How much do therapist make in texas

How much does an Occupational Therapist make in Texas?

The average occupational therapist in Texas makes $72,513 annually. The average hourly rate for an occupational therapist is $34.86/hr. This compares to the national average occupational therapist salary of $75,707. Below, we break down the average occupational therapist salary in Texas by the highest paying companies and industries. You can also compare different types of occupational therapist salaries in and around Texas and a salary history chart that shows how the average salary for occupational therapists has changed over time in Texas.

Highest Paying Companies For Occupational Therapists In Texas

This chart shows how occupational therapist salaries compare at nearby companies. To view companies in a different region, use the location filter below to select a city or state.

Highest Paying Companies For Occupational Therapists In Texas

Highest Paying Cities In Texas For Occupational Therapists

Location can have a major impact on how much occupational therapists get paid. This chart shows how occupational therapist salaries can vary depending on where they're located in Texas.

Average Occupational Therapist Pay By Industry In Texas

The salary for an occupational therapist can vary depending on what industry the job is in. Here is a breakdown of the average pay across different industries that occupational therapists work in.

Highest Paying Industries in Texas

Average Occupational Therapist Salary Over Time In Texas

Compare the average occupational therapist salary history for individual cities or states with the national average.

Average Occupational Therapist Salary In Texas By Year

Real Occupational Therapist Salaries Around Texas

Occupational Therapist Salaries In Texas FAQs

What Is The Salary Range For An Occupational Therapist In Texas?

The salary range for an occupational therapist in Texas is from $55,000 to $94,000 per year, or $26 to $45 per hour.

What Is A Liveable Salary In Texas?

A liveable salary in Texas is $72,200, or $35 per hour. That is the average salary for people living in Texas.

What Is A Good Salary In Texas?

A good salary in Texas is anything over $72,200. That's because the median income in Texas is $72,200, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the people living in Texas.

What Is A Good Salary For An Occupational Therapist In Texas?

A good salary for an occupational therapist in Texas is anything over $72,513. That's because the average occupational therapist salary in Texas is $72,513, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the occupational therapists in Texas.

What Is An Occupational Therapist's Salary In Texas?

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Based on 182 income tax records

How much do Clinical Therapists make?

The average total salary for a Clinical Therapist is $48,500 per year. This is based on data from 182 TurboTax users who reported their occupation as Clinical Therapist and includes taxable wages, tips, bonuses, and more. Clinical Therapist salary can vary between $22,000 to $84,500 depending on factors including education, skills, experience, employer & location. Read more

Learn more about Mint Salary


Based on income reported to the IRS in box 1 of W-2.

From consenting TurboTax customers

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  • Behavioral Therapist

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Clinical Therapist salary by location

Clinical Therapist salary by company

Clinical Therapist demographics in Texas

Effective Tax Rates for Clinical Therapists in Texas

182 full-time salaries from 2019


The average salary for a clinical therapist in Texas is $48,500 per year. Clinical therapist salaries in Texas can vary between $22,000 to $84,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses, tips, and more.

This data is exclusive to Mint Salary and is based on 182 tax returns from TurboTax customers who reported their occupation as clinical therapist.

The following cities offer the highest salaries for clinical therapists in Texas: Houston, TX ($60,500 a year), Dallas, TX ($59,000 a year), and Austin, TX ($48,500 a year).


Total salary amounts here include total taxable wages, tips, prizes and other compensation. Salaries here are not representative of the total population and may reflect different levels of experience or education. Learn more


Total salary ranges shown here exclude outliers.

How much does a licensed therapist make in Texas?

How much does a Licensed Professional Counselor make in Texas? The average Licensed Professional Counselor salary in Texas is $54,135 as of September 26, 2022, but the range typically falls between $48,945 and $60,921.

What type of therapist get paid the most?

Psychiatrist positions are by far the highest-paying jobs for psychology majors. The average salary is $217,798, according to PayScale. A psychiatrist should be licensed as a board-certified psychologist.

How much does a therapist make per session?

Collections rate – Range: $75 to $125 per session. Several factors are affecting our average hourly rate of collection is for a single hour of psychotherapy. I have seen practices with quite a wide range of collection rates that vary from clinician to clinician. The hourly wage range can be pretty significant.

How much is a therapist in Texas?

Average Cost of Therapy Sessions Some therapists may charge as much as $200 or more per session, but most will charge $75-$150 a session. Many therapists work with a sliding scale fee schedule, which means their fee will depend on your income level.


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