How to link a url on instagram story

Update: in november 2021 heeft Instagram een update uitgerold waarmee het voor iedereen mogelijk wordt om links te plaatsen in Stories. Hoe dat werkt, lees je in dit artikel.

Je ziet ze vast weleens voorbij komen in Instagram Stories: werkende links. Als je dan naar boven swipet of onderaan op de link tikt, opent zich een webpagina. Wellicht zie je deze functionaliteit vooral in de (vele) advertenties die de revue passeren wanneer je door de verhalen bladert. Maar soms toch ook in ‘gewone’ stories van ‘gewone’ mensen. Hoe zit dat precies – kan je zelf ook een link toevoegen aan een verhaal?

Instagram en links

Vooropgesteld: Instagram en werkende hyperlinks zijn nog steeds geen gelukkige combinatie, advertenties daargelaten. Experts denken dat Instagram zich op die manier wil onderscheiden van andere, meer link driven sociale platformen zoals broertje Facebook. Of dat Instagram dat doet om zoveel mogelijk mensen op het eigen platform te houden.

De ‘bio link’

De enige plek waar iedereen een werkende (dus aanklikbare) link naar een website kan plaatsen, is in het profiel (tik op: Profiel bewerken). In Instagram-berichten wordt dan ook vaak naar deze link (“link in bio”) verwezen.

Je ziet weleens dat deze link naar een speciale pagina verwijst met daarop meerdere links die in de Instagram-berichten van die persoon genoemd worden. Zo’n landingspagina kan je eenvoudig en gratis in elkaar steken met een dienst als Linktree. Je hoeft dan niet steeds links te wisselen in je bio.

Een alternatief is een niet-klikbare link in je bericht (dus enkel een tekstuele), die men dan zelf moet intypen of plakken in de browser. In zo’n geval kan het gebruik van een URL shortener als Bitly nuttig zijn. Of je gebruikt je Linktree-link als je die hebt.

Links in verhalen

Voor Instagram Stories geldt voor de meeste mensen helaas hetzelfde: je kan in je verhaal een website-adres tonen, maar een werkende link plaatsen is niet mogelijk.

We zeiden “voor de meeste mensen”, want als je aan bepaalde voorwaarden voldoet, kan je wél links plaatsen in je verhalen. Daartoe moet je:

  • minimaal 10.000 volgers hebben
  • of een geverifieerde gebruiker zijn.

Als je dit privilege hebt, verschijnt er een extra icoontje in de knoppenbalk  als je een story aan het maken bent. Tik daarop om de website-URL op te geven. Per verhaal kan je maar één link plaatsen.


Wil je mensen toch graag bewegen om een bepaalde website te bezoeken? Verwijs in je verhaal dan naar je ‘bio link’ of laat weten dat men de link via Instagram DM kan verkrijgen. In direct messages kan je namelijk wél werkende links plaatsen. Je kan ook een poll plaatsen en vragen of men via DM een link wil ontvangen.

Instagram has maintained its status as a social media mega-force for several years running—quite an accomplishment in this ever-changing digital landscape! And yet, we entrepreneurs, bloggers, wellness creators, and businesses have become frustrated by the platform’s limitations, especially when it comes to linking back to our own websites. Many of us post a single link in our bios, but this workaround can feel clunky and limiting.

Then Instagram Stories changed everything.

This feature was rolled out in August of 2016, and gave users the ability to create short videos or photo series that disappear after 24 hours. Stories are highlighted in the top bar of all user accounts, so they organically receive more attention than regular photo posts. Shortly after the rollout, Instagram began allowing users with verified accounts to seamlessly add a link to an Instagram Story. Clickable links within Instagram Stories are available to many business profiles (not just those with 10,000+ followers). Which means that, for the first time, a high-visibility post can link back to your website, blog, or Marvelous studio product seamlessly and easily.

So how can you take advantage of this outstanding promotional feature? Let’s start with the basics.

How to create an Instagram Story

Before you dig into adding links, you need to know how to create an Instagram Story. The steps are fairly simple, but have changed with recent updates, so here’s the rundown:

When in your Instagram feed, tap the Plus [+] icon in the top right of your screen and choose story, or swipe right from anywhere in your Instagram feed. You can create a new image or video, or use any image(s) or video you’ve previously created in your camera roll on your phone. Videos longer than 15 seconds will split into multiple stories.

You then have the following options:

  • Tap the down arrow to the left of your screen, this will display multiple options for creating your story including, Boomerang, Layout and Hands-free.

  • Tap the white circle icon at the bottom of the screen to take a photo, or tap and hold to record a video.

  • Next, tap [Aa] to add text, click the smiley face icon to show a grid of options of what you can add to your story, including Location, tagging another Instagram account, add stickers or music clip, and so much more

  • Tap Undo to remove a drawing effect or Done to save it. To remove text sticker, or music clip, drag and drop it on the garbage can icon at the bottom, center of the screen.

  • You’re almost done! You tap Save to save it to your phone, if you’ve changed your mind about posting, tap Cancel to discard your photo or video, or when you're done and ready to post, tap the Arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.

How to add to your Instagram story

Adding another image or video to your story is simple. Just follow the above steps! Every image you add in a 24-hour period using the Stories functions will become part of your current story.

Regret adding something to today’s story? Tap the three dots at the bottom right corner of the photo or video, hit Delete, and then confirm.

On the flip side, if you you want everyone to have access to the components of an InstaStory permanently, you can add them to your profile grid. Just open your Story, tap the three dots at the bottom right of the photo or video, then tap Share as Post. Tap Share, and into your feed it goes!

You can also add a story to a highlight that appears in your Instagram profile by viewing your story and clicking Highlight in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

How to add a link to an Instagram Story

If you’ve got access to the linking feature, adding a live link to your most recent blog post, your website, or even another social media account is really straight forward.

Here’s how to add a link to Instagram Story:

  • Begin creating your Story as you normally would

  • Once you’ve created or selected a new photo or video, you’ll see four icons at the top of the screen - a text (Aa) icon, a smiley, 3 stars, and 3 dots. Tap the smiley and look for the chain link symbol with the word “Link” next to it.

  • A new screen will appear that gives you a field for entering the destination URL of your choice. Since Instagram doesn’t give you any tracking capabilities or metrics, consider using to monitor your link’s performance.

Once you’ve added a URL to your story, the chain link icon will appear next to the URL you just typed out. By tapping the link you can change the color. You can also move it around your screen, and adjust the size.

You can continue editing the elements of your Story by adding text, filters, or stickers. To ensure that viewers are aware of the live embedded link, be sure to include a call-to-action in your story text that directs them to it. Something as simple as “Tap here to sign u!” with an arrow sticker point towards the link, works beautifully.

How to leverage your Instagram Story links to drive traffic

Adding links is a HUGE first step toward connecting your Instagram account to your blog or website. But incorporating a link and nudging users to click often isn’t enough. You need to create strategic content that actually entices them to want more, and actively seek out your link.

One simple strategy is to create a new Instagram Story every time you’ve published a new blog post. Grab the header image from your post, or just create a slide that features the post’s headline in bold, artful text. Consider creating a graphic element that says “new blog post” that you can pop onto any InstaStory slide serving as a blog-content alert. And don’t forget that call-to-action!

Tutorials and DIYs can also serve as fantastic teasers on Instagram Stories. If you’re demonstrating a series of yoga poses, include a short video and a few stills on Insta, then create a final slide that directs users to your site for full instructions.

You can also tease exclusive content, product launches, or sneak peeks at new projects. Create a short video or a few slides that will pique curiosity, then make your final frame a link to your Marvelous site.

And, of course, Instagram Stories creates a superb platform for plugging your services .... though be sure to do so in moderation. If every Story you share is a promo for your wellness business, your followers will become disenchanted and stop viewing your stories. But if you incorporate a variety of posts and ensure that your promos have the same engaging, fun tone as the rest, your fans will welcome them. Again, use overlaid text and calls to action to get the most out of your Stories.

Awkward as it may feel, keeping a fresh link in your Instagram profile that directs followers to timely content or information is still a smart move. Using a free one-link landing page such as is perfect for this. But if you really want to leverage your Instagram following and increase traffic to your site, tinker around with Instagram Stories links. More than 200 million people use this feature every single day, so it’s a savvy, effective way to lead your followers back to your website or blog.

Why can't I add a URL to my Instagram story?

How do I get qualified to add links to Instagram stories? There are currently only two ways to “earn” the option to add links into Instagram stories: Either have 10,000+ followers or have a verified account. Links in Instagram stories were originally only available to users with a huge number of followers.

How do I make a URL link on Instagram?

Q: Can I put a clickable link in Instagram story from my business account?.
Open the Instagram app and tap on the Stories camera..
Tap the Link icon (the chain link)..
Enter the URL you want to share and tap Done..
Tap the link sticker to edit or remove it..
Your link will now be displayed in your story..

Can you put clickable links in Instagram stories?

You can add links to your stories by using Instagram's new clickable link sticker. The new link sticker is much more visible, and can be added anywhere on a story.


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