What fruit is popular in June?

What fruit is popular in June?
Strawberries fresh from the garden National Trust Images/William Shaw

June is a satisfying month for gardeners, who see the fruits of their labour from earlier on in the year.

The first spring-sown veg crops are finally ready to harvest, as are many fruits, including strawberries and raspberries. 

Whether you grow your own, visit farm shops and farmers markets or shop in supermarkets, you should find a wealth of seasonal British crops to enjoy this month.

  • Broad beans
  • Courgettes and summer squash
  • Globe artichokes
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Lettuce
  • Rocket

  • Spring onions
  • Radish
  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Baby carrots
  • Spring cabbage
  • New potatoes.

  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Currants
  • Gooseberries
  • Cherries

Quintessentially British, strawberries conjure up thoughts of picnics, tennis and are one of the simple pleasures of summer.

Although imported, strawberries are available in supermarkets for many months of the year. June is the month to eat locally grown ones, which have been ripened outside in the summer sunshine.

Growing your own strawberries allows you to try varieties that you won't find in the shops. While commercial growers favour firm fruits with a bright colour and uniform size, home gardeners can choose for flavour alone. Some of our favourites include Royal Sovereign, Gariguette and Mara des Bois.

Memorial Day kicks off the start of summer (in our minds at least), and it signals an abundance of fresh produce at farm stands, farmers' markets, and in the grocery store. In June, we see an plump red cherries-both sour and sweet-big heads of lettuce for salad, new potatoes for potato salad, and refreshing cucumbers to snack on or use to garnish a cocktail. Here, some of the most delicious fruits and vegetables that are in season this month.


These bite-sized stone fruits are one of the most exciting market finds in early summer. Sweet cherries have a short harvest season-from now until August. And although your first instinct might be to bake a cobbler, don't forget that they can do more than dessert duty. Cherries are also at home in savory dishes like salads and salsas and complement cheese and meat. Want to keep it simple? Serve them solo on a bowl of ice for the most refreshing sweet snack. The cherry on top: the juicy summer beauties are loaded with antioxidants, potassium, and fiber.

Everyone knows that sour cherries make the best pie! But that's not the only thing they bring to the table-we've got dessert and drink ideas galore for this mouth-puckering fruit. Grab them by the handful while you can; sour cherries make an even shorter appearance at the market than the sweet variety-they're only available through July. Bonus: they boast even more of the antioxidant beta-carotene than sweet cherries (and 25 times more than blueberries!).

See you later, iceberg! Now is the time to take advantage of all the wonderful, fresh lettuces at the market, from tender butter to crisp romaine to peppery arugula. They'll make you forget all about packaged salad mixes and excited to prep and toss your own. Plus, there are so many other delectable ways to eat lettuce beyond salad: throw a head on the grill, braise some greens until silky, or use leaves as wraps-you can't go wrong.

A new potato refers to any potato that is harvested early. You can find some really interesting varieties in a rainbow of hues, from white and yellow to red and purple, at farmers' markets right now. Since new potatoes are picked before the sugars have a chance to convert to starch, they tend to be crisper and waxier. Best of all, they have thin skins that don't need to be peeled, which makes them perfect for easy summertime cooking. Try preparing them every which way-boiled, roasted, mashed, grilled, you name it.

Cucumbers may not inspire the same passion as other summer vegetables like the oft-celebrated tomatoes, but we think they're the season's stealth MVP. They make the best cooling snacks to fight the summer heat and work in recipes both everyday and exotic, from soups and salads to pickles and cocktails. They're also excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. Try all the different varieties available, including English, Japanese, Kirby, Persian, and more.

June. June welcomes summer and brings a fruit-heavy harvest of apricots, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, corn, kiwi, lettuce, mangoes, peaches, strawberries, Swiss chard, watermelon, and zucchini.Click to see full answer. Also know, what foods are in season in June? Fruits and vegetables in season in June Vegetables. Garlic, asparagus, chard, carrot, cucumber, chicory, onion, green bean, broad bean, courgette flower, lettuce, early potato, nettle, tomato, pea, rhubarb, radish, rocket, celery, dandelion , courgette. Fruits. Fish. Additionally, what fruit is in season in June UK? Cherries, apricots, nectarines, peaches – it’s time for the stone fruit to shine. Also know, what fruit is good right now? List of Peak Seasons for Fruits and Veggie Winter Season. · Chestnuts. · Grapefruit. · Lemons. · Oranges. · Tangerines. · Kale. Spring Season. · Apricots. · Avocado. · Mango. · Pineapple. · Rhubarb. · Strawberries. Summer Season. · Blackberries. · Blueberries. · Nectarines. · Peaches. · Plums. · Raspberries. Fall Season. · Apples. · Cranberries. · Figs. · Grapes. · Pears. · Pomegranate. Which three fresh fruits sell the most in the summer?The Brainliest Answer! Answer: The three fresh fruits sell the most in the ‘summer’ are Cherries, blueberries, and Watermelon.

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What fruit is popular in June?

To help you on your journey, take a look at our list of what’s fresh, along with smart tips, useful tools and yummy recipes for making the most of June’s bounty.

So small (usually) yet so mighty. From bunches of basil to bundles of thyme to sprigs of mint – herbs are an easy way to add brightness, depth, and interest to virtually any dish. Chop up a mix of fresh herbs (we like thyme, mint and oregano) to add to green or grain salads, swirl the same mix in plain Greek yogurt for an easy dip or topping for potatoes, or make a homemade pesto. But don’t limit herbs to just food; we like to incorporate them into our summer cocktails, too. Got a whole bunch of herbs? Our Herb and Kale Stripping Comb quickly separates leaves from multiple stems at one time.

Blueberries and cherries abound this time of year, and while they’re perfect for straight-up snacking, they’re also equally delicious as a pop of tart-sweetness in pancakes (like these yogurt blueberry ones), atop overnight oats (our favorite combination: one part oats and one part coconut milk, put in airtight container and pop it in the fridge before bed), or starring in a not-so-humble crumble or crisp. Use a pitter for big cherries like Bings, smaller cherries like Ranier and everything in between.

Did you know there are two types of cucumbers: slicing and pickling? This time of year, your local CSA or farmer’s market should have several varieties of each including Kirby, Armenian, Persian, hothouse/English and even lemon. Sure, cucumbers are great in salads (peeled and sliced), but you can also quick pickle ‘em as a side for your next barbeque or, better yet, your next sandwich.  

Juicy fresh peaches taste of sunshine and honey, making them an easy go-to for pies, cobblers, baby purees or simply eating out of hand. When it gets too hot to bake in June, slice up peaches for a salad with spinach, red onion, cubed feta and toasted pecans. And pick up a peach pitter to make fast work of those sometimes tough-to-tug stones inside this fuzzy fruit.

These plump ovals the shade of sunset offer a heady aroma that just might make you swoon. Use a mango slicer to prep your haul and then toss the diced fruit with red pepper, scallions, lime juice and a bit of jalapeño for a zippy salsa that’s excellent atop fish. Mangos are also worthy stars in smoothies, frozen desserts and on skewers with shrimp for kebabs.

June is practically synonymous with this fragrant ruby red fruit. Serve strawberries with whipped cream and homemade shortcakes, layer them with jam in a glistening tart or slice them over your morning cereal or cup of yogurt. Easy to prep, especially when you use a nifty huller, be sure to stock up on strawberries when they hit the market and freeze some extras.

A cool creamy avocado is a thing of beauty and oh-so-versatile too. Use this scoop and smash tool for your favorite guacamole but know that this dark green beauty can go far beyond dip. Try swapping avocados for butter or even eggs in certain baking recipes, grilling halves to top your burgers and salads or tossing cubes with lump crab, grapefruit sections, chives and lemon juice for the most decadent appetizer or light lunch you’ll have all season.

Bundles of Swiss chard may be bright green or rainbow-hued (think orange-y red, pink and yellow). Dislodge sand and dirt with a quick pass through a glass salad spinner and then try this nutritional leafy green in a frittata, as a pizza topping or sautéed with garlic, golden raisins or currants and toasted pine nuts. Finish the dish with a drizzle of aged balsamic vinegar and serve it with grilled chicken.

Sugar Snap Peas

They’re sweet, they snap, and they’re a treat. Although you can munch them raw or cooked, you will need to remove the string that runs along their side—or else you’ll unintentionally floss with each bite. Sugar snaps are a welcome addition to chopped salads, lightly steamed and tossed with olive oil, sea salt and fresh herbs and even as a vehicle for the herbed yogurt dip you’re making.


It’s prime time to bake with rhubarb. Try making a pie filling or rhubarb preserves by cooking it down. Rhubarb is intensely tart, so don’t forget to add sugar to offset it.  Or try our deliciously refreshing rhubarb-strawberry mocktail to cool down.

Wondering what else will be in season soon? These fruits and veggies hit their peak in August. Plus, try throwing some fruit on the grill this summer.

    What fruit is popular in June?

    Cooking & Baking

    What fruit is popular in June?

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    What fruit is popular in June?

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    What fruit is popular in June?

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