What dog is the most difficult to train

By Sonja Hollaender

Do you have a nerve dog at home, or is your dog’s breed particularly difficult to train?

You can overpower disobedient dog breeds, like Jack Russell Terriers, with consistent training. © 123RF / alexeitm

A mean puppy can be frustrating, but very endearing.

Chihuahuas, for example, are considered charming by many dog ​​fans precisely because of their stubborn behavior, coupled with their cute appearance and small stature.

However, when it comes to dog training, a disobedient dog can be quite overwhelming.

It’s important to remember that too much stubbornness in man’s best friend can lead to dangerous situations. For example, if the dog gets lost in traffic and refuses to respond to commands, it can impact the safety of your puppy and your family.

So, be careful when choosing a dog breed and make sure that it has an energy level that you can handle.

TAG24 introduces the five dog breeds that can generally pose the biggest challenges for owners.

What are the most difficult dog breeds to train?

The five most difficult dog breeds to train at a glance:

  • dachshunds
  • Chihuahuas
  • Afghans
  • Bulldogs
  • Chow chows

You must be able to deal with disobedient dog breeds

Pet owners shouldn’t invest time and money in a dog if they don’t have the patience required. Any breed of dog can become a disobedient dog if the necessary education is lacking.

In addition, it is important to educate a dog from the start and not leave it completely to the typical behaviors of its breed. In other words: “This dog breed is just disobedient, there is nothing I can do about it”, will not be helpful,

If you don’t have the time to educate your dog or take special dog training if needed, it is best to go with a single dog breed. Therefore, a look at the following list of particularly disobedient dog breeds will help point you in the right direction.

What dog is the most difficult to train

Owners should start with education as a puppy, so that dogs don’t become cheeky rascals! © unsplash / Daniël Maas


Dachshunds have a reputation for being incredibly stubborn. In fact, they are often very stubborn and do not always listen to commands.

While it can be exhausting for owners at times, there is actually one very positive quality behind it: their independence.

Dachshunds were bred for hunting, which means their notorious stubbornness has its perks too. When hunting in rabbit, fox and badger burrows or picking up tracks in woods and meadows, they must be able to act and work independently.

Anyone who invests in a dachshund as a pet should be aware of the little rascal’s energy level and provide the dog with sufficient exercise and mentally stimulating games. Anyone who can challenge and encourage this breed, and be consistent in their education, will have a very loyal dog as a companion.

It’s a similar case with Beagles, Jack Russells, and Bloodhounds: they were also bred for hunting and can be overly stubborn.


Chihuahuas are one of the less easy dogs to train. This little boy has a lot of noise in his head. Listening to an owner can seem quite boring to the Chihuahua. Owners who don’t quickly set limits with this breed can quickly find themselves with a rowdy, raging fluff ball by their side.

Chihuahuas may seem cute, but they need loving discipline and very consistent training. Like dachshunds, they are very curious, bright, and have a lot of energy. They should be mentally challenged with games and tricks.

Chihuahuas can be quite disobedient, but will quickly be on the right track with active training. If you give the animal lots of attention and love, you will be rewarded with a very active, funny and sweet little guy.

What dog is the most difficult to train

Chihuahuas have no place in your purse, they belong in the open! With the right encouragement and the right environment, they can be obedient and loving companions. © 123RF / nekonoazarashi


With an Afghan as a companion, it will take a lot of persistence.

Afghans and many other greyhounds are quite tough and extremely stubborn. As a result, they are often mistakenly labeled as idiots, which is not entirely correct.

Have a good reward system in place – hugs and petting usually aren’t enough. Instead, use treats to practice and guide you.

But beware: too much of the tasty motivation is reflected in the animal’s weight, so always keep the treats in moderation.

Mentally stimulating games are also great for this graceful dog.


Bulldogs also belong to the disobedient dog breeds.

Their stubbornness manifests itself in different ways. Some run away as if bitten by a monkey as soon as they are released. Others push their owners to the brink of madness through their inertia or even their total refusal to budge. Laying down in the middle of a walk and not moving a muscle is a common sight for stubborn bulldogs when they no longer feel like walking.

Fortunately, you can get a good idea of ​​Bulldogs’ stubbornness if you train with them often and entice them with a reward. The important thing is to be patient.

As with Afghans (or all dogs), be careful not to give too many treats, especially because of Bulldogs’ large, bulbous bodies.

What dog is the most difficult to train

Bulldogs can seem a little lazy at times. In order for them to be obedient, you have to patiently train and motivate them. © Unsplash / Rebecca Hobbs

Chow chows

The Big Fluffy Chow Chow looks like a giant, harmless teddy bear, but can demand a lot from you.

This breed of dog is very stubborn and likes to set its own rules. They are not always obedient, which makes dog training difficult.

In addition, they do not always want to cuddle, even if their owners want it. Chow Chows are sometimes known to refuse hugs and go wild.

Chow Chow owners must accept the nature of these animals and give them free space. At the same time, train hard at the controls, reward them directly after the orders are executed and always stay consistent.

Those unfamiliar with this breed will quickly realize how stubborn this rather disobedient dog can be.

Disobedient Dogs Need More Attention

Basically, you can achieve great results with your pet with the right training, no matter how obedient or disobedient a breed of dog’s nature is.

However, the work should not be underestimated. Be aware that some dogs need more attention and consistency than others, and therefore need more time and patience to lead safe and happy lives.

If these breeds seem too picky, choose a four-legged friend this may be more “low maintenance”. Good formation !

Cover photo: 123RF / alexeitm

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