When can you drink hot liquids after a tooth extraction

Many of us love our caffeine fix first thing in the morning. Whether it's black coffee, a vanilla latte, or your standard iced skinny hazelnut macchiato, extra shot, light ice, and no whip. But — you may have to push pause on your order for a few days after getting your tooth pulled. While it's a very common and simple dental procedure, you'll need to properly care for yourself and follow your dentist's instructions to heal. So, should you drink coffee after a tooth extraction? The answer is — no, you should not. You should help your mouth on its way to a quick recovery so you can quickly get through the drive-thru coffee line.

How To Reduce Risk of Complications

When you hear the term "blood clot," it may not conjure up any pleasant thoughts. But they are necessary and help the healing after tooth extraction. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, when a blood clot doesn't develop before your wound heals as it should, a dry socket occurs. This can lead to considerable pain, discomfort, and a bad taste in your mouth. Drinking coffee increases the risk of a dry socket. Therefore, it's smart to turn off the coffee maker for a few days.

What to Eat and Drink After Tooth Removal

What your body consumers post-procedure influences the effectiveness and length of your recovery. So following your dentist's recommendation is vital. The University of Utah has created instructions for your entire week following the extraction. It features recommendations, tips, and what to expect, like plenty of water and a small meal upon arriving home. Soft and bland foods (eggs, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, etc.) are always smart. It's also wise to continue to hydrate over the next few days, but not with hot beverages like coffee.

When Is It Safe to Drink Coffee?

Assuming your healing and recovery process is going swimmingly, you'll want to wait at least 5 days to reintroduce coffee back into your diet, says the University of Utah. But slowly and in small amounts. Within 2 weeks, your swelling should be minimal, and your cup of joe intake can return to its normal consumption level. Contact your dentist if you have any questions or if anything feels off.

How to Promote Healing

Diet is one key element in your healing. There are many other things you should do to make your recovery as smooth as possible. You should:

  • Be smart and stay away from anything that could prevent healing
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and vigorous rinsing
  • Don't use a straw for 24 hours
  • Gently rinse with warm salt water after 24 hours
  • Apply a cold cloth or an ice bag for swelling
  • Brush and floss regularly but avoid the extraction area
  • Take any medications (if prescribed) as directed

So now you know if you should drink coffee after tooth extraction. And you know when you should drink coffee after tooth extraction. The key is allowing and helping your mouth to heal so you can drink coffee again. It just requires a little patience — and then you can return to your regular caramel latte, 3-pump, skim milk, lite water, no foam, extra hot drinking habits.

After the removal of your wisdom teeth, it’s very important to rest for a healthy and speedy recovery. To get the maximum out of your recovery time, you should prepare in advance so you can spend most of your time in bed. If you plan everything before your wisdom tooth extraction, you’ll stay away from house chores and enjoy your time. One of the most common question patients ask before going for surgery is, “How long after wisdom teeth removal can I drink my coffee, or soda, or alcohol?”. This article will explain the guidelines about the beverages that you like and want to drink after your extraction. With this preparation, you’ll know what you need to do and have before going to your dentist.

A common point for every drink after tooth removal surgery is to avoid straw. For successful recovery of the tooth socket after wisdom teeth removal, the formation of a blood clot is essential. If you suck on a straw to enjoy your favorite drink, it can disturb the blood clot and prolong your healing time. If the blood clot is dislodged badly, it can also give you an extremely painful condition called dry socket. Whatever you drink, please avoid using a straw after your wisdom tooth extraction.

You may be waiting during the whole surgery just to drink your cup of favorite coffee, but you shouldn’t. After your wisdom tooth extraction, you should avoid consuming hot coffee, tea, and other hot drinks for 24-48 hours. The heat from these liquids can irritate the surgery site and damage the healing process. Instead, go for a cold coffee or ice tea. When drinking cold liquids, please avoid using a straw as it’s terrible for your recovery.

How Long After Wisdom Teeth Removal Until I Can Drink Soda(Carbonated Drinks)?

Who doesn’t like to drink a soda, especially when feeling low! According to most dental experts, you should wait for, say, at least 48 hours to drink soda after the removal of your wisdom teeth. Soda drinks have carbonated bubbles that can disturb the blood clot that is essential for the healing of your surgery site. This, in return, can make your recovery time lengthy and agonizing.

Can You Drink Alcohol After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After having your wisdom teeth extracted, it’s best to wait for 48-72 hours before drinking alcohol, beer, or wine. But the time period as to when it’s safe to drink alcohol also depends on the prescription pain relievers you’re taking. When combined with pain medication, alcohol can be very harmful, leading to liver failure and other severe health conditions. Listen to what your dentist says and follow the instructions. To stay away from troubles, avoid drinking alcohol until you’re done with your pain relievers.

How Long After Wisdom Tooth Extraction Can You Have Acidic Drinks?

Drinks that contain high amounts of citric acid are not the best liquids to drink when healing from wisdom teeth removal surgery. Lemonade or orange juice can upset the surgery area and increase the chances of infection development. Avoid acidic drinks for around 7-10 days until the surgery site heals.

Following these preventative measures will promise a healthy recovery. If you’re wondering, the best drink after a wisdom tooth extraction is none other than your H2O friend – water! The more rigorously you follow these measures, the faster you can return to your favorite drinks.

Feel free to contact us!

Our team at Smiles On Greatwood Dentistry is always glad to answer your queries. To talk to your Sugar Land dentist, call us at (281) 937-7530.

How long after an extraction can you have a hot drink?

After the first 24 hours, you can start drinking hot coffee – but make sure it is not too hot. Remember that there is still a blood clot in your mouth protecting the gap that your tooth was in. If it does, you may still have a dry outlet. After the first 24 hours, you should wash your mouth regularly with saline.

Can I drink warm things after tooth extraction?

Avoid hot food or drinks until the anaesthetic wears off. This is important as you cannot feel pain properly and may burn or scald your mouth. Also be careful not to chew your cheek. This is quite a common problem, which can happen when there is no feeling.

Can I drink hot tea 3 days after tooth extraction?

After your wisdom tooth extraction, you should avoid consuming hot coffee, tea, and other hot drinks for 24-48 hours. The heat from these liquids can irritate the surgery site and damage the healing process. Instead, go for a cold coffee or ice tea.

Can I drink warm coffee after tooth extraction?

While every patient heals at a slightly different pace, most people can begin drinking small amounts of coffee around 5 days after an extraction. If all goes well, within two weeks any swelling should subside and your mouth should be mostly healed. At that point, you can return to drinking your normal amount of coffee.


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