Should guide employment planning and determine the types of skills and competencies the firm needs

70 Questions | Total Attempts: 3443

  • What is the first step in the recruitment and selection process?

    • Performing initial screening interviews

    • Building a pool of candidates

    • Performing candidate background checks

    • Deciding what positions to fill

  • Which of the following terms refers to the background investigations, tests, and physical exams that firms use to identify viable candidates for a job?

  • ________ is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them.

  • Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what positions the firm should fill in the next six months, which means Marcus is currently working on ________.

    • Interviewing job candidates

  • The process of deciding how to fill executive positions at a firm is known as ________.

  • A firm's ________ should guide employment planning and determine the types of skills and competencies the firm needs.

    • Strategic business planning

  • Succession planning requires making forecasts of in three steps: ________, develop inside candidates, assess and choose those who will fill the key position.

  • Which of the following terms refers to studying a firm's past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs?

  • A trend analysis is limited in its usefulness because it ________.

    • Overlooks the passage of time in regards to staffing

    • Addresses only the financial impact of employment changes

    • Assumes constant increases in worker productivity

    • Overlooks the potential for changes in skills needed

  • Which of the following determines future staff needs by using ratios between a causal factor and the number of employees required?

  • Newton Building Supplies hopes to generate an extra $4 million in sales next year. A salesperson traditionally generates $800,000 in sales each year. Using ratio analysis, how many new salespeople should Newton hire?

  • When using either a trend analysis or a ratio analysis, it is assumed that ________ will remain the same.

  • A ________ is a graphical method used to help identify how two variables are related.

  • Pablo wants to figure out likely future employment needs for Slate Industries by examining past organizational employment needs of the company. This is an example of:

    • A qualification inventory

  • Which of the following contains data regarding employees' education, career development, and special skills and is used by managers when selecting inside candidates for promotion?

    • Computerized forecasting tools

    • Qualifications inventories

  • When managers need to determine which current employees are available for promotion or transfer, they will most likely use ________.

  • Which of the following refers to company records showing present performance and promotability of inside candidates for a firm's top positions?

    • Succession planning tools

    • Personnel replacement charts

  • Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using all of the following EXCEPT a ________.

    • Personnel replacement chart

    • Position replacement card

    • Skills inventory software

  • Workforce planning often involves paying continuous attention to workforce planning issues which is called:

    • Personnel replacement chart

    • Predictive workforce monitoring

    • Personnel replacement charts

  • What mathematical process do employers use to forecast availability of internal job candidates that shows the probabilities that feeder positions in a chain will be filled?

  • Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and improve employee retention rates. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that a scatter plot is the most appropriate tool for Marie to use in estimating future personnel needs?

    • Productivity levels for Barnum employees typically vary from month to month

    • The size of the two new Barnum hotels will be similar to the chain's other hotels.

    • Barnum requires HR to maintain qualifications inventories for all current employees

    • Personnel replacement charts serve as useful tools when filling Barnum's managerial positions

  • Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and improve employee retention rates. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that Marie should implement a computerized skills inventory database?

    • Barnum offers its employees the opportunities to participate in job rotation and job expansion experiences.

    • Barnum's recruiting yield pyramid indicates that the firm should generate 1,000 leads in order to fill 100 positions.

    • Barnum executives would like to transfer the firm's most qualified employees to the new hotels to fill supervisory positions

    • HR managers at Barnum frequently receive discrimination complaints that must be investigated by the EEOC.

  • The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance is known as ________.

  • What is the first step in succession planning?

    • Creating an applicant pool

    • Identifying and analyzing key position needs

    • Selecting who will fill key positions

    • Developing the strengths of current employees

  • All of the following are methods used by firms to develop high-potential candidates for future positions EXCEPT ________.

    • Providing internal training

    • Implementing job rotation

    • Offering global assignments

    • Developing skills inventories

  • Human Resource Management
  • Management
  • Employee
  • Job