Which quotation has the correct punctuation and capitalization my mother

Correct Usage

1.  Joining sentences with a conjunction.

(sentence that could stand alone) + COMMA + conjunction + (sentence that could stand alone).

I am a nice person, because I drink detox tea every morning.

I am a nice person (could stand alone), because (conjunction) I drink detox tea every morning (could stand alone).

2.  After introductions

(Introductory word or words) + COMMA + (sentence that could stand alone)

Usually, I wake up at 5:00 in the morning.

Usually (introduction), I wake up at 5:00 in the morning (sentence that could stand alone).

Thinking it was an hour later, I got up at 4:00 this morning.

Thinking it was an hour later (introduction), I got up at 4:00 this morning (sentence that could stand alone).

3.  Separating things in a list.

Eating breakfast, drinking tea, and brushing my teeth are the three things I do every morning.

I take a walk past the dark, forboding forest every day.

4.  Setting off nonessential pieces of information

Lydia, my silly sister, made a cross-eyed face at my nephew.

"My silly sister" does not change the meaning of the sentence.  It adds information, but the sentence would mean basically the same thing without it.  Therefore, it is set off with commas.

The Five Iron Frenzy concert, which was near where my brother lived, was going to be in March.

"Which was near where my brother lived" adds information, but it doesn't change the meaning of the sentence.  Therefore, it is set off with commas.

If there were many Five Iron Frenzy concerts, and I was clarifying which one was in March, I would write, "The Five Iron Frenzy concert that was near where my brother lived was going to be in March."  Now "that was near where my brother lived" is an essential part of the sentence, because it distinguishes this one from other ones.

5.  With place names

Winona Lake, Indiana, is a lovely place to live.

(city) + COMMA + (state) + COMMA + (the rest of the sentence).

6.  With the date

I came home on Friday, March 21, 2007, to find that my parents had moved.

7.  Before quotations

He said, "I love you."

Common Errors

1. The Comma Splice

This is when you try to connect two otherwise complete sentences with just a comma.

The cow was pulled over for drunk driving, his license was suspended.  Since both of these sentences could stand on their own, there needs to be more than just a comma connecting them.  Possible fixes:

The cow was pulled over for drunk driving, and his license was suspended.

The cow was pulled over for drunk driving.  His license was suspended.

The cow was pulled over for drunk driving; his license was suspended.

The cow was pulled over for drunk driving--his license was suspended.

2.  Splitting Up the Subject and Verb

3.  Splitting Up the Verb and its Object

4.  Following a Conjunction

Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated answer?

Option (1) is correct. The correctly capitalized and punctuated sentence is: Yes, Ana. You ca do this.

Which quotation is correctly capitalized?

Direct quotations involve incorporating another person's exact words into your own writing. Quotation marks always come in pairs. Do not open a quotation and fail to close it at the end of the quoted material. Capitalize the first letter of a direct quote when the quoted material is a complete sentence.

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