How to keep spiders off your bed

Just the thought of an eight-legged, furry spider in your bed is a horrible nightmare that also can occur in real life. Dark areas and places attract them, so it is not uncommon to see them in or under a bed.

It can be very upsetting to find a spider in your bed, especially if it is a type of venomous spider, like a Brown Recluse or Black Widow. When a spider infestation occurs, you cannot just spray tons of toxins on them. You need to determine what the root cause is and treat it first.

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Determine The Root Cause

The first step you need to take is to ensure that your room is kept clean and neat. Then consider the following factors that can attract spiders into your bedroom:

| Food Parts

For many spiders, food is the biggest attraction. If you are eating in your bedroom, make sure to thoroughly clean up once you are done – wipe away any remnants of foods and crumbs that may be on your floor.

| Garbage

If your room has a lot of garbage strewn about, it will attract spiders. Ensure that you clean out all trash from a dustbin in your bedroom. Also, check for used tissues and other types of items that may be on your floor. Your bedroom needs to be kept as clean as possible to avoid spiders.

| Old Magazines and Newspapers

Old magazines and newspapers are an ideal hiding place for spiders. They tend to be left untouched, and in between the folds are dark areas, which gives spiders plenty of protection. Spiders tend to move into dark and hidden locations, so a big pile of magazines is an ideal place for them.

| Messy Storage Boxes

Many people stash storage boxes in their bedroom. That is perfectly okay until you realize that your storage boxes could end up being the ideal place for spiders’ nests. It is critically important to pick the storage boxes up and thoroughly clean the surrounding area. You should also ensure that the insides of the storage boxes are clean.

| Houseplants

It is a good idea to add plants to your bedroom. They look nice and help maintain the room’s aesthetic appearance and appeal. However, it is very crucial to understand that maintenance is not always easy as you may think it is. Houseplants tend to attract many insects. So if you do not care well for your plants, spiders can start weaving their webs between the stems and live there.

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Keep Spiders Away Strategies

Now that you are aware of the main reasons why your bedroom may attract spiders, it is time to turn your attention towards several different strategies that you can use to keep those pesky small creatures under control.

Several different things can be done, depending on how much work you are willing to do and how much money you have to spend on your cleaning process.

So to sleep peacefully at night and not having to worry about these pests getting inside of your sheets, the following are ten tips that you can use to prevent spiders from getting into your bed.

Wash Your Sheets Regularly

Washing sheets regularly will help to keep spiders away from your bed and prolong your mattress lifespan.

Grime and dirty from dirty clothes, moisture from wet towels and sweat, food crumbs, and dead skin cells are just a couple of the nasty things that can accumulate in a bed. With a large amount of debris is collected, you are bound to end up with pests such as small roaches crawling around. Soon enough, spiders will appear to hunt these insects.

Do not Eat in Bed

Eating in bed sends an invitation to all types of bugs to come to hang out in your bed. To avoid attracting insects to your bed and help you out with your laundry – do not eat in the place where you sleep. Eat your late-night snack in the kitchen. That will help to avoid getting sauce smears, food debris, and crumbs on your sheets.

Keep Your Furniture Apart

Keeping your furniture apart can help to prevent spiders from getting into your bed.

It can be convenient to have bedside tables and lamps. However, spiders can use them to get inside your bed. You want your furniture to prevent spiders from getting into your sleeping space. So make sure you keep it a couple of inches away. Make the distance close enough so you can reach things but far enough so that spiders cannot get to your bed.

Clean Your Room

Keep clutter out of your room. It will guarantee you that insects do not end up in your bed.

To keep your bed free of spiders, clear away all cobwebs from your bedroom. Those webs are indications that there are already spiders living in your bedroom. Eliminate their hiding places. Find them, and get rid of them.

Declutter Under Your Bed

It is always a great idea to declutter underneath your bed to keep away insects.

It might save space to put stuff under your bed, but it also provides dark hiding spaces for spiders to spin webs. As mentioned earlier, spiders like dark spaces. However, it is even more disturbing when they nest close to your sleeping area.

We recommend that you do not use many storage boxes underneath your bed. That will tend to collect debris. They may absorb moisture as well, which will attract insect prey. When there is more prey, there will be more spiders hunting them.

Use A Bed With Long Legs

When your bed frame has longer legs, it may help to discourage spiders from crawling up your bed.

It is an efficient and pragmatic solution. The most troublesome kind of bed for spiders to climb are ones that have thin legs.

Tuck In Your Sheets

Tucking in your bed sheet will guarantee there are no loose ends on which spiders can crawl.

Another way is to make sure your sheets do not touch the floor. Each time you do not use them, tuck dangling sheets in as spiders will be happy to climb on them.

Use Essential Oils

You can use essential oils to prevent the invasion of spiders.

Since you cannot use chemical pesticides in the area you sleep in, one of the best options is to use natural repellents. Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemon are very aromatic and potent.

These oils have compounds such as d-limonene – a natural substance known to drive various insects away like spiders and mosquitoes. Also, the soothing aromas of these oils help to promote a peaceful night’s sleep as well.

To make this type of repellent, you need to fill up a spray bottle with water and add a couple of drops of essential oils to it. Depending on your preferences, you can use various essential oils combinations.

Keep in mind that the more oils you add, the more effective your spray will be. So, experiment with the effects that your spray will have by first testing it out on a piece of cloth. Start with a couple of drops and then gradually increase the amount.

Spray the repellent on the legs of your bed, on the headboard, on your sheets, and underneath your bed. Repeat this process a couple of times per week.

Use Essential Oils With Your Laundry

Another thing that you can do to prevent spiders from becoming attracted to your bed is to use essential oils with your laundry. You can also use the dryer method to use essential oils.

When you add essential oils to your laundry to distribute their scents evenly to your sheets, try to mix your favorite essential oils. Lightly soak several dryer wool balls or damp washcloth with your oil mixture, and then toss them inside your dryer with your pillowcases, blankets, or bedsheets.

For example, great results you may have with lavender and tea tree oil. But before using them, make sure you are no allergic to the oils.

Then set your dryer so that it dries on a low level of heat. If you would like a stronger fragrance, then set the dryer to a high level of heat. Keep in mind that the amount of heat some fabric can sustain will depend on its specific composition – if not handled properly, it may shrink.

Sprinkle Boric Acid Around Bedpost Legs

You can sprinkle boric acid around the feet of your bed to keep spiders away.

Sprinkle boric acid around all of the legs. Boric acid is a well-known repellent against fleas, termites, and roaches. It is an abrasive powder as well that also kills spiders.

When a spider crawls on it, it causes small wounds on the soft belly of the spider. Moreover, spiders can die from the powder: if they eat it, it will cause lethal dehydration and stomach problems.

But be aware of using this method, especially if there are any pets or children around. Although it is not lethal for them, it can cause health problems if someone consumes a large amount of boric acid powder.

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Now you know how to keep spiders away from your bed. It might seem easy to use these simple tricks, but they do take some time and effort. So, put in some effort if you will not want to have spiders crawling underneath your sheets at night.

How do I keep spiders out my bed?

How to keep spiders away from your bed.
Plug-in spider repellents. ... .
Essential oils. ... .
Cleaning Regularly. ... .
Use a door sweep. ... .
Avoid eating in bed. ... .
Keep your outside lights off. ... .
Call in an exterminator..

What smells will keep spiders away?

It's easy to keep spiders away using natural products. These eight-legged creatures hate the smell of citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. They also don't like peppermint oils, tea tree oils, eucalyptus, and vinegar. Using any of these around your home will keep spiders away.

Why do spiders keep showing up in my bedroom?

Uncleanliness invites spiders into your home. Spiders like to hide in dark, dusty, or dirty areas. Cleaning your home regularly, especially under furniture like chairs, couches, and beds, will deter spiders. Vacuum and dust in high and low corners where spiders weave their webs.

Can spiders get on your bed?

It's actually not uncommon for spiders to end up on our beds. They prefer dark areas, and your bed can provide a variety of different coves and dark spaces for them to investigate. Finding a spider in your bed can be unsettling. Especially if it's a venomous spider type, like a Black Widow or Brown Recluse.


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