What fruit has most fiber

Getting your fill of fiber can seem tough, especially if you’re not in the mood for vegetables. But did you know popcorn has fiber? Keep reading for more high-fiber foods that you’ll actually want to eat

What fruit has most fiber

Lentils and other beans are an easy way to sneak fiber into your diet in soups, stews and salads. Some beans, like edamame (which is a steamed soy bean), are even a great fiber-filled snack.1 There are 9 grams of fiber in a half-cup serving of shelled edamame.1 A bonus? All of these provide a source of plant protein, too.2 Some bakers have even started including beans or bean flours in their baked goods, which research suggests can still make quality cakes.3

What fruit has most fiber

This veggie can get pigeonholed as the fiber vegetable. Its cruciferous nature—meaning it’s from the Brassica genus of plants along with cauliflower, cabbage and kale—makes it rich in many nutrients in addition to fiber.4 Studies have shown that broccoli’s 5 grams of fiber per cup can positively support the bacteria in the gut, which may help your gut stay healthy and balanced.5, 6

What fruit has most fiber

Berries get a lot of attention for their antioxidants, but they’re full of fiber, too. Just a cup of fresh blueberries can give you almost 4 grams of fiber, and there is nearly the same amount of fiber in a cup of frozen unsweetened blueberries.7 Blackberries, strawberries and raspberries are also great sources of fiber.8 Of course, one of the biggest benefits of berries is that they’re naturally low in calories, too.9

What fruit has most fiber

Avocados pretty much go with everything—toast, salads, entrees, eggs—and while they’re often recognized for their hefty dose of healthy fats, there are 10 grams of fiber in one cup of avocado (so just imagine how much is in your guacamole).10

What fruit has most fiber

There’s one gram of fiber in one cup of popcorn, and the snack (when natural and not covered in butter, like at the movies) is a whole grain that can satiate cravings with a hit of fiber.11 It’s even been called the King of Snack Foods.12

What fruit has most fiber

Good news for bread lovers: Real whole grains, found in 100% whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and oats, have fiber.13, 14, 15 One tip to watch out for: as required by The Food and Drug Administration, whole grains should be the first ingredient on a food package in order for it to be considered a real whole grain.13, 14

What fruit has most fiber

That old saying that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” isn’t necessarily true, according to research, but the fruit can boost your fiber intake.16 There are about 4 grams of fiber in an apple, depending on its size. And, of course, they’re a nice and crunchy snack.

What fruit has most fiber

Dried fruits like figs, prunes and dates can boost your fiber intake dramatically and are recommended for those struggling with occasional constipation.17 The sugar called sorbitol, which naturally occurs in these fruits, can help your bowels and lead to more comfort.17 However, eating too many can lead to cramping or diarrhea, so try a small serving and see how you feel once you’ve digested them, before noshing on too many more.17

What fruit has most fiber

Sweet potatoes, red potatoes, purple potatoes and even the plain old white potato are all good sources of fiber; one small potato with skin can provide close to 3 grams of fiber.18 The veggie has a bad reputation for running in the wrong crowds—fries and chips, to name a few. However, when not fried in oil and slathered in salt, potatoes can provide many benefits.19

What fruit has most fiber

Nuts aren’t just a great source of protein and healthy fats—sunflower seeds and almonds each have more than 3 grams of fiber in a serving. They can help you reach the 25-gram intake of fiber recommended by the FDA for women and 38-gram recommendation for men.22, 23* Raw or dry-roasted nuts are preferred over the pre-packaged variety (which are usually cooked in oils that can add extra, unnecessary calories.)24 Even nut butters can pack a punch of fiber.25

*According to the Institute of Medicine, it is recommended that, in adults 50 or younger, women should consume 25 grams of fiber daily and men 38 grams. In adults 51 or older, women should consume 21 grams of fiber daily and men 30 grams.

What fruit has most fiber

You may be trying to increase your intake of fiber for its digestive and overall health benefits. Eating more fresh, whole fruit is a great way to do so. But what fruits are highest in fiber?

Passion fruit has the highest amount of fiber among 33 popular varieties of fruit. It has 10.4 grams of fiber in a 100-gram serving (about 3/4 cup). That’s over 13 times more fiber than watermelon, which is the fruit with the least amount of fiber per serving at 0.8 grams.

Kumquat and Raspberries are tied for having the second-highest levels of fiber among the fruit types tested at 6.5 grams each per serving.

Read on for a table of fruits in alphabetical order, and then a second table where the fruits are ranked in order of fiber content from highest to lowest.

What fruit has most fiber

What fruit has most fiber

(100 grams)
Apple (Honeycrisp)1.7
Apple (Granny Smith)2.6
Honeydew Melon0.8
Passion Fruit10.4
Table of Total Dietary Fiber For Many Popular Fruits in Alphabetical Order

Source: USDA Food Data Central

Fruit In Order From Highest to Lowest Fiber

(100 grams)
Passion Fruit10.4
Apple (Granny Smith)2.6
Apple (Honeycrisp)1.7
Honeydew Melon0.8
Table of Total Dietary Fiber For Many Popular Fruits in Order From Highest to Lowest

Source: USDA Food Data Central

Health Benefits of Fruit Fiber

Fiber’s benefits include reducing the risk of diabetes, colon cancer and obesity, and others1,2.

Fruit is an especially healthy way to get your fiber. The list of benefits of fruit fiber supported by research is long, and is discussed in a retrospective article published in the journal Nutrients3:

  • Protecting colonic gastrointestinal health (e.g., constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases, and diverticular disease)
  • Promoting long-term weight management
  • Reducing risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Reducing risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  • Defending against colorectal and lung cancers
  • Improving odds of successful aging
  • Reducing the severity of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Enhancing psychological well-being and lowering the risk of depression
  • Contributing to higher bone mineral density in children and adults
  • Reducing risk of seborrheic dermatitis
  • Helping to attenuate autism spectrum disorder severity

Why is Fruit Fiber Beneficial; How Does It Work?

What fruit has most fiber

Science is still learning how fruit fiber benefits us, but here are just some of the potential hypotheses (also from the retrospective article):

  • Higher fiber intake is associated with a healthier gut biome, which leads to many positive effects
    • Lower fruit intake is associated with higher BMI and the gut bacteria associated with obesity
    • As the article says: “The combination of fruit fiber such as pectin and polyphenol components can influence the colonic microbiota ecosystem to increase the number of bacterial phyla Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria, which are predominant in lean individuals and decrease the prevalence of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, which are dominant in obese individuals.”
    • Certain bacteria help tamp down the inflammation that is associated withy many chronic diseases
  • Whole fruit can reduce the appetite for foods throughout the day
    • Gelling fibers like pectin in fruit reduces appetite and reduces energy intake
    • Whole fruit slows gastric empying more than juice, cookies or potato chips, and prolongs the feeling of fullness
    • Calorie/lipid absorption may be diminished
  • Eating the pectin in whole fruits can lower total and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels and other cardiometabolic risk factors.
    • The primary mechanism is related to increased fruit fiber bulking, reducing the efficiency of bile acid reabsorption leading to increased uptake of circulatory LDL-C by the liver to compensate for reduced availability of bile acids
    • Fruit fiber has been associated with lowered blood pressure more so than cereal or vegetable fiber
    • Attenuating elevated systemic inflammation and LDL-oxidation risk
  • Whole fruits help to lower risk of metabolic syndrome risk because of their low energy density, high fiber to total carbohydrate ratios, and high content of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory vitamins (C and E) and phytochemicals (polyphenols and carotenoids)
  • Fiber promotes the healthy microbiota that reduce tumorigenic inflammation, carcinogen production, and altered cellular responses in susceptible individuals
  • Fiber from fruit has been linked to increased telomere length

Summing it Up

All fruit is healthy for you, and eating any fruit on this list is better than not eating fruit at all. But if you want your choice of fruit to be driven by fiber, passion fruit has the highest amount. Raspberries or kumquats are a great choice among the more everyday varieties of fruits.


You may also be interested in which fruits have the lowest sugar and lowest carbs (they aren’t the same); find out here.

Find out what the healthiest nut is here.

Learn about the healthiest salad green variety here.


1 Birt, D. F., Boylston, T., Hendrich, S., Jane, J. L., Hollis, J., Li, L., McClelland, J., Moore, S., Phillips, G. J., Rowling, M., Schalinske, K., Scott, M. P., & Whitley, E. M. (2013). Resistant starch: promise for improving human health. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 4(6), 587–601. https://doi.org/10.3945/an.113.004325.

2 Nugent, A. P. (2005). Health properties of resistant starch. Nutrition Bulletin, 320 30(1), 27-54.

3 Dreher M. L. (2018). Whole Fruits and Fruit Fiber Emerging Health Effects. Nutrients, 10(12), 1833. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10121833.

USDA Food Data Central

link to Highest-Fiber Whole-Grain Hot Cereals, with Gluten-Free Guide.
link to PersonaLabs: A Direct-to-Consumer Lab Review