Upper stomach pain immediately after drinking alcohol reddit

Hi guys, I've been drinking wine for about 3 years now, however over the last 6 months I've started getting pains in my stomach after drinking wine, that have increased with intensity each wine drinking session. It almost feels like a balloon is being blown up in my stomach, and I need to burp really badly, but no matter what I do I can't (and usually this is never a problem for me). It feels like something is rising up my oesophagus but I can't burp it out. Unfortunately, it has become painful to the point of me not drinking wine anymore, which is upsetting as it's a passion of mine. What's worse, is that I've talked to 2 doctors about it and they both were pretty useless in giving a diagnosis, only stating that it doesn't sound like an allergic reaction.

Has anyone else experienced this from drinking wine? Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

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I've never been able to consume liquor of any kind- beer,wine, spirits.. it all does the same thing. Even after a small drink (quarter of a glass of wine) I get an immense heat wave through my entire body, start sweating profusely and get a stomach ache so bad I have to go lay horizontally while clutching my stomach. It will go away in about 15 minutes if I don't consume any more alcohol. I've always just considered myself allergic- but people are NEVER satisfied with this answer. It's honestly just getting really tiresome to have to explain to everyone why I am the only one not drinking. I'm just curious if there is anyone else even out there with this same problem? Or who might have any idea what is happening to me?

Some facts: -I'm not allergic to anything else -I have a huge tolerance, and if I shoot the stuff into me fast enough and at a high volume I get too drunk to feel the pain, and it's all fine... i'm just really really drunk. (I haven't done this since i was like 18) -I have no idea where I should be posting this, so if it isn't right i'm sosorry

Every time i go drinking/därink more than two i will eventually get to a phase where my stomach hurts a lot (i tend to have to go sit down somewhere and wait till it goes away). It usually happens after 3-5 drinks (i mostly drink long drinks/ciders). Ive tried googling but i cant really pinpoint the exact thing. It only happens at the start of drinking and never happens again in the night. And i dont think that its acid reflux as ive tried taking a rennie (anti acid reflux drug thingie) and it had virtually no effect iirc.

Im a 19 tear old Finnish male if that matters.

Edit:just happened for the second time tonight. Weird. It usually doesnt come twice.

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Posted by1 year ago


So, over the past year or so I have noticed I get stomach pains often times when I drink alcohol. I am a 31 year old male, and don’t drink super often. Beer has always upset my stomach but now I’m noticing even when I drink my favorite drinks like gin and tonic or vodka mixed drinks that I get stomach pains after a drink or two. I don’t even feel buzzed or drunk, but my stomach just gets shooting pains. Is there any reason for this and is it a problem that others have? It sucks going out with friends and having to worry about whether or not my stomach is going to cooperate for the night. Any advice on things that could help, or people that can relate to this? Thanks!

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Why does my upper stomach hurt after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol can cause gastritis by irritating the lining of the stomach. Gastritis can happen while you are drinking, causing pain and sickness. Gastritis can also be a long-lasting condition.

Why does my stomach hurt after drinking anything?

Acute gastritis occurs when digestive acids attack a previously weakened stomach lining, producing severe pain and swelling. These symptoms usually appear quickly and without warning. Irritants like alcohol, drugs, heavily spiced foods, injury and bacteria exposure can all lead to the condition.

What to do after stomach hurts from drinking?

Management and Treatment.
Eating bland foods with complex carbohydrates, such as toast or crackers. ... .
Drinking water, juice, broth and other non-alcohol beverages to reduce dehydration..
Getting sleep to counteract fatigue..
Taking antacids to help settle your stomach..


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