What does it mean when you dream about getting shot in the back

Did you know thousands of people a month search google to find an answer why they were shot in their dreams. These realistic and unfortunate vivid dreams have a tendency to shake you up for a reason, implying you have just received a warning of a threat.

So where is this so called perceived threat coming from? Well being shot in your dream suggests a variety of different interpretations, however you will receive little hints that paint the larger picture

Remember the symbolic nature of these sorts of dreams depends on who is shooting you, the location of where the bullet penetrated, or if you survived being shot – this is why being shot in the head will translate differently then being shot in the back.

Article: Why Running In Dreams Is A Sign Of Avoidance

Your dream paints a picture of a gun and bullet, though this image has nothing to do with an actual gun attack, but rather being associated with some sort of  altercation that will put you as the direct target. Now you need to figure out who is the shooter in your life?

Since dreams have an tendency to use metaphors to integrate the meaning of the dream it is important to gather as much information as possible. usually if the shooter remains faceless it shows this danger will be unknown to you, perhaps an attack that remains unconscious to you – or – the shooter is a manifestation of your dark side “shadow” that is now targeting you.

The bullet that targets a specific place on the body becomes a clue to help you break down the meaning. Why? Because being shot in the foot would be metaphoric for you movement and progress, whereas your heart connects to your emotions.

Often times in dreams the dreamer is shot at but not hit implying they would avoid this conscious or unconscious attack.

  • painful and hurtful emotions
  • slow down or halt in progress
  • anger and hate
  • hostility and vengeance
  • specifically targeted
  • direct attack

Wait, Why Am I The Shooter?

The shooter could be a mirror image of you. The unknown dangerous aspects of your personality hidden below the mask that you are unaware of.  This could be anger, hostility or hate repressed and is being expressed in the dream.

People who could be to agreeable in life might be fulfilling the aggressive side of their personality.  These dreams are incorporating the shadow side of the dream to represent a need to integrate that aggression in your daily life.

Dream Of Being Shot in Back

You couldn’t get any more metaphoric than this. Have you ever heard the term he stabbed me in the back, referring to deceit and ill will. Well this is not to far removed. Dreaming of being shot in the back suggests this attack will catch you of guard when you are not expecting, perhaps someone close to you will make this move.

Dream Of Being Shot In Heart

The Heart is commonly know to connect the dreamer to love and emotions that will be under attack. The heart is known for compassion and understanding, life-giving and complex; the heart is synonymous with affection.

Dream Of Being Shot In The Hands

Hands are used for our ability to function and the most used on the human body. Being shot in your hand in your dream often relates to an attack on your strength, expression or work related. Depending if the hand is left or right alters the meaning of the dream, see HAND dreams for more information.

Being Shot In Neck or Throat Dreams

Interestingly enough being shot either in the neck or throat usually connects the dreamer to communication and speech. Something is being directly targeted to handicap your voice from being heard. Who or what could this be? In some case this might be an unconscous attack or block on your throat CHAKRA.

Dreams Of Being Shot In The Head

What do you think the head is used for? Ahh yes critical thinking, who you are (ego) the the seat of vital energy, the active principle of the whole individual. THis is now under attack by someone or something. Do you know who or what it might be?

Dreams Of Being Shot In Leg or Foot

In our dream FEET becomes symbolic of your movement, stability and balance in your life. Whenever our feet or legs are shot in our dreams it represents a direct attack on your progress, weaknesses and mental stability in your life – a symbol that might emerge related to relationships, health, emotions.

Shooting In War Dream

Dreaming being in a gun battle suggests internal/external conflict that needs to be solved. Two sides at war trying to win, good vs bad.  Keep in mind due to the global web we are bombarded with countries going to war so be mindful if you have just watched the news before bed.

School Shooting Dream Meaning

School shootings seem to be more and more common in this generation than ever before.  An unconscious threat knowing that it could happen to the dreamer at school.

Shot By Police Dream

Whenever the dreamer is shot by POLICE it suggests a halt or setback from  people of authority in our life’s. Being shot by the police may also hint at wrong doings or guilty actions that has now been made conscious. After the police comes the judge that might symbolise being metaphorically locked up until time served.

Bullet & Sexual Connotation

Sigmund Freud suggested that any symbol such as a knife or bullet  could relate to a desire to penetrate. Perhaps related to a painful sexual process thus making the element unconscious to the dreamer.


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