Is olive oil good for you to drink

Olive oil is one of the healthiest sources of fat available to us.
In fact, the health benefits and the buzz around olive oil have made many people consume it in multiple forms. From anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, olive oil is full of nutritive values.

Mostly used while cooking, there are also some who believe that olive oil should be consumed directly to garner the best benefits.
But, is this true? What's the best way to have olive oil?

We explain to you the benefits of the same and the right way to do it.

How healthy is olive oil?

There are a lot of solid reasons which make olive oil one of the healthiest and nutrient-rich oils. A big constituent of the Mediterranean diet (consistently ranked to be one of the best diets to follow), olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which is a healthy source of fat.

Extra virgin olive oil, the best of its kind goes little-to-no processing, has rich antioxidants (more than any other oil) which garner a lot of potential health benefits.

According to dietary guidelines, 1 tbsp, or 13.5 grams of olive oil contains:

119 calories

13.5 g of fat, of which 1.86 g is saturated

1.9 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E
8.13 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K

Apart from this, olive oil also contains loads of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, calcium, trace minerals like potassium, polyphenols, squalene and terpenic acids, which are all good for our health. This is also one of the reasons olive oil is being increasingly used in cooking, cosmetic and other traditional therapeutic mediums.

Should you be drinking it directly?

The method of directly consuming olive oil arose out of a practice in some Mediterranean regions, where people often drink upto 1/4th cup, or 60 ml of olive oil directly, first thing in the morning. The practice is similar to the way many people consume coconut oil or ghee directly.

According to multiple anecdotes, consuming olive oil in such a manner can dole out several health benefits- including detoxification, aiding weight loss and healing an upset stomach.

However, there's not enough scientific evidence to support the same. Neither is the taste, which can be quite bitter for someone not used to the same.

That being said, according to a lot of experts, drinking olive oil directly guarantees better health benefits than if used during cooking.

We explain to you some of the health benefits which might just compel you to have olive oil directly.

Benefits of directly consuming olive oil

Studies have suggested that having olive oil directly can have these benefits:

-Helps you get your needed fat intake: It's crucial to incorporate some amount of fat in your daily diet and most importantly, score on good quality fat. This is where most people lack. According to dietary guidelines, it's important to get 20-35% calories though fat, via polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). Olive oil is rich in both of these sources. In fact, direct consumption of olive oil may actually help you get the recommended dose of healthy fat.

-Good to relieve constipation: Another benefit of having olive oil directly is for your digestive system. It is believed that olive oil is one of the best natural relievers for constipation. It can also work as a stool softeners and work to regularize bowel movements as well. Hence, daily consumption is recommended.

-May support good heart health: For long, olive oil has been hailed as a heart-healthy oil and drinking it directly may prove to be more beneficial. There are plenty of factors behind it. Not only does it contain good kinds of fats (PUFAs and MUFAs), it can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cardiac complications, by a big percentage when consumed regularly. It can also prove to be beneficial if you balance out the use of other fat sources in your daily diet.

-Can promote weight loss: Directly consuming olive oil may also be a good habit for weight watchers to try. There's some proof that suggests that those on the mission to lose weight may benefit by minimizing their overall fat intake, feel fuller by drinking olive oil directly rather than adding it to meals.

Apart from this, the fat source also promises the following benefits:

-Stabilizes blood sugar levels

-Helps maintain and promote bone health, improves bone density

-Nourishes the hair and the skin
-Helps cut down on inflammation

-May work as a pain-reliever

-Good for your overall digestive health

-Healthier than other sources of fats

Are there side-effects you should know?

Having explained the pros, do remember that we only have anecdotal evidence to support the benefits and claims of directly consuming olive oil.

While drinking olive oil may have some benefits that may make you want to try it, there are some possible downsides to consider.

We talk about a few of them:

-Olive oil is high on calories: Even though drinking olive oil directly may help you get the recommended fat needed for the day, it's still high on calories.

Excess calorie consumption could pose potential problems, including weight gain, if not moderated.

-It cannot replace whole foods: Again, while olive oil is nutrient-rich, it's not a whole food and single-handedly cannot replace them either. You need a variety of foods from different nutrient groups for healthy living.

-Can act as an allergen: For those with sensitive tastebuds, olive oil can be a trigger. Even though rare, olive oil can act as a potential allergen and may even cause terrible skin infections, including dermatitis.

-There's not enough scientific evidence: As we mentioned above, the benefits of drinking olive oil directly have emerged out of traditional practices and anecdotal accounts. Research is still underway and not exclusively supported by studies. Therefore, many of the claims may not be the most beneficial.

It's best to try the therapy only after consultation with a registered dietician or a medical practitioner.

The bottom line

To sum it up, while olive oil should definitely be added to your diet plan, drinking it directly may be good, only if had in small quantities. Discretion is to be followed.

Again, while there's not enough available evidence to support the claims, a person may benefit by having olive oil directly in limited quantities. Exceeding recommended amounts may do more harm than good. Try by having a spoonful or two of olive oil to detoxify and nourish the body.

How much olive oil should you drink a day?

As a general rule of thumb, between one and two tablespoons a day is a good amount of olive oil to consume. This goes for both olive oil that you drink for health benefits and also olive oil that you consume with food as part of your regular cooking process.

Can we drink olive oil directly?

Drinking olive oil is certainly an efficient way to consume the antioxidants and healthy fats present in the oil. However, if you do not like the idea of drinking olive oil, then you can always incorporate it into your diet in other ways, such as using it as an ingredient while cooking.

What is the benefits of drinking olive oil?

Aside from the well know heart-healthy benefits, drinking olive oil can offer the following health benefits: Drinking olive oil may relieve constipation. Multiple studies have found that consuming olive oil works as a stool softener. Olive oil can sooth an upset stomach, reduce gas and heartburn.

Is a spoonful of olive oil a day good for you?

After adjusting for other dietary habits, age, and other heart-related risks, the researchers found that people who consumed at least a half-tablespoon of olive oil a day had a 14% lower risk for heart disease compared with people who used no olive oil.


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