When should i be worried about blood when i wipe

When should i be worried about blood when i wipe

Q: Help! I saw bright red blood on the toilet paper after I wiped.  What should I do!? 

Short A: Come in to see us so we can check it out.

Long A: Don’t panic. We see this all the time at Student Health and it’s rarely as scary as it looks.  You’re probably dealing with a hemorrhoid: a very common, and literal, pain in the butt. 

Hemorrhoids are abnormally swollen veins in the rectum or anus that bleed with minor pressure, such as that which occurs from bowel movements.  They can be painful or painless depending on their location, and are often associated with rectal pain and itching, a lump that you can feel and/or rectal bleeding. 

Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids include

  • Poor fiber intake
  • Prolonged sitting or standing
  • Being overweight
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Engaging in anal sex

When you come to the Student Health Center, we will ask you a lot of embarrassing questions and do an embarrassing examination to rule out other more serious causes of rectal bleeding such as infections, inflammatory bowel disease, anal fissures and even (rarely) colon cancer.  Since some hemorrhoids are located a few inches inside the rectal canal, we may have to use a small, lubricated, clear plastic tube called an anoscope to look on the inside.

The mainstay of hemorrhoid treatment (and prevention) is fiber, fiber, fiber.  Most of us don’t get enough fiber in our diet, which leads to constipation, which leads to straining to have a bowel movement, which leads to increased pressure in the rectal veins which… you get the idea.  Supplementing your diet with soluble fiber supplements (Metamucil or Benefiber) will work wonders for this problem.  Other things you can do include:

  • Avoid straining and prolonged sitting on the toilet
  • Lose weight if necessary
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day
  • Exercise regularly
  • Gently clean the anal area with soft, moistened paper after each bowel movement and avoid the urge to scratch – as an old family doctor once told me: “Wipe, don’t polish!”

Again, while it can certainly be scary, rectal bleeding is rarely a sign of a life-threatening condition.  But if it happens to you, be sure to see your health care provider to make sure it isn’t, especially if the bleeding is dark brown or black, is heavy, you feel weak or light-headed, or the pain gets suddenly a lot worse.

John A. Vaughn, MD
Student Health Services
The Ohio State University

After you wipe your butt, there’s a natural inclination to inspect the results. Most of the time, the evidence is standard: a brown streak, a stray pube, maybe even a corn kernel from your Chipotle burrito.

Go Easy, Dude

When should i be worried about blood when i wipe


When should i be worried about blood when i wipe

But sometimes, there’s a surprise—a bright red, bloody surprise.

5 Common Causes of Rectal Bleeding

It’s common to find blood when wiping, but most people don’t tell their doctors about it. In many cases, a little blood after a bowel movement is harmless. But it can also be the sign of a serious health condition. Coming up, we’ll cover some common causes of rectal bleeding and how to treat them.


This is the most common cause of anal bleeding, affecting about 1 in 20 people. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum, which is the largest part of the large intestine. In some cases, you might not know you have hemorrhoids until they burst with bright-red blood.

How to treat hemorrhoids:

  • Pick up some over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream to soothe the irritation
  • Be gentle when you wipe, and use wet wipes instead of toilet paper when you’re on cleanup duty for your doody
  • Don’t strain yourself to poop. Hemorrhoids hate pressure.

Anal Fissures

Also known as anal ulcers, these are small tears in the lining of the anus. Anal fissures are often caused by constipation, as straining to poop causes the blood vessels in the nether regions to burst.

How to treat anal fissures:

  • If you’re constipated, drink more water and add more fiber to your diet
  • Talk to your doctor about hydrocortisone to reduce swelling and irritation

Polished Anus Syndrome

If you ever spot blood on your toilet paper or your butthole is chronically burning, you might be among the 5% of Americans suffering from Polished Anus Syndrome (sometimes called pruritis ani). PAS happens when you wipe aggressively with two-ply sandpaper to the point of chafing your third pit.

How to treat Polished Anus Syndrome:

  • Grab a pack of DUDE Wipes. They’re infused with Aloe and Vitamin E to give your booty the spa-like treatment they deserve
  • Spritz down your sensitive sides with a bidet to minimize the amount of wiping necessary

Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

IBD refers to several gastrointestinal diseases that jack up your digestive tract. These include ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, both of which cause the bowels to become inflamed.

In addition to rectal bleeding, people with IBD might experience symptoms like diarrhea, cramping, weight loss, anemia, and sudden urges to hit the can. 

How to treat IBD:

  • Monitor your diet to understand what triggers your IBD
  • Take anti-inflammatory meds to soothe your digestive tract
  • Talk to your doctor to get a specific diagnosis and treatment plan

Colon Cancer

According to the New York Times, there has been a sharp increase in colorectal cancer in adults as young as 20 or 30. Colon cancer begins with colon polyps forming in the anal canal, which are benign growths that can turn into cancer cells. 

One of the main symptoms of colon cancer is rectal bleeding. However, noticing blood in the toilet bowl is usually not a life-threatening situation. In a 2005 study, 96% of patients who came to their doctor with rectal bleeding did not have cancer. 

Other warning signs include lower back pain, abdominal pain, or big changes in your bowel habits, like tarry poop, constipation, or really thin poop (the width of a pencil). 

How to lower your risk of colon cancer:

  • Eat health, exercise, and avoid excessive drinking. Oh, and if you’re smoking (or god forbid, vaping), quit.
  • Early detection can be a life-saver, so if you're over the age of 40, get a colonoscopy

The Bottom Line on a Bloody Butt

As you can see, there are many possible causes for finding blood when you wipe—some more concerning than others. We’ve worked hard to earn a reputation as subject matter experts on butt stuff. But we’ll leave the official medical diagnoses to the people in the white coats.

Luckily, the fresh life doesn’t require a prescription. So grab a pack of wipes and save your ass from the scourge of blood-inducing toilet paper.

Should I be worried if there is blood when I wipe?

However, it is not possible to know the cause of bleeding without an examination by a clinician. For this reason, if you ever notice blood in your stool or bleeding from your rectum, you should contact your health care provider as soon as possible.

What does it mean when you wipe and your bleeding?

Rectal bleeding is a symptom of conditions like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ulcers and colorectal cancer. Typically, you notice rectal bleeding on toilet paper, in the water of the toilet bowl or in your stool.