How to get rid of cavities in between teeth

Have you ever wondered how your dentist treats a cavity between molars? Detecting a cavity between molars is hard enough let alone treating them. Let’s take a look at how this is done in the article below.

A cavity between two teeth – whether between two molars or other teeth – is known as an interproximal cavity. If you have ever had a cavity, the chances are you have had an interproximal cavity.

Interproximal cavities form just like any other because of the wearing away of the enamel on one or more teeth. This will let the bacteria stick to the teeth and cause the cavity.

The only issue with cavities between molars is they are hard to prevent and cannot be easily detected. Good oral hygiene is essential to prevent such cavities. Let’s now take a look at the following in more detail:

  • Why are cavities between molars harder to prevent?
  • What are the symptoms of cavities between molars?
  • What should you do if you have a cavity between molars?
  • How does a dentist treat a cavity between molars?

Why Are Cavities Between Molars Harder To Prevent?

Cavities between molars or interproximal cavities can form even if you brush your teeth twice a day. No amount of brushing can effectively clean away the bacteria and plaque that can amass between two molars.

When you neglect regular flossing habits, plaque buildup can result in sneaky cavities between two molars. Even if you brush twice a day regularly, cavities can form between molars unless you floss between the teeth daily.

The cracks and crevices between two molars can easily amass plaque and bacteria that results in cavities over time. Regular flossing will clean these areas and prevent sneaky cavities from forming between molars.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cavities Between Molars?

Interproximal cavities or cavities between molars exhibit a few common symptoms. The symptoms can occur only after the cavity has reached the dentin or the second layer of tissue behind the enamel of the tooth.

You may experience tooth sensitivity to hot/cold foods and beverages and sweets. You may also have trouble chewing food because of pain or discomfort in the region. These are some of the most common symptoms of cavities between molars.

What Should You Do If You Have A Cavity Between Molars?

A cavity between two molars is usually diagnosed through bitewing x-rays performed by a qualified dentist. When detected at an early stage, interproximal cavities can be recalcified with fluoride gel – only if the cavity has reached halfway into the enamel of the tooth.

If the interproximal cavity is much deeper than that, your dentist may choose to fill the affected tooth. When a cavity between two molars goes undetected for too long, it can become quite severe over time.

There are many other treatment methods to deal with severe cavities between two molars.

How Does A Dentist Treat A Cavity Between Molars?

When the interproximal cavity is detected at an early stage, your dentist may fill it like any other cavity. A dental filling will prevent the bacteria from further infecting the inside of the molar.

Your dentist will first numb the area and use a dental instrument to remove the decayed part of the tooth. Once the entire decayed area of the tooth is removed, the cavity is cleaned to create space for filling.

A tooth-coloured filling will be used to give the teeth a more natural look. When the decay is severe, your dentist will use a dental crown or a root canal to repair the tooth.

If you need to visit a dentist for cavity treatment or any type of dental procedure, then look no further than Gardens Dental.

Gardens Dental offers a full array of dental services in Taylors Lakes and Caroline Springs to help you and your family maintain healthy teeth. 

To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please contact us today on (03) 9449 2626 or through our website. 

Have you heard that it's possible to heal a cavity in two days? You'll come across claims like "get rid of cavities in two days" online; however, don't get your hopes up. These claims aren't true. While healing cavities at home would certainly be convenient, it's just not possible. Cavities can only be treated by a dental professional.

How Cavities Form

A sticky bacterial film known as plaque is always forming on your teeth. These bacteria digest sugar from the foods and drinks you consume and produce acids. The acids slowly break down the tooth enamel (the outermost layer of the tooth), and over time, decay can form in the enamel. The holes in the enamel are called cavities.

Can You Get Rid of Cavities in Two Days?

Your tooth is throbbing and you suspect a cavity is the culprit of your pain. Decades of dental research have since proven that it's not possible to heal a cavity naturally. Why not?

The reason why you can't get rid of a cavity in two days by yourself is that tooth enamel cannot repair itself. The American Dental Association notes that since enamel contains no living cells, it can't repair decay or wear by itself. So, even if you try your best to clean the decay out of the tooth, this area needs to be treated by a dentist. Once the cavities goes through the enamel, decay may travel further into the tooth structure and proceed into the dentine and in severe cases, into the tooth pulp.

Many parts of the body can heal on their own. For instance, a paper cut will eventually repair itself. Unfortunately, that's not the case when it comes to tooth enamel. If you have a cavity, there's only one way to get rid of it in two days: seeing your dentist right away. To repair cavities, dentists perform a simple filling procedure. First, the dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth. Then, they clean the area and place a filling material where the cavity was in the tooth.

Risks of Untreated Cavities

Since cavities can't heal on their own, they'll continue to get worse until they're treated by a dental professional. As the decay gets worse, you may experience a toothache, increased pain or even sensitivity, so for your own comfort, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Putting off dental treatment can also come with health risks. A serious infection called a tooth abscess can form if bacteria reach the pulp of the tooth. A tooth abscess can be painful enough to keep you up at night and cause facial swelling, pain and a fever. A tooth abscess needs to be taken care of immediately,since the infection can spread to the jawbone or elsewhere in the body.

Untreated cavities can also be hard on your wallet. When cavities are treated early, a filling may be all that's needed to repair them. If treatment is postponed and the cavity gets larger, more costly treatments like root canals, placement of a crown on the tooth or even extractions may be required.

How to Prevent Cavities

Since cavity-causing bacteria feed on sugar, watching what you eat is one way to help prevent cavities. Try to cut back on sugary drinks and snacks, like soft drinks and candy. Instead, stick to water and healthy snacks like vegetables.

Establishing a good oral hygiene routine is the best way to reduce your risk of developing cavities. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and floss once a day.

Finally, see your dentist regularly for check-ups. At these visits, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned to remove plaque and tartar, and polished to remove any outside stains. If any cavities are discovered, they can be treated before they become more severe.

While cavities can't be healed at home, they can be treated by a dental professional. If you think you might have a cavity, please make an appointment to see your dentist right away.

Can cavities between teeth be fixed?

If you have an interproximal cavity, there's no need to worry! Depending on the severity of the decay, your dentist will recommend: Dental filling: A filling can be used if the cavity extends more than halfway into the enamel, restoring the tooth to its normal shape and function.

What to do if cavity is in between teeth?

When the interproximal cavity is detected at an early stage, your dentist may fill it like any other cavity. A dental filling will prevent the bacteria from further infecting the inside of the molar. Your dentist will first numb the area and use a dental instrument to remove the decayed part of the tooth.

Can you get rid of a cavity at home?

The truth is that the only way to get rid of cavities is through proper treatment from a qualified dentist. Although you can “reverse” a cavity by adopting a good oral hygiene routine, the decay and erosion of the tooth are irreversible.

How do you heal cavities between teeth naturally?

Natural Remedies to Fight Cavities.
Oil of Oregano to Stop Decay. ... .
Establish a Healthy pH Level with Xylitol. ... .
Clove Oil for Pain Relief and Prevention. ... .
Neem Bark to Fight Infection. ... .
Green Tea as a Natural Fluoride Treatment. ... .
Keep Teeth Healthy with Licorice Root. ... .
Diet Changes to Reduce Bacteria..


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