How much does a dermatologist charge to remove skin tags

Skin tags are usually caused by friction of the surrounding area in adults. They are actually benign tumors that cause little to no harm. Children rarely have skin tags. They appear as small cylindrical shapes of soft skin, often in the same color as the rest of your skin or somewhat brown in color. When they first form, they appear as a tiny circular growth. They can expand with a maximum size of 2 inches in length and look more like a stem of skin.

How much does a dermatologist charge to remove skin tags

Where do Skin Tags Appear

Where are skin tags most commonly found?

Skin tags are located in the following areas:

Under arms

Underneath breasts on men or women

On the back

On eyelids

Under the folds of skin in bottom or stomach area

Groin area


Why should  you have skin tags removed?

Having skin tags removed is an optional cosmetic procedure. Dermatology patients have them removed because they don’t like the way they look on the body. Skin tags can also cause jewelry or clothing to catch on the skin and pull the tag causing discomfort, pain, and sometimes bleeding, if it actually tears. Some patients have tags removed to help them with being able to shave armpit and facial areas. Working around skin tags with a razor is a challenge. When one is cut with a razor excessive bleeding may occur, as may infection. Tag removal may not be covered by insurance. Insurance carriers are more likely to cover the cost of removal in situations where the patient is experiencing bleeding, pain, or irritation.

Should I remove my skin tags at home?

No. While there are many home remedies you may find on the web, the safest and best solution is to see a dermatologist. Many dermatologists offer Telehealth appointments where patients can easily show the doctor the tags on the skin and make a subsequent appointment for removal.

Dermatologist Removal

How are skin tags removed by a dermatologist?

Dermatologists often use one of the following methods of removal:

  • Cutting off the tag with a scalpel
  • Freezing with cryosurgery using liquid nitrogen
  • Burning it off by using an electric current to heat and burn the part of the skin that attaches the tag to the base of the skin. The benefit of this process is that it reduces or prevents bleeding.

Does it hurt?

Yes, the surgical removal of the tag can be painful. That is why the physician numbs the area prior to the procedure. In the event the tag starts bleeding, the doctor will likely apply a medication and then a bandage and pressure.

All methods offered by your dermatologist can be discussed during the Telehealth or office examination and evaluation.

If you have skin tags you would like to discuss with a dermatologist in Florida, call Suncoast Skin Solutions, Florida’s Most Trusted Dermatology. Each of our office locations has a dermatologist on site to evaluate your skin and perform an exam. Please call our dermatology locator for more information or to schedule an appointment at 813.321.1786.

SunCoast Skin Solutions Dermatology offices are located in Tampa / Hillsborough, St. Pete / Pinellas County, Brandon, Lutz, Winter Haven, Largo, Riverview, Brooksville, Ocala, and Daytona Beach, Sarasota, Punta Gorda, Seminole, Florida. Contact us at 1-844-786-3376 or click here.

Do you have unsightly skin tags that make you feel uncomfortable and reduce your self-esteem?

If so, then you may be wondering, “Does insurance cover skin tag removal,” since it can be costly if you have to pay for medical treatments that aren’t covered by your plan.

You don’t want to have to live with skin blemishes, but you also aren’t sure if you want to have to pay for it on your own.

Let’s find out whether you’re likely to have your treatment paid for by your insurance carrier.

So, Does Insurance Cover Skin Tag Removal, or Will I Be Responsible for the Dermatology Bill?

The answer? Yes. And no. How can it be both? It depends on the situation. Most health insurance companies will not cover procedures performed by a dermatologist to remove skin tags solely for cosmetic purposes.

This means that if you want your blemish removed just because you don’t like its appearance, you’re likely going to have to pay out of pocket.

However, in some cases, your insurance coverage includes removal to eliminate a skin tag if it is infected. Your dermatologist can use methods such as freezing or burning, depending on what your insurance company will pay for.

Skilled Skin Tag Removal Leaves You Feeling More Confident and Comfortable in Your Own Skin, So What Are You Waiting For?

Now that you know the answer to your question, “Does insurance cover skin tag removal,” it’s time to take the next step and contact a top dermatologist.

In Acworth, Georgia, that would be renowned skincare specialist, Dr. Johnathan Langston Chappell. 

Dr. Chappell is trained in skin tag removal and specializes in a variety of treatments for skin concerns, including Mohs skin cancer removal surgery.

To schedule an appointment for affordable skin tag removal with or without insurance coverage, call us today at 678-505-8030

Can a dermatologist get rid of skin tags?

Dermatologists have several simple methods to remove skin tags. Cryotherapy can be used to freeze them off, skin tags may be removed with scissors or a scalpel, or an electric needle can burn them off. This last procedure is known as electrodessication. Your dermatologist can determine the best method for removal.

How much is a skin tag remover?

A dermatologist can remove skin tags during an in-office procedure that typically costs $150 out-of-pocket, as health insurance plans usually do not cover cosmetic procedures. Over-the-counter treatments and at-home remedies for skin tags usually cost up to $30.

How long does it take for a dermatologist to remove a skin tag?

How Long Does the Removal Process Take? While each method may sound complicated and involved, the removal process only takes 15 minutes or less, based on the number of skin tags you choose to treat.

Are skin tags worth removing?

Skin tags do not have to be removed. They are not harmful, and will not become so over time. However, some people find them unsightly and choose to have to have them removed.