How much does maia knight make off tiktok

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For someone with her following/ views, how much does TT pay? Not even necessarily for ads, just views.

level 1

“TikTok pays content creators $0.02–$0.04 per every 1,000 views. This means you’ll get about $15 for 500,000 views and $40-$50 for 1 million views.

It sounds insane—we know—especially when compared to YouTube, which pays between $2,000 and $4,000 for a million views.

That said, you can monetize your videos on TikTok by using affiliate marketing—i.e., placing affiliate links on your TikTok bio or making deals with brands and promoting their products.”

A lot of articles are saying this price range so I’m going to assume it’s pretty correct. I believe when you go live you can obviously make wayyy more and that’s why a lot of them do lives too

level 2

Oh wow, a lot less than I was expecting. I guess ads/ links are what people are really getting paid on.

level 2

Wait that’s not that much.. why is everyone acting like she’s making $100k/month lol

level 2

I have seen several creators stating that they don’t make nearly as much as people think or ever google thinks. So honestly I don’t think unless she shares or someone else shares we will know exactly how much she is getting. I’m sure she is making a lot but what you read isn’t always correct. It’s like celebrity you really never know unless your looking at their taxes.

level 1

i saw a tiktok once where someone did the math and they said Maia made 30k from the month of October. i wish i could find the video but i can't.

it's funny she jokes about how the twins don't contribute to the household cuz the twins are the sole reason she's making so much from tiktok and got so famous. if not for the twins, i doubt she would be so tiktok famous and be making so much.

level 2

I honestly don’t think she makes that much. A lot of creators said they don’t make near as much as people and even the internet says and Tiktok pays less than any platform. I think she makes decent money to survive and do things but she isn’t making thousands and thousands of dollars a month. And I’m pretty sure she said she had a decent saving account before even starting and I’m assuming that’s true considering her house/family house and everything. She has never had to struggle with money and she has admitted that before admitted her mom helped her a lot financially.

level 1

In reality they shouldn't pay her anything for her crap content and on top of that child exploitation

level 2

I feel like I’m the only one who finds her videos sooo boring. She constantly kept popping up on my FYP. How people enjoy watching her mix a bottle and get her babies out of the crib daily is beyond me.

level 2

If ur content is children, you shouldn’t be able to make money off it. YouTube or TT

level 1

I do in-house marketing for brands and I bet she’s making waaaay more on sponsorships than from TikTok directly. The TikTok money for views is pennies compared to sponsorships

Influencers charge A LOT. So much that some small brands can’t even afford to do sponsored content with even micro-influencers. Like, $2-3k for a feed post on Instagram for someone with 100k followers

I would guess that with millions of followers on TikTok, Maia is charging about $10-15k per sponsored video, maybe more. On Instagram with 1.7 million she could be making as much as $15k-$20k per sponsored post. It’s not just about followers though, Maia’s engagement is good and although she exploits her daughters she does not litter her feed with sponsored content. She’s choosey with partnerships and probably only picks the ones that pay a lot. (Not knocking her there)

level 1

I think I remember reading that TT pays $0.02 per something like 1,000 views, so not much.

level 1

It really depends and is weird, there's a girl that has like a few M followers and hasn't get any money from TT,and some get a few k per video

level 1

Honestly tiktok doesn’t pay much at all. If she does a sponsored post she could charge a lot, like probably anywhere from $2-10k. But from views alone from the creator fund, not a lot really. Not how everyone makes it seem anyways. I feel like a lot of people act like she’s making hundreds of thousands from views alone, when in reality it’s probably significantly less. Creators only get about $50 for a million views, sometimes even less. A creator I watch (not a mommy vlogger) for 3 million views and only got about $70 from it. Obviously Maia is still making a lot considering she basically doesn’t do anything but show the babies.

level 1

I think the creator fund is really inconsistent. I’m sure she makes a decent amount from tik tok itself but most of her income is from ads. Social media is insane. There are creators I’ve followed on Instagram for 6 or 7 years that have been working SO hard to build their brand and make it a living. They probably make around the same as her or a little more. The difference is, she quite literally did nothing to get where she is. Tik tok is nuts.

level 1

For ads/sponsored videos, she is making a lot more than $100 per video. If she has an agent, which I think she does, she’s probably making several thousand per ad.

My husband briefly had a t shirt business selling monthly tees. He emailed a favorite, at the time, mommy blogger of mine if she would be interesting in doing an ad. She said sure, for $1500!!!!! Absolutely ridiculous.

level 1

according to Google, 2-4 cents per 1000 views. most creators only make a few dollars from each video. Maia probably makes about $100, plus likely thousands from sponsored videos.

level 2

I mean I guess if I could make $100 for shaking up a bottle in a 2 minute video it sure pays lol

level 1

I’m reality the only reason she is getting paid is because of her fans. They chose to follow her and interact with her and she literally blew up over night. TT doesn’t have a lot to do with what people decided they like and not like. Society is the reason people with privilege is praised over others doing the exact same thing but with less help and support. So as a society that needs to change because those are the ones who deserve the extra help.

level 1

It’s definitely not much, most creators on tt get paid significantly more from ads which I’m totally cool with but SO MANY do not disclose ads. Maia does but a ton of others do not.

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