What is a central tendency bias error?

Central tendency bias refers to a tendency for raters, or managers to evaluate most of their employees as "average" when they apply a rating scale. So, for example, given a scale that runs with points on it that run from one (poor) to seven (excellent), with four being the average, many managers will refuse to use the points at either of the ends. There will be a tendency for almost all ratings to fall

within the 3-5 range. This can be problematic since a very poor employee may be rated slightly above average even though this rating is inaccurate, or, on the other side, a superior employee may be rated in that same 3-5 range even though he or she deserves a more excellent rating.

Shorter rating scales (e.g. those with only three points, rather than seven) tend to cause less central tendency bias, but they also become less exact.

You've probably heard managers say, "I never rate people as excellent." This is an example of central tendency bias.

Central tendency bias is a serious data collection problem. It is the tendency to not give an extreme answer, and instead pick an answer that is closer to the center of the options. Central tendency bias is often seen in things like subjective grading – teachers (or employees, or a customer’s appraisal of a product) rarely want to claim that someone has already mastered something, and so they avoid giving a perfect score for anyone. Similarly, most people rarely give completely negative scores, because they may give someone a feeling of hopelessness.

Avoiding these extreme responses makes your data less meaningful, because it groups your means closer together. Central tendency bias is also the result of having multiple questions on a survey, which has shown a tendency to cause people to choose the less extreme answers.

Tips to Avoid Central Tendency Bias

First and foremost, shortening your survey has shown the ability to reduce central tendency in the results. However, that may not be feasible, in which case you should consider the following ideas:

One idea is to force comparable ratings, rather than using a scale with the same responses on each. For example, rating a feature in terms of priority to the customer in terms of 1, 2, 3 all the way until the last priority item. Forcing people to choose a priority level means that something (or someone) is going to be ranked the “best,” thereby ensuring that two items that are unequal in value are not seen as equal as a result of this bias.

Another thing you can do is change the way your questions are asked. Often (but not always) central tendency bias occurs because the questions are seen all in a row, and cause people to eventually lose interest in the idea of giving out an extreme score. Mixing the questions up to help them appear more interesting to the person filling them out may reduce this problem.

Avoiding Central Tendency

You should be able to find out if there is a central tendency bias by testing the survey beforehand. It’s important that you discover if this bias exists so that you can take the necessary steps to stop it, because your data is only as useful as it is accurate, and if this bias persists, you are going to collect data that may not represent the respondent’s true feelings.

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Page 2

Example responses from six hypothetical observers making perceptual judgements to illustrate the potential issues around calculating sensory variability from continuous responses. In the top row are three observers who do not apply a central tendency bias to their responses, but have varying levels of sensory uncertainty (variabilities of 4, 16, and 36 degrees from left to right). In the bottom row, the observers have the same level of sensory uncertainty as the hypothetical observers above them, but also apply a central tendency bias to their responses


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