What do early pregnancy cramps feel like reddit

Posted by

STM - Nov 4/2019

5 years ago


I actually found out I was pregnant today, my period was supposed to start but it's been a no-go. I'm super regular and by the time the afternoon came around and it hadn't started, I knew something was up. Both tests came back as 2 pink lines less than a minute after having peeing on them. My husband and I are super happy and have been trying for a couple of months. I am having mild "period" cramps. Nothing too serious. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this?

Hello! New here... I am 5dp3dt (Tues) and starting yesterday, started feeling some very mild light pressure in the lower abdomen. My acupuncurist said the implantation would happen yesterday. It’s like a mild period like pressure. No sharp pains, just a constant dull pressure that was not there the day prior. I have been OBSESSING during this two week wait. No other real symptoms - have had headaches, thirsty, very hot, but I’m sure that it’s due to the progesterone. I also can’t sleep at all, but it’s probably my nerves keeping me up. This feels different and I am so hopeful. I know that everyone is different but what did your cramping feel like? And did anyone have cramping around the time of implantation after transfer and still get a negative? The worrying never stops. Thanks!

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I'm about 4 weeks + 6. Everything I've read suggests that I shouldn't be worried at this point, but the cramping is awful. I've got a super low pain tolerance and was on the pill for years so forgot how bad period cramps are until I went off when we started TTC. once I was off the pill I'd spend a few days of every period writhing in bed and popping midol like candy.

I've been having the same type of cramps for 6 days now, but I can't down a bottle of midol and I have to work, can't stay in bed.

Any experience on how long these cramps last? I'm looking forward to the nauseous stage right now. Anything but this. Been hiding in the bathroom at work so ppl don't see the twisted look of anguish on my face.

Hubby thinks I should call Dr. But our first appointment isn't until next week. I'm sure I'm just being a big baby over all this and should suck it up. :-(

The location of pain can vary slightly. I have IBS, so I'm all too familiar with constipation/diarrhea cramps that are horrendous. When I went into labor with my first child, that's what I thought was happening. I figured I was just having an IBS episode and needed to use the bathroom. I kept trying, but nothing would happen! Eventually, after pacing around for 1.5 hours, I realized I was in labor.

With my 2nd and 3rd labors, I could tell the difference. The first couple contractions are kind of like "hm, do I gotta poop?" but then it clicks that it's probably labor.

I think it feels similar, yet different. I hate IBS cramps. They make me sweat and cry and if someone offered me pain medication in those moments, I'd likely accept it quickly.

But I've personally found labor cramps to be more manageable, actually, and I've given birth 3 times now without any pain medications. I actually feel like IBS has helped prepare me for labor a bit lol. IBS cramps tend to hit me quicker and harder whereas labor cramps slowly build up and the intense part doesn't last as long, IMO.

It's hard to say though because I've had 3 entirely different labors. My first was hard and fast and it was manageable until the very last 30 minutes before I started pushing, then I was begging for an epidural but it was too late so I couldn't get one. With my second, I was in early labor for a whole day but then active labor went quick and easy - I never felt overwhelmed at all and it went really, really smoothly. My third was an induction and the contractions felt much different for that, but it went rather quickly and I was just starting to feel overwhelmed when it became time to push.

What do very early pregnancy cramps feel like?

“Early on in your pregnancy, it's natural to feel some mild cramping in your lower abdomen at infrequent times as your body prepares for your growing baby,” Dr. Nalla said. As your belly grows, so does your uterus. This may cause you to feel some slight pulling, tugging or stretching similar to menstrual cramps.

Can you tell if your pregnant by cramps?

Cramping Another sign of early pregnancy that can be confused with PMS or a regular period is cramping. During pregnancy, blood flow increases all over the body. Increased blood flow in the uterus can cause cramping.

Am I pregnant or is it just period cramps?

Cramping is common in both PMS and early pregnancy. Early pregnancy cramps are similar to menstrual cramps, but they can occur lower down in the stomach. These cramps may persist for weeks or months during pregnancy, as the embryo implants and the uterus stretches.


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