Sample letter asking for donations for church

Donation Request Letter (2 Samples)

The Donation Request Letter (2 Samples) available free to download, customize and print 24/7 for your church fundraising causes...

What items do you include in the Church Fundraising Request Letter for Donations?

Every church, organization, cause and audience is different. The donation letter that your group sends out should be tailored to your interests and your own circumstances and most definitely to the interest of your reader.

There are usually a lot of questions when you begin the task of writing your donation request letter such as - "Where do I start? This can be a tough assignment. Many churches need some kind of advice or template on this letter because they cannot afford to hire a professional writer or consultant. The job will usually be assigned to someone in church administration along with their other duties. This is where a template of some sort can be very helpful.

Here are the Top Ten Items to Include in the Donation Request Church Letter:

  • 1. Church or Organization Name and Contact Information - Insert your letter on your organization's letterhead or make sure it's perfectly clear what organization is sending the letter by inserting your organization's name and logo, address, phone, email address, and web address.
  • 2. Date - Of course, the date has to be included. This date needs to be the date of the mailing if at all possible.
  • 3. Recipient's (Donor) Address - The recipient's address where your letter will be delivered will go under your date including recipient's name and address. This also gives you a way to double check the donor's address before mailing.
  • 4. Salutation - Address the donation request letter to the recipient or donor's name and do not use "Dear Friend". Address them by their name because this makes it much more personal and appealing to the reader. First name or first and last name is fine.
  • 5. Your Donation Request Story (Body of Letter) - This is where you have to connect with your reader by letting them know why the cause matters and what benefits they gain by donating (what difference will their contribution make). The first paragraph in the letter can be the most difficult to write. Try to avoid talking about your organization in this paragraph, but start out with a short paragraph getting their attention or start telling your story. For example you might get their attention by stating "It's that time of year again. The Annual Baptist Youth Camp is almost here! One of the most successful ways to get your message across to your donors is to describe a story of a specific situation or person your charity has helped in some way. Remember, don't show off accomplishments, but include a story that will engage the reader.
  • 6. Ask for a Donation (Body of Letter) - Yes, it's fine if you ask for a financial gift just make it clear what you're asking for and how the reader should respond. If you want, you can even include a reply envelope addressed back to your organization.
  • 7. Thank your Donor (Body of Letter) - Thank your reader in advance for their donation. If they have donated in the past be sure and address this and let them know how much they made a difference.
  • 8. Closing - Traditional closings such as "Sincerely" or "Kind Regards" are acceptable, but you may have something better to fit your cause.
  • 9. Signature - Don't ever leave the signature area blank or use a script font instead of a signature. Each letter should be hand-signed individually by the proper organization's administration.
  • 10. Name and Title - Spell out the full name of the person the donation request letter is from under the signature and the title under the name letting them know who your are and what position you have in the organization.

Click on the link(s) to download the file(s) below:

Church Donation Letter (Sample #1)

Donation Request Letter (Sample #2)

If you need to modify this form, try the site: Free PDF Services. You can convert this Adobe file into a Word document free of charge and make the necessary changes.

Note: You will need Adobe Reader (the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer in order to save or open these forms.

You can get Adobe Reader free here (a new window will open so you can download it without leaving this page).

If you want to open the file in your browser window, just click on one of the links above. However, if you want to download the file to view later, then right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save File As". Then select where you want to save the file on your hard drive.

If you would like to receive access to the Table of Contents that has all the free church forms, certificates, flyers, brochures, letters, games and more that are listed in alphabetical order by category with links leading to the page to immediately download just simply sign up for my free monthly newsletter below. You will also receive access to my free 14 Page eBook - "Top Ten Tips on How to Organize Your Office" as a Thank You Gift for signing up. Enjoy! :)

Note: These sample forms are meant to serve as example forms and should not be construed as legal documents.  Please contact a legal professional for legal language for your specific organization.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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How do I write a letter requesting donations to the church?

How Do You Write A Church Donation Letter?.
The salutation. Like any letter, start off with a greeting. ... .
The value of your congregants' support. ... .
The donation request. ... .
Call-to-action. ... .
Statement of gratitude. ... .
A closing..

How do I ask for donations to my church?

Open With a Feel-Good Message. ... .
Express Your Gratitude. ... .
Include Examples And Stories. ... .
Combine Your Donation Letters With Your Donation Page. ... .
Send Email Donation Letters Too. ... .
Don't Send Donation Letters Too Often..

How do you politely ask for donations?

When asking for donations in person, keep these tips in mind:.
Do research beforehand..
Form a strong relationship before you make your ask..
Meet them where they are..
Practice your pitch..
Communicate in a variety of ways..
Be genuine, direct, and specific..
Be prepared for rejections..
Say thank you more than once..

What to say when asking for donations examples?

“Please donate” message example Right now, we're facing [current challenge]. We need just [donation amount] more to meet our goal and [impact]. Please donate to [cause] today to ensure we have the strength to [impact].


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