What foods make your penis grow

Foods to increase penis size are always one of the biggest priorities of those men who are looking to enhance the length and girth of the penis. As you already know, we can achieve the good penis size only when we have followed a strategic method which includes the combination of penis enlargement exercises, foods and life cares, we have focused on pointing out the best foods that can help one to achieve the bigger penis size. These foods supplement the penis organ, balances the testosterone levels, work for rejuvenation and enhance the muscles capacity. We have tried to include only those foods in the list which are easily available in the market. Let`s start with the list…

1. Bananas

You might have heard that banana is good for health to gain weight or banana is good for the betterment of digestion but it might be a new proposition for you. The benefit of banana in building the appearance of the penis is also been proven in various studies. Banana is one of those few fruits which have multiple benefits. It contains various vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B6, Manganese, Vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium, Folate, Vitamin A, etc.

The regular consumption of banana regulates the high blood pressure, controls cholesterol, improves blood flow, energize the penile organ muscles and also help in increasing the testosterone levels. Besides boosting the penis muscles to gain size, it also increases the capacity of penis muscles for endured erections which reduces the possibility of erectile dysfunction. Banana improves the blood flow and removes the blockages, which also benefits in maintain the youth of skin. To ensure the benefit, take two bananas in the morning every day. The main known benefits of this food, if you are in the habit of eating two bananas a day are;

  • Control of Blood Pressure
  • Fewer chances of Asthma
  • Fewer chances of cancer
  • Maintains Heart health
  • Helps in Erectile dysfunction
  • Controls Diabetes
  • Maintains Digestive functionality
  • Improves memory capacity and activity

2. Onions

Onion, a very general food which some people use to make food while some keep the distance for the fear of bad mouth smell. Whatever the case is. If you want to increase penis size by food, then bring onion in your food menu. Here we are talking about raw onion. When you fry it to make food, half of its benefits are lost. Use it in its raw state, with food as salad, or just take the full spoon juice of onion, with honey. Onion is beneficial in many ways. Besides working to increase the blood flow, this food helps in removing the blood clotting. It is the direct trigger for testosterone boost.

An onion a day can help significantly in removing the erectile dysfunction issue. This food is also known for its anti-bacterial properties. So far the penis size is concerned, onion works to increase the blood flow to the penis and incite testosterone levels which works in the penile organ to expand the size of blood cells. The expansion in blood cells result in increased size and stronger erection. Here one thing to note is that it does not happen in a day or a week. The impact comes over a period of time naturally.

3. Salmon

Salmon is another healthy food to include in the menu. It is a non-veg food. Salmon is a kind of fish which is very popular in western culture. It is a very beneficial food for various issues like treatment of osteoarthritis and joint conditions, reducing the risk of depression, improving cardiovascular health, good source of Vitamin D, prevention of cell damage, etc. This fish is also good because of its low mercury levels. Though, due to increasing trend of farming fish has invited the use of various types of artificial chemicals. So, it is better to consume the organically grown fish as possible.

Salmon is rich in Omega 3 vitamin which is important for body but is not produced by the body itself. So, this fish supplements the need of this and various other elements like Vitamin D, Vitamin C, minerals, etc. Owing to its rich and multiple benefits ability, this food gains the number three position in our top foods to gain penis size. As it has the direct impact on the heart health and mental health, the food promotes the performance of penis as well.

4. Honey

Those who want to increase penis size and erection power, should also consume honey on daily basis. Now, there is no denying the fact that honey is one of those very few eatables that provide major benefits in different body issues. Owing to its powerful natural properties to heal, honey is widely used in various Ayurvedic and Natural medicines. Besides, there are numerous ways to take honey to bring the different types of effect. From being a quick energy supplement, it has a wide range of impacts like eyesight improvement, weight gain/loss benefits, strengthening of immunity system, prevention of heart disease, etc. Different methods of its consumption are exercised to reduce gastrointestinal disorders, anti-bacterial and anti- fungal benefit, reduce cough and throat irritation, regulate blood sugar, heal wound and burns and improve skin youth.

So far the penis health is concerned, the honey helps in boosting the amount of testosterone which is direct trigger for improving the erection quality. The daily consumption of honey can help in gaining the improvement in size as it helps in maintaining the body process and penis health.

5. Eggs

Most of us use eggs in making different dishes or eat in boiled state. But only those men, who go to gym, take it on regular basis. And an egg gives best results when included in every day eating menu. After knowing the benefits of an egg in the morning, you surely will go for it daily. An egg is a very rich source of proteins and several vitamins, which makes it a must have food.

One should understand that our body is a complex bio-machine. While some elements work directly, there are half of the processes and functions that work indirectly to bring the desired results. Same goes for penis health and appearance. There are many foods that could work directly or indirectly on this complex and tender part to increase the penis size or improve penis efficiency. Using these foods strengthens the penis muscles and desired results can be achieved.

Like Eggs, all the mentioned foods work for the same mission. Besides protein, eggs also contain a good amount of Vitamin A, Folate, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Phosphorus, Selenium, and also decent amount of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Calcium and Zinc. Eggs also benefit in the proper secretion of testosterone. It is one of the most rated foods to increase penis size and while bringing other impacts.

6. Chicken

Chicken is also a major food to gain weight but do you know that it is also a great food to increase the penis size and erection power. Though it is a food only for those people who have no problem in Non-Veg, we had to include this in the list of best foods to increase penis size due its durable impact on the penile organ. Chicken has the direct impact on the efficiency of the penis. It contains Niacin, which is a vasodilator and is used in various penis enlarging medicines. Those who can, should eat chicken at least twice a week. It is good from both aspects, health-wise and penis-wise.

7. Nuts and Seeds

As we have mentioned the non-veg food, it was necessary to come up with a veg food item. And at number seven, there can`t be any other good item to list than nuts and seeds. Nuts like Almond and Peanuts, and seeds like pumpkin seeds are very helpful in maintaining the penis health by improving the blood flow and strengthening the muscles. And when the penis health is maintained, the efforts to increase the penis size like penis exercises, use of penis extender, etc. will surely bring the fruitful results. Nuts are a very good medium to help increase penis size because they are light for stomach, small to carry, affordable, tasty, full of nutrients and benefit in numerous ways.

8. Mango

A very delicious and extremely beneficial fruit. Just one negative point. It is not available the whole year. Mango is one of those penis enlargement foods which are rated in the high beneficiary list. Due to its rich nutritional impact and supreme taste, the fruit is recommended by doctors and sexologists alike. Mango helps in the some major issues of body like lowering cholesterol, improving skin feel, improving eye health, alkalizing the whole body, improving digestion, fighting heat stroke, boosting immune system and also preventing the chances of various types of cancer.

So far the penis health is concerned, mango is good source of Vitamin E which directly impacts on the health and appearance of the penis. Mango contains high amount of calories, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Copper, Potassium and Magnesium. These elements work as antioxidant, immune booster, hormones producer, production of red blood cells and enzymes, etc.

9. Watermelon

Though it is a seasonal fruit just like mango, one should make full use of it. Watermelon contains citrulline which converts into Arginine after reaching into body. Arginine is well-known amino acid which works in the penis organ to increase the penis size and girth. Arginine is also used in many penis enlargement medicines owing to its direct impact. So while you can, eat this fruit as much as you can. Besides benefitting in the penis appearance, the fruit is also a good source of other various minerals and helps in improving the blood flow.

10. Spinach

There is a great possibility that you don’t like spinach or don’t eat it often. But after you will learn that this is very good food to increase the penis size and efficiency, you will surely start loving it. Spinach contains high amount of zinc and good amount of niacin which are found extremely beneficial in building up the penis muscles and blood flow to the penis. Niacin is also used in the formulation of penis enlarging medicines.

It also contains a good amount of Protein, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Thiamin, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Copper and Manganese. The collateral impact of such elements brings the rejuvenation impact on the penis appearance and solves the mystery of how to increase penis size using foods.

11. Figs and Raisins

The combination of these two can help you stay out of various serious issues. Also, these two are a very good source of energy which helps in gaining weight. When it comes to penis enlargement foods, figs and raisins always make their place in the list. The reason is in its elements. Figs and raisins contain high amount of organic amino acid which is the very beneficial source to increase sexual stamina and libido.

The method of consumption is very simple. Just put the 3-4 figs and 7-8 raisins in a bowl of fresh water in the night and eat it in the morning. Remember to eat it before breakfast. Also, you can include it various sweet dishes. These two contain minerals, fibers and Vitamins A, B1 & B2, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium and potassium. Not only for penis enlargement schedule, figs and raisins are also used in curing erectile dysfunction issue as well.

Additional perks:

Some other foods and eatables that are beneficial in building the penis size and health are as follows; 

  • Low fat yogurt – Contains high amount of lean protein which is mainly used in penis enlarging medicines.
  • Dairy products – Milk, Cheese, Butter, Ghee. Good for whole body activity. Creates energy and supplements in various ways.
  • Dark Chocolate – A moderate amount, once or twice a week.
  • Pomegranates – As a juice or as a fruit, both are beneficial. Helps in producing the blood and strengthens penile organ.
  • Garlic – High in allicin, it helps in better blood flow and better erection.
  • Zinc containing foods – Foods like Sea food, beans, sunflower seed, liver, etc.
  • Vegetables that work – Potatoes, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Carrots

So, these are the main foods to increase penis size that you should include in your diet plan if you are looking for how to increase penis size naturally. Kindly note that these foods alone can`t do wonder. If you want ground results with a noticeable difference, then you should combine it with penis enlargement exercises and natural penis enlargement medicine.

For any query, suggestion, doubt or question, you can simply comment below. We are all ears for your opinions.


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