What does mold on blueberries look like

Last Updated on May 16, 2022 by Zara R.

Blueberries are one of the most delicious and healthy fruits, making them a popular choice. If you have blueberries in your fridge, you will want to know how to tell if blueberries are bad. In order to keep them fresh for as long as possible, it is important to properly store them.

Blueberries not only taste great on their own, but also in muffins, bread, cakes, pies, pancakes, and cheesecakes. Though their peak season is in summer, you will likely be able to find them year-round in the grocery store. However, once you buy them you only have a limited time to eat them while they are still fresh.

How Long Do Blueberries Last?

How long are blueberries good for depends greatly on how they are stored. Blueberries are highly perishable, so they will generally only last 7-14 days in the fridge.

They can be kept at room temperature on the counter for one day, however, any longer than that and they will begin to go bad. They are sensitive to temperature, so avoid keeping them on your counter if your house is warm.

How to tell if a blueberry is bad

There are many different ways to tell if your blueberries have gone bad. If your blueberries are mushy, soft, or are discolored, it is best to just toss them out. If there is any mold on them, if they are slimy or have an off smell or taste, you will want to get rid of them.

Remove any moldy blueberries from the container as soon as you see them, as the mold can spread quickly. In addition, if you notice that your blueberries are leaking juices, it may be a sign that they are going bad, so it is best to just get rid of them.

How To Properly Store Them

It is vital that you properly store blueberries in order to keep them as fresh for as long as possible. Store your blueberries in the fridge so they are in a cool environment away from heat and humidity. Though you can keep them in the container they came in, you can also store them in a plastic container with ventilation or a produce bag.

Having a container with ventilation as air circulation will help keep them fresh. In addition, adding a paper towel to the container can help absorb any excess moisture.

You can store them in an airtight plastic or glass container, but it is best to have some air holes in the container. Avoid storing them in metal containers as this may affect their flavor.

You will want to avoid storing them in the crisper or the coldest part of the fridge, as the humidity levels are higher in these areas. Before storing them, be sure to check for any bad berries in order to prevent contamination.

Though it is important to wash your fruit before eating it, wait to wash it until you are ready to eat it. Too much moisture can cause your blueberries to go bad quickly. Moisture can cause bacteria and mold to grow on your blueberries, especially if there isn’t enough air circulation.

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Can you freeze blueberries?

Freezing blueberries is a great way to store them if you won’t be able to eat them all before they go bad or want to have them on hand all year round. They can last for six to eight months in the freezer when properly stored. They freeze well and can be eaten as a snack or added to different foods.

Before you freeze them, wash them with cold water and then pat them dry with a paper towel. It is important to thoroughly dry them off.

To freeze your blueberries, place them in a single layer on a baking tray and then place that tray in the fridge. Allow the berries to freeze for two hours and then remove the berries from the fridge. Place them in a Ziploc bag or in an airtight container and return them to the freezer.

For some recipes, such as smoothies or milkshakes, you can add the blueberries in while they are still frozen. You can also eat frozen blueberries as a snack or let them thaw at room temperature for half an hour to an hour.

Health Benefits

Blueberries are one of the healthiest fruits you can buy at supermarkets. They are easy to incorporate into your diet as they have a sweet and tasty flavor.

They are a low-calorie food that is packed full of beneficial nutrients. These delicious berries contain lots of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese.

Blueberries are also one of the best food to get antioxidants from. In fact, they have the highest antioxidant levels of all commonly grown fruits and vegetables.

They are even able to help lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, maintain brain function, improve memory and potentially protect against aging in cancer. In addition, scientists also think that they can help fight urinary tract infections and help reduce muscle stress after intense workouts.

How To Tell If Blueberries Are Bad And The Benefits Of This Tasty Fruit

Though blueberries are one of the most popular and healthy fruit, they do not have a long shelf life. If you notice that they are moldy, mushy, soft, discolored, or have an off taste or smell, you will want to throw them away. Be sure to check your blueberries as soon as you buy them and remove any bad berries to prevent contamination of the good ones.

To keep your blueberries as fresh as possible for the longest, store them in the fridge in a container with small air holes to allow for ventilation. In addition, putting a paper towel in the container can help absorb moisture. Be sure to wait to wash them until right before you plan to eat them or bake with them.

Do you have any questions regarding how to tell if blueberries are bad? If so, please ask any questions regarding the freshness of blueberries and how to properly store them in the comment section below.

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A bad blueberry is easy to spot by its mushy texture, discoloration, bruising, or mold. Mushy or bruised blueberries can be salvaged by using them to make preserves or jam. However, moldy or discolored blueberries are rotten and are a health risk to consume. Throw away moldy or discolored blueberries at once. Take care to never consume bad berries. Only eat fresh berries when possible. 

4 Ways to Tell if Blueberries are Bad

There are four common traits that give away bad or rotting blueberries. If you spot any of these, you should not consume your berries raw.


Overripe blueberries are mushy to the touch and have a sour flavor. Sour blueberries are safe to eat but aren’t as pleasant as fresh blueberries. However, these berries can be salvaged by using them to create jams or preserves. Blueberry jam will be just as good whether you use perfectly ripe blueberries or overripe berries.


If your blueberry skin loses its blue color, that is usually a sign that it is going bad. You may not quite have rotten berries yet but consuming discolored berries is risky. Blueberries that do not have a blue or purple color should not be eaten. Throw away any blueberries that do not have a healthy appearance.


Wrinkly blueberries or berries with visible blemishes may be near the end of their life. Sometimes the bruising is due to being mushy and overly delicate. However, these berries can often be salvaged into jams or preserves. A bruised berry is still good to eat. Consider adding them to blueberry pancakes or muffins.


Fruit with mold is unsafe for human consumption no matter what you do to it. If you spot any mold growth on the outer skin, you should throw out your blueberries immediately. Moldy berries may cause life-threatening allergic reactions. 

Can You Get Sick from Eating Old Blueberries?

You can get sick from eating old blueberries if they are past their prime. Generally, fresh blueberries are safest to eat. The older the berry, the riskier it is to eat. The exception to this rule is if you have frozen blueberries. It’s worth learning how to freeze blueberries since frozen fruit stays safe to eat longer than non-frozen foods.

  • Eating old berries can make you sick.
  • Blueberries that have begun to rot or form mold can harbor bacteria that cause sickness or allergic reactions.
  • Throw away rotten or moldy berries immediately.
  • Freeze berries to keep them safe to eat longer.

Frozen blueberries sealed in airtight containers can keep for up to 3 months. They are very simple to make as long as you have a freezer and a rimmed baking sheet. Just be sure to follow freezing instructions carefully to avoid freezer burn and ice crystals bursting your berries. 

What Should You Do With Bad Blueberries?

You should throw away moldy blueberries at once. There is no health benefit to eating mold and the mold can easily spread to fresh fruit. Spoiled fruit can cause serious health risks so never consume rotting fruit.

  • Discard discolored or moldy blueberries for safety.
  • Turn mushy or bruised blueberries into jam.

Mushy or bruised blueberries may be made into jam. The easiest way to make jam is to mix 4 cups of fresh berries with 1 cup of white sugar and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Cook the entire mixture in a saucepan over medium heat for 30 minutes. This recipe also works with older berries and frozen berries. Unsealed jars of jam last for about 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Properly sealed jars of jam can last for up to a year unopened.

How Can You Tell if Blueberries Are Still Good?

The easiest way to tell if you have rotten blueberries or fresh fruit is to look at them and touch them. If your blueberries are too soft or have any visible marks, you have bad blueberries. Let’s dive into the key facts you should know about bad blueberries:

  • Moldy or discolored blueberries should be discarded immediately.
  • Mushy or bruised blueberries should not be consumed as is but can be used for jams or other recipes.
  • You can get sick from eating old blueberries that have developed mold or rot.
  • Make jams or preserves to use older blueberries that aren’t completely spoiled.

Remember that keeping blueberries in a crisper drawer can keep them fresher longer. You may also want to add a paper towel to your blueberry container to wick excess moisture. This can extend the life of your berries so you can enjoy fresh fruit longer.


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