How to eliminate bags under your eyes

The appearance of bags under the eyes is caused by a mild swelling or puffiness that occurs beneath the lower eyelid. The tissues around your eyes are extremely thin and delicate, and as you get older, the fat that helps support your eyes moves into the lower eyelids, causing puffiness and swelling.

Under-eye bags are a natural part of aging, so consider a daily eye care regimen to combat this as the muscles around your eyes begin to fatigue and weaken. You may also experience under-eye swelling due to:

Read on for tips to help you figure out how to get rid of under-eye bags, and treat puffy eyes that are commonly associated with them.

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags at Home

Despite the reason for their development, eye bags can negatively impact your appearance as well as your self-esteem. Luckily, there's no reason to accept them, because there are ways to get rid of eye bags so you can regain your healthy, youthful appearance - and your self-esteem. Here are several potential solutions for how to get rid of bags under your eyes:

1. Do facial exercises

Physical exercise helps your body maintain strength and flexibility, and it can also be used to strengthen the muscles around your eyes. Slow facial exercises can help tighten and tone muscles to prevent your face from looking tired and worn.

Your eyelids are part of a ring of muscle tissues that control eyelid movement. You can reduce the appearance of eyebrow bags by squinting your lower lids. Gently place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and your middle fingers on the inner corners, then raise your lower lids up and down. Repeat this exercise 10 times a day to strengthen your eyelids and reduce sagging.

2. Sleep on your back

Sleeping facedown gradually causes fluid and fat to move to your lower lids. To prevent gravity from taking over, sleep face-up to avoid fluid build-up. Consider supporting your head with an extra pillow as well—so long as it doesn’t prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Lack of sleep can also worsen under-eye bags. If you experience dark circles and puffy eyes, keep track of your sleep schedule. You can also try products designed to brighten dark eye areas. Infrequent and erratic sleep patterns inhibit the body from repairing itself, which can make your eyes appear puffy and swollen. Reduce the appearance of under-eye bags by getting about seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

3. Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol dehydrates your skin. After a few drinks, the thin skin around your eyes can appear dark, red, and puffy. A night of heavy drinking can also make it difficult to sleep, which can make under-eye bags worse. If you consume alcohol, limit the number of drinks you have throughout the day, and avoid drinking before bed. When you do decide to have a glass of wine or can of beer, prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water. This will reduce puffiness and keep your eyes looking bright and awake.

Tired of looking tired?

Brighten your under-eyes with Total Eye™ 3-in-1 Renewal Therapy from Colorescience!


4. Stop smoking

Smoking is bad for you for a number of reasons—one being the health of your skin. The chemicals in cigarettes and the smoke they produce can dehydrate your skin and cause premature aging. The thin skin around your eyes is especially vulnerable, and smoking can make your eyelids appear irritated, swollen, and saggy. If you’re not a smoker, stay away from second-hand smoke as much as possible to avoid irritating your skin.

5. Use a cold compress

A cold compress reduces swelling. Buy a cold compress at your local pharmacy or make your own by covering a bag of ice cubes with a cloth or freezing two spoons. Place the compress on your under-eye bags for several minutes or until it reaches room temperature to reduce puffiness.

6. Use mineral-based concealer

In a recent study, 53 percent of those surveyed said that under-eye circles and puffiness were their top beauty concern.

If you suffer from dark circles and under-eye bags, you can use concealer to cover them up. Protect your eyes and cover dark circles by using a mineral concealer. Natural concealers contain gentle ingredients that nourish the skin while covering blemishes. Many cosmetic brands contain harsh chemicals that can damage skin and cause inflammation. Preservatives, fillers, and other additives can irritate the sensitive skin around your eyes and make the bags under your eyes worse.

When you remove your makeup at the end of the day, splash your face with water and wash it off using a natural makeup-remover. Never rub your eyes while removing makeup. Rubbing your eyes with a washcloth will damage the delicate skin there and make your eyes puffy and red. Simply dab your face with a washcloth to dry your skin.

7. Reduce salt intake

Salt is a necessary part of our diet, but too much salt can lead to water retention. When your body retains water, your skin begins to swell everywhere, from your toes to your eyelids. Limit your consumption of high-sodium foods, like fast food and processed snacks. Reduce the effects of excess sodium in your body by drinking plenty of water after each meal, and further rejuvenate the skin around your eyes with hydrating eye cream.

Don't let eye puffiness get you down!

Start improving the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines today!


8. Combat allergies

Many people with allergies experience watery, puffy eyes. Combat your allergies with antihistamines, plenty of sleep, and at least 64 ounces of water a day. This can help offset the symptoms of allergies and prevent or reduce the appearance of under-eye bags.

9. Use teabags

Caffeinated tea is a mild diuretic that helps reduce eye puffiness. These teas contain tannins, a naturally occurring polyphenol that reduces skin irritation. To reduce puffiness and dark circles, soak two tea bags in warm water and chill them for a few minutes in the refrigerator. Place a tea bag on each eye for five minutes for a soothing, refreshing effect.


10. Use Eye Cream

 Colorescience offers an assortment of creams specifically geared towards reversing all problems in the eye area, including eye bags. Some eye creams that Colorescience offers are:

  • Total Eye® Firm & Cream: Formulated with a synergetic blend of nourishing botanicals, antioxidants, and other high-quality ingredients that work to effectively minimize under-eye puffiness. In addition to reducing under-eye puffiness, Total Eye Firm & Cream helps the area appear smoother, firmer and significantly more hydrated.
  • Total Eye® Hydrogel Treatment Masks: These masks provide immediate relief from under-eye puffiness as well as dark circles. These miraculous treatment masks are able to provide such immediate relief from these eye conditions due to their specialized ingredients that promote cooling in the eye area, as well as an impressive increase in hydration.
  • Total Eye® Restore Regimen: Yet another effective treatment for the eyes, Total Eye Restore Regimen treats a number of common eye problems, such as puffiness, dark circles, lines, and wrinkles. Not only will your eyes look and feel great from the immediate reduction in puffiness, but you will experience an overall more youthful appearance.

Don’t let under-eye bags ruin your day. With these tips, you can find a solution for how to reduce eye bags easily. Learn more about great eye cream product options to incorporate in to your daily skin care routine. Follow these tips and you’re well on your way to a brighter, more youthful look.

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags Surgically

In addition to the solutions above, there is also a surgical procedure that presents a more drastic solution for how to get rid of eye bags in severe cases. This procedure is known as lower blepharoplasty, which involves removing skin or fat from beneath the eyes.

If you think this procedure may be right for you, you’d want to consult a plastic surgeon first to see if it’s the right answer for how to get rid of puffy eyes for you.

How to Prevent Eye Bags from Worsening

If you feel like your eye bags have been worsening since you first noticed them, then you're likely quite frustrated and disappointed. Instead of allowing your frustration to get the best of you, you need to realize that there are effective actions that you can take to fight back instead of contending with it. Here is how to get rid of puffy under eyes, so you can feel like your more youthful self again.

  • Practice proper sun protection

Prolonged sun exposure damages skin, promotes premature aging, and causes dehydration. Using sunscreen on your face and wearing makeup with SPF can help prevent this from happening.

Gentle mineral-based sunscreen is safe for sensitive skin and can help preserve your eyes and prevent fine lines and wrinkles from forming.

  • Sleep on your back

Sleeping facedown gradually causes fluid and fat to move to your lower lids. To prevent gravity from taking over, sleep face-up to avoid fluid build-up. Consider supporting your head with an extra pillow as well—so long as it doesn’t prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Lack of sleep can also worsen under-eye bags. If you experience dark circles and puffy eyes, keep track of your sleep schedule. You can also try products designed to brighten dark eye areas. Infrequent and erratic sleep patterns inhibit the body from repairing itself, which can make your eyes appear puffy and swollen. Reduce the appearance of under-eye bags by getting about seven to eight hours of sleep every night

  • Consume more foods containing collagen

Collagen is a protein that is found in the skin. Collagen, which is produced in lower amounts as a person ages, is responsible for keeping the skin looking supple and youthful-looking.

By consuming foods like fish, red vegetables, dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, citrus fruits, and more, you can minimize your chances of experiencing signs of aging, and if you're still wondering how to get rid of bags under eyes, then eating more collagen-rich foods will definitely help.

  • Try to sleep at least eight hours each night

In addition to certain sleep positions being more beneficial for your eyes and helping to minimize eye bags, the amount of sleep that you get each night, as well.

When we sleep is when our bodies repair themselves, so if you sleep seven-eight hours each night, you provide yourself with enough time for your body to heal eye puffiness in addition to other ailments.

  • Add iron-containing foods to your diet

An iron deficiency can lead to under-eye puffiness due to reduced blood cells in the body. These red cells are responsible for carrying blood to various parts of the body, which is why dark circles and under-eye puffiness can result due to low levels of iron in the blood.

If you suspect that your iron levels are low and you've experienced an increase in fatigue, brittle nails and hair, and cold hands and feet, then you should see your doctor for a blood test. Your physician can quickly determine whether your iron levels are normal through a blood test, and treatment can be provided in the form of iron supplementation if you do, in fact, have low iron levels.

You can also add more iron-rich foods to your diet, such as:

  • Beans and peas
  • Red meat, fish, and poultry
  • Seafood
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale
  • Dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, and more
  • iron-fortified cereals, pasta, and bread


Care for Your Delicate Under-Eye Skin with Products You Trust

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to address under-eye bags, whether they’re just appearing at random, or if you’ve noticed them developing for a while. From trying something simple like a cooling compress to incorporating Colorescience skin care treatments into your skin care routine, you can take actions to both prevent and get rid of eye bags with ease.

Try Colorescience eye treatments to see how they can help you look more awake and youthful, with just a quick application.

What causes bags under our eyes?

Bags under eyes are caused when the tissue structures and muscles supporting your eyelids weaken. The skin may start to sag, and fat that's usually around the eye can move into the area below your eyes. Also, the space below your eyes can gather fluid, making the area look puffy or swollen.

How do I get rid of my eye bags?

How To Remove Eyebags Naturally Without Surgery?.
#1 Apply Cold Tea Bags. ... .
#2 Get Enough Good Sleep - 7 to 8 Hours If You Can. ... .
#3 Have Enough Water Intake. ... .
#4 Try a Cold Compress. ... .
#5 Reduce High-Salt Intake. ... .
#6 Sunscreen Your Skin. ... .
#7 Makeup Off Before Sleep. ... .
#8 Say No To Smoking And Alcohol..

Do eye bags go away?

Drinking more water and applying a cold compress can help shrink eye bags quickly, but the only way to reduce their appearance in the long term is to make a few lifestyle changes. This is especially true if your eye bags and dark circles are genetically inherited. Other common causes include: allergies.


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