How much is 1 tsp in a spoon

Find out how many teaspoons there are in a tablespoon and convert between tablespoons and teaspoons.

How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?

There are 3 teaspoons in one tablespoon. An exception to this rule appears in Australia, where one Australian metric tablespoon (20mL) equals 4 Australian metric teaspoons (5mL). 1

On the basis of the 3:1 conversion factor, we can say the following:

How many teaspoons in 1 ½ tablespoons?

  • 1 ½ tablespoons = 4 ½ teaspoons (four and one half)

How many teaspoons in a ½ tablespoon?

  • ½ tablespoon = 1 ½ teaspoons (one and one half)

How many teaspoons in a ¼ tablespoon?

  • ¼ tablespoon = ¾ teaspoon (three quarters)

How many teaspoons in a ¾ tablespoon?

  • ¾ tablespoon = 2 ¼ teaspoons (two and one quarter)

If you want to convert a number of tablespoons into teaspoons, simply multiply the tablespoon number by 3. As an example, if your recipe calls for 4 tablespoons of self-raising flour, you can instead measure out 12 teaspoons (4 × 3 = 12).

Tablespoons and teaspoons reference chart

Tablespoon to teaspoon conversions

¼ tbsp ¾ tsp
½ tbsp 1 ½ tsp
¾ tbsp 2 ¼ tsp
1 tbsp 3 tsp
2 tbsp 6 tsp
3 tbsp 9 tsp
4 tbsp 12 tsp
5 tbsp 15 tsp

Teaspoon to tablespoon conversions

1 tsp 0.33 tbsp
2 tsp 0.67 tbsp
3 tsp 1 tbsp
4 tsp 1.33 tbsp
5 tsp 1.67 tbsp
6 tsp 2 tbsp
7 tsp 2.33 tbsp
8 tsp 2.67 tbsp
9 tsp 3 tbsp
10 tsp 3.33 tbsp
11 tsp 3.67 tbsp
12 tsp 4 tbsp
13 tsp 4.33 tbsp
14 tsp 4.67 tbsp
15 tsp 5 tbsp
16 tsp 5.33 tbsp
17 tsp 5.67 tbsp
18 tsp 6 tbsp
19 tsp 6.33 tbsp
20 tsp 6.67 tbsp

Different tablespoon and teaspoon sizes

Although tablespoons and teaspoons are commonly used in recipes throughout the world, their mL volume can vary from country to country. This is because whilst the United States uses an imperial unit system, many other countries use the metric system. To add to the confusion, there also exists an old UK imperial tablespoon and an Australian metric tablespoon. When it comes to home recipes, the differences in conversion are quite small. And, providing you're converting a tablespoon and a teaspoon from the same country, you'll likely get the same result anyway.

As an example, a metric tablespoon measures 15mL and a metric teaspoon measures 5mL. So, again there are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon. The exception (there always has to be one) is with the Australian tablespoon and teaspoon, with an Australian tablespoon measuring 20mL and an Australian teaspoon measuring 5mL, giving a conversion factor of 4.

Tablespoon (mL)Teaspoon (mL)Tbsp to tsp
United States 14.79 mL 4.9289 mL 3
Metric 15 mL 3 mL 3
UK imperial (old) 17.76 mL 5.92 mL 3
Australian 20 mL 5 mL 4

Calculator created by Alastair Hazell.


  1. Australian weights & measurement charts. //

For any help with converting between cups, teaspoons, grams, etc, give our cooking converter a try.

updated about 9 hours ago


Credit: Kitchn

How Many Teaspoons are in Tablespoon?

If you haven’t yet, memorizing some basic cooking measurement conversions is absolutely worth the effort. Why? Because learning how many teaspoons are in one tablespoon, or how to convert tablespoons to cups, will help you cook with confidence and scale your recipes for more or fewer portions.

After years of recipe testing, these conversions have been drilled into my head. Of all the conversions to know, I believe that teaspoons to tablespoons is one of the most useful to memorize.

How Many Teaspoons Are in a Tablespoon?

Remember this conversion for the future: 1 tablespoon equals exactly 3 teaspoons. If you’re scaling a recipe up or down, going from tablespoons to teaspoons isn’t as straightforward as, say, scaling from cups. When you are making a recipe that calls for one cup, and you want to cut it in half, you simply use a half-cup measurement.

However, when you’re doubling a recipe that calls for one-and-a-half teaspoons, learning how to convert teaspoons to tablespoons can make your entire process much smoother. You’ll know that three teaspoons is equal to one tablespoon, so instead of scooping three teaspoons you only have to measure once.

It’s an invaluable tip for scaling everything — from spices to salt to leaveners, like baking soda or baking powder — properly.

Measuring Spoon Tips

Keep your measuring spoons organized in order to make cooking, baking, and everything else you do in the kitchen a breeze!

Is a regular spoon 1 teaspoon?

A teaspoon is a unit of volume measure equal to 1/3 tablespoon. It is exactly equal to 5 mL. In the USA there are 16 teaspoons in 1/3 cup, and there are 6 teaspoons in 1 fluid ounce.

How many teaspoons is a spoon?

1 U.S. tablespoon = 3 U.S. teaspoons.


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