Leg cramps is a sign of pregnancy

Sharp and painful, these lower-leg cramps often crop up during the second and third trimesters. Keep reading to find out what causes leg pain during pregnancy—and how to feel better!

Photo: Narong Jongsirikul/Shutterstock.com

Sometimes the least serious pregnancy ailments cause the most aggravation. Leg cramps are an example of this. These cramps, which usually occur in the lower leg, often at night, can be quite painful and can interrupt your sleep.

What causes leg cramps during pregnancy?

If you've ever had a "charley horse," then you're already familiar with the kind of leg pain that many women encounter during pregnancy. The truth is, doctors aren't entirely sure why these sharp, unpleasant leg cramps during pregnancy happen—especially during the second and third trimesters—but most theorize that it may have to do with the pressure of the uterus on certain nerves, fatigue, or decreased circulation in your legs from the pressure of the baby on blood vessels. In any case, you may be awakened with sudden painful spasms in your calf muscles (they most often occur at night). They aren't fun, but they're not usually cause for concern, either, unless they persist and are severe, in which case you call your healthcare provider right away.

What relieves leg cramps during pregnancy?

Beginning early in your pregnancy, alternate circulation-boosting exercise with the proper amount of rest (prop those feet and legs up!). This can prevent foot and leg problems from developing in the first place. But if those aches have already begun, some remedies for leg cramps can help.

The best leg cramps remedy is to stand barefoot on a cold tile floor and lift your toes up. This stretches the calf and can bring fast relief. Or, if you can't stand when a leg cramp strikes, try straightening your leg and gently flex your foot, with toes pointed up and heel down, to stretch out your calf muscle. Don't point your toes—this usually makes the pain worse! Massage the muscle with long, firm strokes toward your foot. If you still feel sore, apply a heating pad or warm washcloth. This is remedy is especially helpful for those suffering from leg cramps at night, as doing these movements and stretches before you go to bed can help you sleep more soundly.

Exercising daily can help, too, as can eating foods higher in potassium (bananas and kiwi fruits) or adding magnesium to your calcium supplements. Finally, making sure you are well hydrated with water is sometimes all you need. If you continue be bothered by leg cramps, consider wearing support hose, and avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time without a break.

Leg cramps is a sign of pregnancy

You're most likely to get leg cramps during pregnancy when you're lying down — but these painful spasms can stand between you and a good night's sleep.

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Leg cramps is a sign of pregnancy

In This Article

  • How soon do leg cramps start during pregnancy?
  • What causes leg cramps during pregnancy?
  • How can I get rid of leg cramps when I’m pregnant?
  • Can I prevent leg cramps during pregnancy?
  • When can I expect leg cramps to end while I'm pregnant?
  • When to see your doctor about leg cramps

You're probably already having a hard enough time catching Zzzs these days, with your belly getting bigger by the day and your mind on overdrive — and leg cramps aren't helping.

These painful spasms that radiate through the calves and up the legs are very common among the expectant set. Although they can be felt during the day, they're usually more noticeable at night, when fatigue and fluid accumulation are at their peak (and when you have all that quiet and stillness to ponder them). 

How soon do leg cramps start during pregnancy?

Leg cramps usually start in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

What causes leg cramps during pregnancy?

Short answer: Nobody's quite sure. Various theories point to the following causes of leg cramps during pregnancy:

  • Pregnancy fatiguefrom carrying the extra baby weight
  • Compression of the blood vessels in the legs
  • Diet (an excess of phosphorus and a shortage of calcium or magnesium) 
  • Pregnancy hormones since they seem to cause so many pregnancy aches and pains

How can I get rid of leg cramps when I’m pregnant?

When you get a leg cramp, try the following:

  • Flex your feet. Straighten your leg and gently flex your ankle and toes back toward your shins several times. You can do this in bed, but you may find you get faster relief if you get up and do it on your feet.
  • Cool it. Try standing on a cold surface, which can sometimes stop a spasm. An ice pack or cool compress may also help.
  • Warm up. If stretching and cold help subside the pain, try a heating pad for added relief. (Don’t use heat if pain persists.)
  • Get a massage. Another option: treat yourself to a prenatal massage, or ask your partner to give you a rub-down. (Don't massage if pain persists.)

Can I prevent leg cramps during pregnancy?

While leg cramps during pregnancy aren't exactly preventable, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the frequency and duration:

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  • Try stretching exercises. Stop cramps before they strike with a few pregnancy-safe stretching exercises. Before you head to bed, stand about two feet away from a wall and put your palms flat against it. Lean forward, keeping your heels on the floor. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds, then relax for five. Try this three times.
  • Switch it up. Alternate periods of activity with periods of rest throughout the day.
  • Put your feet up. Kick back with your feet raised as often as you can when you're seated.
  • Update your wardrobe. Try sporting a pair of support hose (aka compression socks) during the day, which may help reduce swelling in the ankles and feet by improving circulation in your lower extremities. If possible, try to wear shoes with a firm heel counter (the part that cups the heel) to properly position your foot in the shoe.
  • Stay hydrated. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water (most pregnant women need about eight to 10 glasses of fluids a day from all sources, but ask your practitioner if you need more). A good sign you’re hydrated: Your pee is light yellow, not straw-colored.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. It should include lots of calcium (try yogurt, which may also help with pregnancy constipation) and magnesium (bananas are full of it).
  • Take your prenatal vitamin every day. This can help ensure you're getting all the vitamins and minerals you and baby need while you're pregnant.
  • Talk to your practitioner. Ask if you should be taking a magnesium supplement before going to bed.

When can I expect leg cramps to end while I'm pregnant?

Really bad cramps (like a charley horse) can cause pain for a few days, and that's nothing to worry about.

Leg cramps are especially common in the second half of pregnancy, when pregnancy weight gain, increased swelling and overall fatigue are at their high points — and interruptions to your sleep are most frustrating. 

Unfortunately for most women, leg cramps last through the third trimester of pregnancy. Taking steps to reduce leg cramps (drinking lots of water, eating a well-balanced diet, stretching) can help keep them at bay.

When to see your doctor about leg cramps

If the pain is severe and persistent (and if you notice swelling, warmth or redness in the area), talk to your practitioner. In very rare cases you could have a blood clot in a vein known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) that requires medical attention.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) During Pregnancy and Postpartum, November 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Pregnancy Nutrition Chart: 33 Essential Nutrients for Pregnant Women, June 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Fatigue During Pregnancy, November 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Your Guide to Pregnancy Hormones, January 2021.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Are You Drinking Enough Water During Pregnancy?, October 2019.
  • WhatToExpect.com, The Best Stretches to Do During Pregnancy, October 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Best Compression Socks for Pregnancy, January 2021.
  • Mayo Clinic, Slide Show: Office Stretches, October 2019.
  • Cochrane, Interventions for Leg Cramps During Pregnancy, August 2015.
  • Mayo Clinic, What Causes Leg Cramps During Pregnancy, and Can They Be Prevented?, June 2019.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Questions and Answers: Leg Cramps, April 2015.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Compression Stockings, July 2018.

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When do pregnancy cramps start?

It occurs anywhere from six to 12 days after the egg is fertilized. The cramps resemble menstrual cramps, so some women mistake them and the bleeding for the start of their period. The bleeding and cramps, however, are slight.

What do early pregnancy cramps feel like?

“Early on in your pregnancy, it's natural to feel some mild cramping in your lower abdomen at infrequent times as your body prepares for your growing baby,” Dr. Nalla said. As your belly grows, so does your uterus. This may cause you to feel some slight pulling, tugging or stretching similar to menstrual cramps.