How to get more milk while pumping

Why am I not producing enough milk when pumping?

Why it happens: Low milk supply can be the result of not pumping enough, pumping too soon after a feeding or not nursing between sessions. You may also have a low supply if you're not pumping long enough, if you're using the wrong type of pump or you're not drinking enough liquids.

What foods produce more breast milk when pumping?

Just eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and a little bit of fat. Some research shows that garlic, onions, and mint make breast milk taste different, so your baby may suckle more, and in turn, you make more milk.

How come when I pump my little milk comes out?

Having an occasional low volume day is not unusual. During a growth spurt, don't be surprised if baby drinks more expressed milk than usual, making it harder for mom to provide enough expressed milk. Growth spurts are temporary – try increasing nursing and adding a pumping session or two until the growth spurt is over.


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