I miss my period am i pregnant

A missed period typically offers the first noticeable sign of pregnancy. At least, it does when you have a regular menstrual cycle.

When your period makes a regular appearance every few weeks — on average, menstrual cycles range from 24 to 38 days long — you might suspect pregnancy within just a few days of missing your period. A pregnancy test or two will usually provide the confirmation you need and give you the chance to start considering your options.

But maybe you don’t have regular periods. Some months you have two, others only some light spotting. You might go for several months without any bleeding at all. When irregular or light periods happen as a result of hormonal birth control, you might be even less likely to wonder about the possibility of pregnancy until several weeks have passed.

Maybe you know pregnancy and parenthood aren’t right for you right now (or ever), but you also live in a state that bans abortion after 6 weeks. These extra days of uncertainty can mean the difference between getting an abortion and not getting one unless you’re able to travel.

And of course, the overturning of Roe v. Wade would heavily restrict, if not ban outright, abortion for people living in 26 states. If you need to gather funds and find time to make a trip out of state, you’ll likely want to know you’re pregnant as soon as possible.

We’re here to help. In the guide below, we’ll cover six of the earliest signs of pregnancy, plus offer more information about your options.

The name “morning sickness” isn’t entirely accurate, since pregnancy-related nausea can occur at any time of day.

Morning sickness doesn’t always involve vomiting, either. It’s pretty common to simply feel nauseous.

Research from 2019 suggests that while somewhere around 80 percent of people notice nausea during early pregnancy, only between 35 and 40 percent also report vomiting.

Nausea can begin very early in pregnancy.

In a 2021 study of 241 pregnant people, researchers tracked the onset of pregnancy sickness beginning from the day of ovulation.

Two-thirds of the participants reported having symptoms 11 to 20 days after ovulation. About 5 percent of the participants noticed symptoms even earlier.

In all, 94.1 percent of the participants experienced at least some nausea and vomiting.

Again, ovulation happens around the middle of your cycle, so if you have a 28-day cycle, you may start to notice some nausea around the time you miss your period.

Keep in mind, though, that not everyone experiences nausea during pregnancy. In other words, “no nausea” doesn’t automatically translate to “not pregnant.”

Changes in your breasts or chest tissue also tend to begin in early pregnancy.

You might notice:

  • swelling
  • soreness
  • tenderness and sensitivity to the touch
  • a full or heavy feeling

Of course, soreness and tenderness commonly happen with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Wondering how to tell the difference? Your breast or chest veins can offer a clue: blue, visible veins often suggest pregnancy, as can tingling in the area and aching underneath your armpits.

The color of your areolae, or the ring of skin surrounding the nipples, might begin to appear darker, or even slightly larger, in early pregnancy.

You might associate frequent urination with late pregnancy, but this uptick in bathroom trips can happen a whole lot sooner, sometimes as early as week 4 of pregnancy (or right around the time you miss your period).

Another key change you might notice in your bathroom habits? Constipation.

By week 4, even though you might be peeing a lot more, you might also feel bloated and backed up.

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy can affect senses like smell and taste.

You might notice:

  • increased sensitivity to odors
  • smells you usually don’t mind, like coffee, spices, or cleaning products, suddenly become unpleasant
  • a metallic or sour taste in your mouth
  • an aversion to certain foods, even ones you enjoy
  • increased salivation

Can’t seem to keep your eyes open, even though it’s the middle of the day? Fighting off frequent yawns and the urge to nap?

Feeling more tired than usual is a common sign of pregnancy, one that often shows up around the 4-week mark.

Of course, it’s also very common to feel more tired than usual just before your period starts. But if your period doesn’t show and the fatigue persists, you may want to take a pregnancy test sooner rather than later.

When you’re worried about an unplanned pregnancy, the faintest hint of pink on the toilet paper or in your underwear might bring intense relief. (We’ve been there.) After all, getting your period means you aren’t pregnant.

That blood may not be your period arriving, though.

Implantation bleeding, which can happen when the fertilized egg attaches, or implants, to the uterine lining, typically happens somewhere between weeks 3 and 4, or between 10 and 14 days after conception. That’s often right around the time your period would show up, or just before.

You could easily mistake this bleeding for a light period, especially if your periods already tend to be on the lighter, shorter side.

But implantation bleeding differs from a typical period in a few key ways:

  • It usually lasts just a couple of days.
  • You’ll notice very little blood, usually not enough to fill a tampon, pad, or cup.
  • The blood will often be brown or pink, rather than bright red.
  • It can involve some pelvic pain or cramping, or you may not notice any pain at all.

Taking a pregnancy test may be a good option when your period seems unusually light and the blood never becomes red.

A monthly pregnancy test is never a bad idea, especially because most signs of early pregnancy can mimic PMS symptoms or have other causes unrelated to reproductive health.

Taking a test each month is the best way to tell for certain whether you’re pregnant, say Cynthia Plotch and Jamie Norwood, co-founders of Stix. The Philadelphia-based online brand aims to increase stigma-free accessibility to pregnancy and ovulation tests, along with other reproductive health products, with discreet and direct shipping.

Pregnancy tests can offer fast confirmation without the need to wait for symptoms that may or may not show up.

“We recommend taking a pregnancy test the first day of your missed period, or 19 days after sex if your periods are irregular,” they say.

They also suggest testing first thing in the morning before you’ve had any water, as your urine will be most concentrated at that time.

If you want to continue the pregnancy, it’s best to reach out to a doctor or other healthcare professional to book a prenatal appointment.

If you have a positive pregnancy test but don’t want to be pregnant, you’ll want to reach out for care right away. Your timeline for getting an abortion will vary depending on the state you live in.

Abortion options also depend on how far along the pregnancy is:

  • You can usually get a medical abortion up to the 12-week mark. In some states, it’s possible to get a medical abortion using telehealth services.
  • After 12 weeks, you’ll typically need a surgical abortion.

Get more details on when and how you can get an abortion.

At your appointment, healthcare professionals can confirm the pregnancy and offer information about your options, depending on how many weeks pregnant you are.

If you can no longer get an abortion in your state, you still have options. These resources can help.

Abortion bans prevent you from making your own healthcare decisions, a right everyone deserves, without question.

Sure, birth control can go a long way toward preventing unplanned pregnancies — but the fact remains that not everyone has access to birth control. Plus, even the most effective methods can still sometimes fail.

Some hormonal birth control methods can also lead to lighter or irregular periods, making it even harder to recognize one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy in time to get an abortion.

That’s why Plotch and Norwood recommend monthly pregnancy and ovulation testing as a way to get in tune with your cycle.

“Now more than ever, we need to understand what’s going on with our bodies,” they say. “Ovulation tests offer a great place to start. You can use them whether you’re trying to get pregnant or trying not to since they find your fertile window and help you know your likelihood of getting pregnant.”

If you’ve had penis-in-vagina sex since your last period, it never hurts to take a pregnancy test if your period doesn’t show up when you expect it. The sooner you know you’re pregnant, the more time you have to consider your options.

Paying attention to changes in your body and menstrual cycle can help you recognize early signs of pregnancy while you still have time to end the pregnancy if you choose.

You’re the only one who should have control over your body and healthcare decisions. No one should have the right to force you to continue a pregnancy, but that’s exactly what abortion restrictions and bans aim to do.

“We’ve dedicated our careers to empowering women to make confident health decisions. For us, this means doubling down on creating the right resources and products to help the members of our community make the choices that are right for them,” say Plotch and Norwood.

Need abortion support? Try these resources:

  • National Network of Abortion Funds
  • Abortion Finder
  • National Abortion Federation

Crystal Raypole writes for Healthline and Psych Central. Her fields of interest include Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health, along with books, books, and more books. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues. She lives in Washington with her son and a lovably recalcitrant cat.

How many days missed period can be pregnant?

When you can do a pregnancy test. You can carry out most pregnancy tests from the first day of a missed period. If you don't know when your next period is due, do the test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex. Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can be used even before you miss a period.

Can you miss your period and not be pregnant?

Periods can also sometimes stop as a result of a medical condition, such as heart disease, uncontrolled diabetes, an overactive thyroid, or premature menopause.

Did I miss my period or am I pregnant?

Missing a period is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy. If a period is 1 week late and pregnancy is a possibility, take a pregnancy test. Many tests are highly sensitive and can detect pregnancy hormones several days before a missed period.


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