner! Please hit me up or comment if you know of any alternatives.


What is a good score on zetamac

This Forum might draw quite a few people who are quite brilliant at mental arithmetic. About a month and a half ago, I discovered arithmetic dot zetamac dot com and have been obsessed with it ever since. My high score is 79 on the default settings, but that requires everything to line up and fall in perfectly. For myself, I consider 70 to be a decent run and 65 to be disappointing and 60 is where I feel every mistake I make. I learn a lot about myself by playing! I have seen online scores over 120, which is something I find mind boggling. Anybody else a regular player and kicking butt at it?

And hi! It has been a very long time since I have checked in here!

What is a good score on zetamac

Eh, I like math but I'll pass. I suck at basic mental arithmetic most of the time, unless I know a trick of some sort. I think in orders of magnitude and crude approximations, and then use a calculator/computer to find the real answer, and then check it with my crude mental approximation to make sure I understand what's going on and that I didn't screw up.

What is a good score on zetamac

Six sevens you mean, unless you're making a Douglas Adams reference.

Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem. ("As long as we are among humans, let us be humane.") ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
"The church must be where there is need, and homosexuals have suffered innumerable discriminations. If the church doesn't free people from oppression, what purpose does it serve?" ~ Dr. Jacques Gaillot, Titular Bishop of Parthenia
“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?” ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

What is a good score on zetamac

This Forum might draw quite a few people who are quite brilliant at mental arithmetic. About a month and a half ago, I discovered arithmetic dot zetamac dot com and have been obsessed with it ever since. My high score is 79 on the default settings, but that requires everything to line up and fall in perfectly. For myself, I consider 70 to be a decent run and 65 to be disappointing and 60 is where I feel every mistake I make. I learn a lot about myself by playing! I have seen online scores over 120, which is something I find mind boggling. Anybody else a regular player and kicking butt at it?

And hi! It has been a very long time since I have checked in here!

You can probably write a bot to get over 120. My initial score playing the game is 17
What is a good score on zetamac

Not need to memorise. We have tables!

What is a good score on zetamac

“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”

― Thought it was Sun Tzu but it wasn't

What is a good score on zetamac

What is a good score on zetamac

I don't get this - 120 seconds and I get to do stuff like 384:6 multiple times. I tried this game 3 times and got my best score around 16. Since I teach math and I do multiplication in my head daily, 16 to your 65 seems way off.


Light workers unite, it is time to shine!

What is a good score on zetamac

What is a good score on zetamac

By carefully adjusting the starting settings so that each calculation was always 1+2 I was able to get a very high score.

Better to serve in hell than to reign in Devon...

I always mix up 7x8 and 9x6 - never know which one is 54 and which is 56

56=7*8 and doing your nines on your fingers (fold down your sixth finger and look at the rest - five fingers on the left and four on the right means the answer is 54) will help keep these from being confused.

What is a good score on zetamac

Also 5 + 4 = 9, therefore 54 must be the product of 6 x 9, not 7 x 8.

What is a good score on zetamac

Am I the only person in this thread who has watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and therefore immediately knows that 6 x 9 = 42?

What is a good score on zetamac

No. But that involves Arthur Dent who brings whole levels of weirdness to fore.


ad astra per aspera
(to the star through rough places)

What is a good score on zetamac

First attempt... 32.

What is a good score on zetamac
I'm sure I could get it higher if I started practicing everyday now, instead of being lazy. Train my brain and get it back into the highly efficient (in relative terms) calculation machine it once was.

But why would I? Hooray for shameless laziness.

What is a good score on zetamac

This is my signature. It is neither notably poetic, nor particularly elegant, but it belongs to me.

What is a good score on zetamac

I got 93 on my first try.

What is a good score on zetamac

What is a good score on zetamac

6 x 9 = 42 in base 13. Maybe that's part of the meta-joke.

What is a good score on zetamac