How often do you need to get tdap vaccine

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En español | Talk about an unwelcome comeback. In the 1970s pertussis (more commonly known as whooping cough) seemed to be disappearing in the U.S. But since then, the highly contagious infection, caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria, has been experiencing something of a resurgence. A 2016 study, published in the journal Pediatrics, explained why. In the mid-1990s the vaccine’s potency was intentionally weakened to reduce some unwanted side effects, including fever and pain at the injection site. Unfortunately, this caused the antibodies in the pertussis vaccine to wane pretty rapidly.

In the first year after vaccination, Tdap (for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) prevents the illness in about 7 of 10 people who received the shot. Of course, another reason to get inoculated is to avoid passing on the virus to other people. “Guess who the reservoir for the disease is?” says Gregory Poland, M.D., an infectious disease expert and director of the Mayo Clinic Vaccination Research Group. “Adults who spread it to kids — and not the other way around.” That’s why it is crucial for people who have close contact with infants younger than 12 months — including parents, grandparents and childcare providers — to get a booster.

If you can’t remember ever getting this shot, you probably need it. A bonus: This can also count for one of the Td boosters you’re supposed to get every 10 years to prevent your diphtheria and tetanus (you know, the shot you need after stepping on a rusty nail during a home renovation or after getting a nasty nip from that rambunctious new puppy) immunizations from fading.

Need another reason to roll up your sleeve? A recent study, published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, found that the Tdap vaccination is associated with a 42 percent lower dementia risk in older adults. However, the study authors, noted: “Several vaccine types are linked to decreased dementia risk, suggesting that these associations are due to nonspecific effects on inflammation rather than vaccine-induced pathogen-specific protective effects.”

Researchers are also looking into whether getting a diphtheria or tetanus vaccine booster within the past 10 years may provide a lower risk of severe complications from COVID-19. Scientists suspect that the vaccines may be priming the innate immune response to fight off the virus.

What to know about the Tdap vaccine

Who needs it: The Tdap vaccine is a triple whammy, protecting against tetanus and diphtheria, as well as offering an additional defense against whooping cough. Can’t remember if you ever got the shot? Get it anyway. The three-in-one Tdap vaccine can count as one of the Td boosters you need to get every 10 years. Inform your doctor if you have epilepsy or other nervous system problems, had severe swelling or pain after a previous dose of either vaccine or have (or had) Guillain-Barré syndrome.

How often: You get Tdap only once, and after that you still need a booster (either Tdap or Td) every 10 years. Otherwise, your protection against tetanus and diphtheria will fade.

Why you need it: Whooping cough isn’t just a childhood disease. Due to a rise in cases in the U.S. — particularly among adults and adolescents — you need to be vaccinated, even if you’re over 65.

Editor’s note: This article was published on Oct. 26, 2020. It was updated in September 2021 with new information. 

You're paying attention to your diet, keeping active and getting plenty of sleep, but did you know one of the most important tools for staying healthy during pregnancy is making sure you're up-to-date on your vaccines? On the list: the Tdap vaccine (short for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), which not only protects you from catching whooping cough (aka pertussis) but also your baby after birth until she can get her own vaccine. And that's ultra important considering how serious whooping cough can be, especially in newborns and young infants. 

Here are some common questions you may have about the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy.

Do I need the Tdap vaccine when I'm pregnant?

Yes, all moms-to-be should get the Tdap vaccine in the third trimester (between weeks 27 and 36) of every pregnancy for their health and the health of their newborn babies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).[1]

Why should pregnant women get the Tdap vaccine?

When you get the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy, it helps protect your baby from whooping cough through passive immunity, meaning immunity that's passed from mom to baby, which is critical, since if a baby gets pertussis as a newborn, it can be extremely serious and even life-threatening.

Newborns are the most likely age group to be hospitalized because of whooping cough and suffer potentially fatal complications from it, and babies can't get vaccinated themselves until they are 2 months old.

Your vaccination passes the antibodies to your baby so she has protection until she can get her own vaccine. This effect is so strong that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy as a way to protect infants up to 2 months of age.[2]

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Children should get five doses of the comparable pediatric shot, known as the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP) vaccine, at 2, 4, 6 and 15-18 months of age, followed by another at 4 to 6 years old.

What does the Tdap vaccine protect pregnant women and their babies-to-be against?

The Tdap vaccine protects against three serious illnesses: tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.[3]

Here's what you need to know about each one.


Also known as "lock jaw," tetanus is a condition caused by a puncture or deep cut that leads to a bacterial infection. Though very rare due to vaccines, it causes tightening of the muscles in the face and neck making it difficult for people to open their mouths or even breathe. 

It is fatal in 1 in 10 people who contract the infection, even those with high-quality medical care.


Diphtheria causes a thick coating to form on the back of the throat making it hard to breathe. Though it's exceedingly rare in the U.S. because of vaccines, it can cause heart failure and paralysis. 

Up to 1 out of 5 children under age 5 who get diphtheria will die from the infection.


Also known as whooping cough, pertussis causes intense coughing spells, vomiting, problems breathing, difficulty sleeping and sometimes even death. The vaccine provides protection for your baby-to-be against whooping cough, which can strike newborns before they're able to get their first dose of the DTaP vaccine starting at 2 months old. 

Since 2010, between 15,000 and 50,000 cases of whooping cough are reported annually in the United States, and up to 20 babies die from the infection each year.

Widespread vaccination has greatly reduced how many people get these three diseases in the United States. Before the Tdap vaccine was available, 200,000 people a year came down with pertussis and diphtheria and hundreds contracted tetanus.

However, pertussis is still quite common since the vaccine does not protect you for a very long time. That's why it's so important that expectant women get the Tdap vaccine during each pregnancy.

When should pregnant women get the Tdap vaccine?

Pregnant women should get the Tdap vaccine between 27 and 36 weeks of each pregnancy, preferably during the earlier part of that window. If you miss that timeframe, you can still get it before delivery or immediately postpartum. And if you're in an area where an outbreak of whooping cough is currently going on or have a deep cut in your skin and it's time for a tetanus booster, you can get the vaccine even earlier than 27 weeks.

Adults and kids 11 years and older should also make sure they are up to date with the Tdap vaccine to create a "cocoon" of protection against whooping cough when your baby is the most vulnerable. Since cocooning does not completely protect babies from whooping cough on its own, though, it is still important that you get the vaccine while you are pregnant.

Cocooning, in combination with getting the Tdap vaccine during your pregnancy and making sure your little one gets all the necessary vaccines on time, provides the best protection possible to your baby.

Is the Tdap vaccine safe during pregnancy?

Yes, the Tdap vaccine is safe for both you and your baby during pregnancy. You may experience some minor side effects, including soreness at the site of the shot, redness, body aches, headaches, mild fever, nausea, chills and tiredness. You cannot get whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria from the vaccine.

Serious reactions such as fainting, severe pain and bleeding are exceedingly rare.

How often should pregnant women and other adults get Tdap?

Pregnant women should get one dose of Tdap during each pregnancy. Adults who are not pregnant only need one dose of Tdap in a lifetime. All adults should get a Td (tetanus and diphtheria) booster every 10 years.

What if you've already received the Tdap vaccine before you were pregnant — do you still need it?

Yes, even if you got the vaccine before you got pregnant, you should get it again in the third trimester of every pregnancy.

If you're concerned about the safety of the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy, don't be. It's safe and a smart way to protect your child from the real risk of whooping cough when she's the most vulnerable. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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How long does a Tdap vaccine last?

And when we did, we stopped protecting children as well as before. Recent studies show that protection against pertussis goes down 42% each year after the fifth vaccine dose, which is given at 4-6 years. This means that by the time kids get to be 10 or 11, they have hardly any protection at all.

Do I need a Tdap shot to be around a baby?

Newborns do not yet have fully developed immune systems, making them particularly vulnerable to infections. Because of this, anyone who is around babies should be up to date on all routine vaccines, including: Whooping cough vaccine (DTaP for children and Tdap for preteens, teens, and adults)


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