What foods cause pimples

According to MacGregor, "Any refined, white, sugar, or grain-based food (pasta, white bread, desserts, juice, or soda) are foods that are high on the glycemic index and therefore, release sugar into the bloodstream—followed by a crash. This wreaks havoc on our bodies, causes skin damage (and damage to other body systems), triggers inflammation, and worsens acne, rosacea, and other skin disorders."

What to eat instead: Whole foods. If you want to see if it might work for you, she recommends doing a 60-day trial. As to what you should be incorporating into your diet, MacGregor suggests eating whole, real foods (e.g. fish, meat, eggs, root, and green vegetables). Celebrity esthetician Shani Darden agrees: "In general, sticking to whole, unprocessed foods is better for overall health which will also help to keep your skin glowing." Shapiro backs up these whole food health claims, stating: "Whole foods are not processed, provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which help to protect our skin and to promote health. Additionally, many whole foods provide fats to keep our skin moist, fiber to help remove toxins from the body and proteins to help repair the skin. By remaining unprocessed and not packaged whole foods 'come as they are' and our bodies digest and use them for energy much more efficiently. (Before beginning any kind of change to your daily nutritional intake and for more serious skin conditions, be sure to consult a doctor).

As a healthier alternative, MacGregor tells her acne-prone patients to get their carbs elsewhere, namely, "from gluten-free oats, sweet potato or squash, and quinoa."

While no foods have been proven to cause pimples directly, there are foods that make you break out. “Does chocolate give you pimples?” is a common question and recent studies suggest that it’s the sugar, not the cocoa, in chocolate that’s to blame for break outs. While no foods have been proven to cause pimples directly, there are foods that make you break out.

Author: Dr. Bobby Buka

Ever wake up in the morning to an unsightly pimple? We’ve all been there. No matter your age, acne can flare up when you least expect and be the cause of much embarrassment. Whether you’re heading to an important job interview, getting ready for a hot date or even just meeting friends for a night out – it’s the last thing you want to see in the mirror. Despite many years of debate, recent studies prove that what you eat can play a significant role in the health and appearance of your skin with certain foods that can increase the frequency of your acne breakouts by as much as 10%. Although there are some great acne treatments out there, it’s also important to be aware of some of the primary acne-causing foods that are best to avoid!

What foods cause pimples

Milk and Acne

Dairy products, specifically milk, are thought to contribute to the severity of your acne symptoms due to the bovine hormones that remain bioavailable with ingestion. Although you may consider a good alternative to whole milk would be to drink skim milk – this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the milk proteins that are added to skim milk to make it taste less watery, such as whey and casein, have been tied to causing further inflammation. It’s often thought to be why bodybuilders that use whey protein drinks as a workout supplement suffer acne on their body.

Milk may be hard to cut out entirely as it’s in a significant amount of the foods we eat daily, however cutting down is a great start! There are many alternatives available in most supermarkets, such as almond or even cashew milk. The options are out there, all you have to do is find one you love!

Alcohol and Acne

A drink to celebrate a special occasion or a glass of wine with dinner is always a treat, however, consuming alcohol in large quantities can alter your hormone levels. Although alcohol has not been proven to impact our acne directly, when we drink, it usually creates an imbalance in estrogen or testosterone levels, which are a major factor in the frequency and severity of breakouts. When hormone levels are increased, our skin produces a substance called sebum which clogs our pores with oil and bacteria, eventually causing painful breakouts. Binge drinking can also wreak havoc on our immune systems which usually help fight off any bacteria causing ac

ne as well as other common viruses. Of course you should always drink in moderation, but for those who are more prone to breakouts than others, keep drinking to a minimum.

Sugar and Acne

For those of you with a sugar tooth, unfortunately, it’s true that sugar and foods high on the glycemic index are a major contributor to your acne breakouts. Essentially, foods with high sugar content cause your body’s insulin levels to spike. This extreme overdose of insulin increases the production of oils in the skin, which lead to your follicles and pores clogging up with sebum – as mentioned earlier. Alongside the Inflammatory effects that are caused by a spike in insulin, this creates the ideal environment for P. Acnes bacteria to thrive, triggering a nasty breakout. If you can’t say goodbye to dessert, the best workaround is to cut down the quantity of high sugar foods. A few bites are all you need to sate your inkling for something sweet after dinner, and you’ll avoid that dreaded insulin spike.

Fast Food and Acne

We all know fast food isn’t the best for us. It’s the culprit for a growing number of health concerns, and for all the same reasons stated above, fast food should be on the off-limits list for your skin too. Usually comprised of french fries, hamburgers, pizza and all other grease filled finger food – the high saturated fats and processed ingredients can completely throw off your hormonal balance and blood sugar levels. If you have a craving for your favorite fast food, try making your own version at home. Swap baked for fried potatoes and opt for white meat instead of red in your burger.

Chocolate and Acne

Our dear old friend chocolate has long had a bad rap as the leading cause for all our unsightly blemishes. However, the good news for all the chocolate lovers out there is that cacao in its raw form has been proven to have no impact on your acne breakouts. In fact, raw cacao is packed with vitamins A, C, E and zinc which are all highly beneficial for your skin. It’s actually the dairy and sugar often mixed in with most candy bars and desserts that have linked chocolate to a severe case of acne. So next time you reach for a chocolate bar, try opting for high percentage dark chocolate or snackable cacao nibs as a treat. Avoid milk or white chocolate, which are mostly made up of all the ingredients that will lead to inflammation and agitate your acne.

It’s important to remember that food isn’t the enemy; it can actually be the solution when you eat the right foods! Incorporating foods that fight acne into your diet, like flax seeds or fish oils, can have an anti-inflammatory and protective effect. A healthy meal plan that includes lots of whole grains, green vegetables and plenty of water can make a real difference in your skin.

What foods cause pimples

Keep in mind the above are general guidelines. If you have a food that makes your skin flare up, just because it’s not in one of the above categories, it’s likely a trigger for your acne. We are all made of a unique combination of chemicals and hormones, so it’s always good form to keep track of what you’re eating and how it affects your body.

Medically Reviewed by Debra Jaliman, MD on August 27, 2021

What foods cause pimples

Food alone doesn’t cause acne -- or prevent it. Your genes, lifestyle, and what you eat all play a role in the condition. But some foods may make it worse, while others help your skin stay healthy. Scientists need to do more research to know how specific foods really affect the condition. But they have looked at a few possible triggers so far.  

What foods cause pimples

The more milk you drink, the more likely you are to have acne -- especially if it’s skim milk. Scientists are still trying to figure out why, but it could be the hormones that cows make when they are pregnant, which wind up in their milk. People who have higher levels of those hormones in their blood tend to have more acne.

What foods cause pimples

You’re more likely to have acne if your diet is full of foods and drinks like soda, white bread, white rice, and cake. The sugar and carbohydrates in these foods tend to get into your blood really quickly. That means they are high on the glycemic index, a measure of how foods affect blood sugar. When your body makes more insulin to bring down blood sugar, it affects other hormones that can boost oil production in your skin.

What foods cause pimples

A few small studies show that people who eat more chocolate are more likely to get pimples. But it’s not clear why. The key ingredient, cocoa, doesn’t seem to be the reason. In one study, people who ate chocolate with 10 times more cocoa were no more likely to get pimples than those who ate the regular kind. Dark chocolate, with less sugar and milk, may be a better choice if you’re trying to control your acne.  

What foods cause pimples

People who eat a lot of fiber may see their acne improve. But doctors don’t know the exact reason. They do know that high-fiber diets can help control blood sugar, which is better for keeping acne away. Oatmeal, beans, apples, and carrots are easy ways to add a bit of fiber to your diet.

What foods cause pimples

This fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids. They lower inflammation in your body, and that may help keep acne away. They also help lower the amount of a protein your body makes, called IGF-1, that is linked to acne. 

What foods cause pimples

People with acne often have low levels of antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium, which almonds, peanuts, and Brazil nuts have a lot of. These nutrients protect cells from damage and infections. There’s no clear proof that antioxidants will clear up acne, but they are good for your body in other ways. So there’s no harm in adding them to your diet. Just don’t overdo it: about 24 almonds or three or four Brazil nuts is all you need. 

What foods cause pimples

They’ve got lots of zinc, a nutrient that’s important for your skin. Among other things, it may help kill bacteria that cause certain kinds of acne. It also appears to help the body stop making chemicals that can cause inflammation -- something else that’s linked to acne. Too much zinc can cause health problems, though. Adults shouldn’t get more than 40 milligrams a day. 

What foods cause pimples

Whether you eat it in a sushi roll, in a salad, or on its own as a salty snack, it’s a great source of iodine, which your thyroid gland needs to work properly. But too much iodine at once can make you break out. Most adults need 150 micrograms a day, though pregnant and breastfeeding women need more. If you eat a balanced diet, it’s hard to get too much. Along with seaweed, you can get iodine from foods like fish, dairy products, and iodized salt.

What foods cause pimples

It’s a common myth, but eating greasy foods won’t cause acne or make it worse. If you spend a lot of time cooking it, though, you may notice more trouble with your skin. That’s because the oil from a deep fryer or other source can stick to and clog your hair follicles.   

What foods cause pimples

It’s often easy to manage your acne at home, but some cases are more serious. If you don’t see a difference with careful skin care, changes in diet, and over-the-counter treatments, you should talk with your doctor. They may refer you to a dermatologist. Early treatment can help your confidence and prevent scarring.