What are fruits high in fiber

Eating high-fiber fruits is a nutrient-dense and delicious way to help you meet your daily fiber needs. Fiber, specifically dietary fiber, is a complex carbohydrate found mostly in plant-based foods.

There are two types of fiber—insoluble and soluble. Each one functions differently in the body, so it's important to eat a variety of high-fiber foods. Most plant foods contain a mix of both types.

Soluble fiber is found in avocados, pears, and guavas among other fruits. Beans, legumes, and certain grains and vegetables are also full of it. Soluble fiber pulls water into your gut, turning it into a gel. This slows digestion and helps you to feel fuller longer.

Insoluble fiber is typically found in the seeds and skins of many fruits, such as berries and bananas, It's also present in whole grains, wheat bran, and vegetables. Insoluble fiber supports gut health and helps keep you regular. In other words, it can prevent and ease constipation.

There are many health benefits attributed to fiber, and ongoing research reveals there is still more we don’t know. Some of the health benefits linked to fiber that we do know today include:

  • Supports weight loss and weight management
  • Promotes regularity
  • Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol levels
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels
  • Reduces risk for colon and breast cancer
  • Supports gut health
  • May reduce overall inflammation

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that women consume 28 grams of fiber daily and men consume 34 grams daily, yet only 10% of women and 3% of men do. Adding fruits and other high-fiber foods can help increase daily fiber intake.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Native to South America, passion fruit isn’t one of the more common fruits in your grocery store. You can sometimes find it with other tropical fruits, like guavas and papayas.

Passion fruit has a thick yellow or purple skin and is filled with yellow, fleshy, edible seeds that have a sweet yet tart flavor. This tropical fruit is low in calories and fat but is high in vitamin C and is one of the highest in fiber, offering 24 grams in just one cup.


In addition to being one of the fruits with the highest amount of fiber at nine grams per cup, guavas are also a good source of folate, potassium, and vitamins A and C. You can cut, peel, and enjoy guavas like you would an apple, and the seeds inside are edible as well.

Guavas can be found in a variety of colors. The skin can be red, yellow, or purple and the flesh of the fruit can range from yellow, pink, and red.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Raspberries have become the poster child for high-fiber fruits, with eight grams in just one cup. Their bright red color is thanks in part to antioxidants called anthocyanins.

This little berry is bursting with other phytonutrients too—flavanols, procyanidins, and ellagitannins—which may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

You don’t have to wait until summer to enjoy fresh raspberries. They are frozen at their peak, which locks in all of their healthy nutrients and makes them available year-round. Almost any fruit can be purchased frozen. This reduces spoilage and can be less costly than buying fresh.

Fruit can be a great source of fiber, but it’s important to eat the whole fruit or enjoy it blended. Juicing strips the fiber from the fruit so you don’t get the same benefits.


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This berry gives raspberries some competition when it comes to fiber offerings. With eight grams per cup, blackberries tie with raspberries as one of the highest-fiber fruits. Blackberries (fresh or frozen) are also a good source of vitamin C and also provide vitamin K.

As with other berries, store blackberries in the refrigerator and wash them just before eating. Throw them in a smoothie or simply enjoy on their own.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Similar to apples, pears have many varieties—with different flavors, textures, and colors. But no matter the variety, all pears are high in fiber, providing about six grams in a medium piece of fruit.

They’re a versatile fruit and pair well with different flavors. Add them to a cheese board, bake into muffins, place over oatmeal, or toss diced pieces on top of a salad. You can also bake pears with a dash of cinnamon.


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Avocados are a unique fruit because they are high in healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats. Other nutritional benefits worth touting? Half of an avocado has about five grams of fiber and the fruit, in general, is a good source of pantothenic acid, folate, vitamin K, and copper.

Avocados get their bright green color from two antioxidants, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are good for eye health.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Fuzzy brown on the outside and (typically) bright green on the inside, kiwis are deliciously sweet and tart at the same time. They also pack five grams of fiber per cup of sliced fruit.

In addition to fiber, kiwifruits (with or without the skin) are loaded with potassium and vitamins C and E, three nutrients American diets typically fall short of.

You can keep unripened kiwifruit in the refrigerator for up to six weeks.


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Members of the berry family are typically high in fiber (thanks in part to their many seeds) and blueberries are no exception. Although less than raspberries and blackberries, blueberries still offer four grams of fiber per cup of fruit.

Their beautiful blue hue is thanks in part to anthocyanins, an antioxidant that may help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer while boosting brain function.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Oranges are typically praised for their immunity-boosting vitamin C, but they are also a good source of fiber. A medium fruit provides three grams of this filling nutrient.

Oranges are also a great packable snack. Their thicker skin protects them from bumps and bruises along the way.


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Another member of the citrus family, grapefruit has about three grams of fiber per one-cup serving and is loaded with vitamin C. Grapefruit are typically less sweet than oranges. The Texas Red grapefruit, which is a deep red color, is one of the sweetest grapefruit available.

Although not related to grapes, grapefruit get their name because they grow in clusters similar to grapes.


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This unique fruit can last for months in the refrigerator, so stock up when it's in season. The nearly four grams of fiber per half-cup comes from the juicy arils found inside the tough exterior skin.

To open the fruit—and keep as many arils intact as possible—cut off the crown and then score the fruit in four to six sections along the white membrane. Place the pomegranate in a bowl of water and carefully crack it open. Gently remove the arils from the skin. The fruity arils will sink to the bottom, separating themselves from the rest of the fruit.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

More fiber-filled citrus, mandarins provide about three grams of fiber per cup. The trick to buying mandarins—and other citrus, for that matter—is to pick fruit that feels heavy for its size.

Like most citrus, mandarins are a good source of vitamin C and they’re packed with vitamin A as well. Tangerines, satsumas, clementines, and pixies are all different types of mandarins.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Similar to their berry cousins (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.) strawberries are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, three nutrients most of us aren’t getting enough of on a daily basis. Strawberries have three grams of fiber per cup (sliced).

You can typically find strawberries fresh year-round, but frozen berries are just as healthy.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Famous for their potassium offerings, bananas are also fiber-filled, providing three grams per medium fruit. They are the perfect snack for the physically active; they’re a good source of carbs, typically easy on the stomach, and the potassium may help prevent muscle cramps.

Toss frozen banana chunks into a smoothie, slice and enjoy with some peanut butter, or eat them straight from the peel.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman 

Fresh apricots provide three grams of fiber per cup, sliced (and about 80 calories). Apricots are also packed with vitamins A and C and potassium.

Dried apricots can be found year-round and are nutritious and fiber-filled as well, although they have more calories than fresh fruit. They may also have more sugar or other ingredients for preservation purposes.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

You can typically find fresh cherries in the summertime (June through August) but they’re available all year in the freezer section. Cherries have three grams of fiber per cup and are loaded with vitamin C.

Research shows eating cherries may help reduce oxidative stress, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduce overall muscle soreness from exercise.


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Mangos hail from Asia but are widely loved—in fact they’re one of the most popular fruits around the world. Aside from being naturally sweet, they’re also anti-inflammatory, which may reduce the risk of some diseases.

One cup of mango has just 100 calories, but offers almost three grams of fiber and 100% of your daily vitamin C needs.

While other fruits don't live up to the fiber content in the ones above, they still provide some fiber along with lots of other good-for-you nutrients.

  • Papaya, 1 cup pieces = 2.5 grams
  • Jackfruit, 1 cup sliced = 2.5 grams
  • Nectarine, 1 cup = 2.4 grams
  • Pineapple, 1 cup chunks = 2.3 grams
  • Plums, 1 cup = 2.3 grams
  • Raisins, 2 ounces = 2 grams
  • Peaches, 1 cup = 2 grams
  • Grapes, 1 cup = 1.5 grams
  • Cantaloupe, 1 cup pieces = 1.5 grams
  • Watermelon, 1 cup diced = 0.5 grams

Strawberries, blackberries, grapefruits, avocados, and oranges are all relatively low in sugar but contain hefty amounts of fiber.

Most plant-based foods contain a mix of insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is present in the seeds and skins of many fruits. Bananas, berries, cauliflower, green peas, and dark leafy greens are all great sources of insoluble fiber.

Most fruits that are high in fiber contain soluble fiber, like guavas, apples, nectarines, pears, avocados, and apricots. Vegetables packed with soluble fiber include Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, and turnips.

Even though most fruits are considered acidic, there are some that are low-acid compared to others. As a general rule: the higher the pH value, the less acidic it is. High-fiber avocados, bananas, pears, mangoes, and berries (in moderation) all fall into that category.

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  1. Mudgil D, Barak S. Composition, properties and health benefits of indigestible carbohydrate polymers as dietary fiber: a review. Int J Biol Macromol. 2013;61:1-6. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2013.06.044

  2. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition.

  3. Passion fruit, raw. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  4. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Guava, raw.

  5. Raspberries, raw. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  6. Blackberries, raw. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  7. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Pear, raw.

  8. Avocados, raw, California. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  9. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Kiwi fruit, raw.

  10. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Blueberries, raw.

  11. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Oranges, raw.

  12. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Grapefruit, raw.

  13. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Pomegranate, raw.

  14. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Clementine, Mandarin oranges, raw.

  15. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Strawberries, raw.

  16. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Banana, raw.

  17. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Apricot, raw.

  18. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cherries, raw.

  19. Kelley DS, Adkins Y, Laugero KD. A review of the health benefits of cherries. Nutrients. 2018;10(3). doi:10.3390/nu10030368

  20. Burton-Freeman BM, Sandhu AK, Edirisinghe I. Mangos and their bioactive components: adding variety to the fruit plate for health. Food Funct. 2017;8(9):3010-3032. doi:10.1039/c7fo00190h

  21. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Mango, raw.

  22. FoodData Central. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Published online.