How much is it to get female dog fixed

Spay/Neuter Services

HSNEGA is experiencing a high demand for spay/neuter surgeries. In addition, due to a nationwide veterinarian shortage, HSNEGA is currently understaffed. As such, we are not accepting any more spay/neuter appointments at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you already have an application on file, we will be in contact with you about scheduling your pet. 

Have a spay/neuter appointment and want to save time? Fill out your surgical admission form beforehand. Bring it with you or email it to .


Surgery fees now include “Go Home” pain medication for dogs and cats. Cats will receive a pain injection which lasts for 72 hours.



Female over 70 lbs. (maximum weight 120 lbs.) $110 Female $70
Female under 70 lbs. $85 Male $70
Male over 70 lbs. (maximum weight 120 lbs.) $95
Male under 70 lbs. $75

Please note HSNEGA has a weight limit of 120+ lbs.


Additional Services


Pre-Operative Bloodwork $40
Umbilical Hernia Repair $30
Retained Baby Tooth Removal $15




Healthy Pet Exam (required yearly) $12
1-Year Rabies (dog & cat) $12
3-Year Rabies (dog & cat) $30
DHPP (dog) $12
Kennel Cough (dog) $12
Leptospirosis (dog) $12
FVRCP (cat) $12
Feline Leukemia Virus (cat) $12
Heartworm Test (dog) $20
Feline Leukemia/FIV/HW (cat) $25
Fecal Parasite Test (dog & cat) $15
Microchip $20
Puppy/Kitten Nail Trim $5
Dog/Cat Nail Trim $15


REQUIRED VACCINES: Per the Georgia Dept. of Agriculture, we require a current rabies vaccination on all surgery animals (within the past year). If you cannot provide veterinary proof, the vaccination will be administered at the time of surgery for a charge of $12.

BLOODWORK: Please note that there can be additional surgical risk factors for older animals that often are detected through bloodwork. Bloodwork is highly recommended, and going forward bloodwork is required for all pets 7 years and older. The cost for bloodwork is $40 per animal and must be performed at least 24 hours in advance of surgery. The cost for bloodwork is $40 per animal and must be performed at least 24 hours in advance of surgery.

AGE OF ANIMAL: We perform surgery on animals at least 8 weeks old; kittens must weigh at least 2 pounds, puppies 3 pounds. HSNEGA highly recommends all animals be altered by 4 months old to avoid heat cycles and for faster recovery.

TESTING: We strongly recommend routine heartworm testing for dogs and routine feline combo testing for cats. Surgical complications can arise if your pet is positive for one of these conditions.

PREGNANCY/MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Pregnant females, animals with hernias or cryptorchid (retained testicle) animals will be charged additional fees (see above).

NURSING FEMALES: Female dogs must be scheduled 1-month post nursing, and female cats must be scheduled 2 weeks post nursing. If milk is present during surgery, the incision site is more likely to become infected.

REFUSAL OF SERVICE: HSNEGA reserves the right to refuse service to animals we believe are generally unhealthy, possess medical concerns, aggressive or pose a risk to our staff and/or other animals. Please see your regular veterinarian for any illnesses prior to coming for vaccines or spay/neuter surgeries.


No food is to be given to your animal after midnight the night before surgery. Your animal can have plenty of water.

Before bringing your pet in for surgery, HSNEGA also asks that you please review our Surgical Admission & Release Form by clicking HERE. You will be asked to sign this form the morning you drop your animal off for surgery.


Please have your animal at the HSNEGA Spay/ Neuter Center (the left entrance to the building) on the day of your appointment at 7:45 am, but no later than 8:30 am. When arriving at the Center, please leave your animal in the car until you have checked in and completed your paperwork. Please advise our staff if an animal is aggressive at check-in. Dogs must be on a leash and cats in a carrier (one cat per carrier). If a cat is not in a carrier, an $8 fee will apply to send the cat home in a cardboard carrier. Feral cats MUST come in a humane trap. Any animals brought on the day of their surgery after 8:30 am will be asked to reschedule.


All animals are picked up the same day as surgery. Dogs are to be picked up at 4 pm and cats at 4:30 pm.


PAIN MANAGEMENT: All animals are given pain medication on the day of the surgery. All canines are sent home with a three day supply of pain medications. Cats are given an injection at time of surgery which lasts for 72 hours.

FOOD/WATER: Feed your animal(s) a small dinner and any medications sent home should be given around 7 pm. Meal sizes should be smaller than their regular diet. Give 1/4 of the amount of their food they usually receive beginning at 7 pm and another 1/4 at 7:30 pm. This will lessen the chance of vomiting. They can resume their regular meal schedule the following morning. Start offering small amounts of water one hour after they arrive home. If they keep in down and do not vomit, they can have free access to water.

BATHS: No baths or swimming for at least 10 days after surgery. Make sure the incision site remains dry for one week. Discourage licking of the incision. All animals will have internal stitches that will dissolve on their own and the outside of the incision is secured with surgical glue. If the glue becomes wet, the incision can open. If this happens, please contact a veterinary immediately.

E-COLLARS: Owners can purchase an e-collar to discourage licking of the incision site. We highly recommend an e-collar to ensure the incision heals properly and to reduce the chance of infection from licking.

EXERCISE: No running, jumping or rough playing is allowed for one week. Dogs must be kept indoors and must be walked on a leash. Cats must also be kept indoors.

INTERACTION WITH OTHER ANIMALS: Keep your pet away from the opposite sex for 2 weeks.

INCISION SITE: Check the incision site twice a day. There should be no drainage. Redness and swelling should be minimal.

OTHER SIDE EFFECTS: Adult dogs may have a slight cough from the anesthesia. A depressed, slowly increasing appetite for a few days is not unusual. Vomiting, diarrhea or severe depression are causes for concern and you should contact a veterinarian immediately.

Give with Confidence

At HSNEGA, we want to remember the amazing rescues that come to stay with us. All of the animals pictured on this site have been with us at some point. Some have already found their forever homes, but some may still be here at HSNEGA! The Humane Society of Northeast Georgia is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID #58-0678817) and has received top recognition from the following charity rating organizations:

At what age should a female dog be spayed?

When should I spay my female dog? We recommend waiting until your dog is at least over 6 months and likely even older for larger dogs. The benefits are much more pronounced in larger dogs, but there is not a lot of difference for lap dogs.

Is getting a female dog fixed worth it?

Spaying your female pet drastically slashes her risk of mammary cancer, which is fatal in about 50% of dogs and 90% of cats. Neutering your male pet eliminates his risk of testicular cancer. Spaying and neutering limits pet overpopulation.

Is it more expensive to fix a female or male dog?

Spaying refers to the procedure to remove a female pet's reproductive organs. Neutering procedures remove reproductive organs from male animals. In general, it tends to be more expensive to spay a pet than it is to neuter one. That's because neutering tends to be less complex.

Will spaying calm a female dog?

Can Spaying or Neutering Make a Dog Less Hyper? The short answer is that no, your dog isn't likely to be less hyperactive after getting spayed or neutered. It won't change their personality much, if at all. Each dog has its own positive and negative social habits.


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