How to see who follow you back on instagram

How to see who follow you back on instagram
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Do you want to find out who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram? If you have a fair amount of followers, this can sometimes be a tedious and time consuming process, but it's still possible. We will teach you how to easily see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram by using the Android and iOS app, FollowMeter for Instagram.

  1. How to see who follow you back on instagram

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  1. How to see who follow you back on instagram


    Download FollowMeter for Instagram. Open up the app store on your Android or iOS device, type “FollowMeter for Instagram” into the search bar, and download the app. The app icon has a white background with the shape of a person inside.

  2. How to see who follow you back on instagram


    Open the app. Once it has finished downloading to your device, tap on the app to open it.

  3. How to see who follow you back on instagram


    Tap Login. This is a blue button at the bottom of your screen. Now simply type in your Instagram username and password and tap Log in.[1]

  4. How to see who follow you back on instagram


    Tap Not Following You Back. This is located in the middle of your screen. Now just scroll through the list of Instagram users that don’t follow you back.

  5. How to see who follow you back on instagram


    Unfollow an account that doesn’t follow you back (optional). If you want to unfollow any of the accounts in this list, simply tap the white Following button next to their username in the FollowMeter app.

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Article SummaryX

1. Manually go through your followers list.
2. Download FollowMeter for Instagram.
3. Log in to the app.
4. Tap Not Following You Back.
5. Unfollow an account.

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There’s nothing more upsetting than following someone and then discovering that they don’t follow you back. Even so, we all are curious to learn how to discover who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram!

Even though, knowing who is not following you back is really quite useful. After all, if the person doesn’t see your content, why should you be a part of their list?

There’s not exactly a new tool that makes it clear when you’re using the social media platform, but it’s actually quite easy to learn it. There are three ways for you to know who is not following you back on Instagram. The first of them can be done natively: you don’t even need to leave Instagram!

The other two require that you use external apps. These two apps make this task that much easier. One of these apps, is, in fact, one of the best apps to get Instagram followers, which also lets you unfollow easily. You won’t even notice who is not following you anymore!

Do you want to get to discover who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram? Check out our full guide and learn three different ways to do so!

Tip: Even more important than finding out those who aren’t following you is making it possible for your followers to go to all your pages. But how can you do that if Instagram’s bio only lets you add one link?

With, of course! Follow this link to learn just how it can increase the number of links you will use on your profile!

1st way: directly on Instagram

Even though it doesn’t require that you use an external app, the first way is the one that will take the longest, should you want to clean up.

Don’t worry, though, since it is actually really easy to know who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram. To do so, open up the app and tap the profile icon;

How to see who follow you back on instagram

Next up, tap Following;

How to see who follow you back on instagram

Then, tap a user you suspect is not following you back;

How to see who follow you back on instagram

Again, tap on the Following button, but on the user’s profile page;

How to see who follow you back on instagram

Your name MUST be at the top of the list, showing you that the user follows you back. If you’re not at the top, that means you’re not being followed by this profile.

How to see who follow you back on instagram

The problem with this method is that it only really works in isolated occasions, such as with a friend with whom you’ve had a falling out. If you want a comprehensive list of those who aren’t following you back, try the second way.

2nd way: Use IG:dm

We’ve already mentioned IG:dm when talking about the best apps to unfollow on Instagram. Even though it is meant as an app for you to talk via Instagram Direct Messages on PC, one of its features is to let you know who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram.

To do so, follow this link to download and install the software. Next up, log in to your Instagram account on the app.

After doing that, hover your mouse over your profile picture;

How to see who follow you back on instagram

Click the Users not following back option;

How to see who follow you back on instagram

IG:dm will show you a full list, letting you know who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram. From here, you just need to tap Unfollow to stop following them as well.

How to see who follow you back on instagram

3rd way: unfollow automatically with StimSocial!

The third and final way is for those who want to clean up easily, without even checking the users who don’t follow you back. One of the best apps for that is also one of the best websites to get Instagram followers, StimSocial!

How to see who follow you back on instagram

This is an app that lets you do a lot of automatic interactions on Instagram, as well as managing your profile thoroughly. Of course, you can easily discover who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram and unfollow them.

Beyond that, StimSocial provides you with comprehensive analytics so you can understand everything that’s going on with your account, it is one of the best post scheduling apps, it lets you monitor your growth, and a lot more.

Are you curious about StimSocial’s premise?

Then enjoy: the platform lets all its new users test everything it has to offer entirely for free, for 5 days! That’s right, full access to the platform for almost an entire week!

To start testing out StimSocial, simply follow this link right now to sign up!