How much compensation do you get for a torn rotator cuff

There are several mechanisms by which a shoulder injury might occur in the workplace or as a result of the work you do. Safework Australia reports that in 2019-2020, for injuries resulting in serious workers compensation claims:
- 13% involved the neck or shoulder
- 38% resulted from traumatic joint, ligament, muscle or tendon injury
- 18% arose from musculoskeletal and connective tissue diseases

In Queensland in 2019-20, over 4,000 people sought to claim workers compensation for strains or sprains to the shoulder.

Repetitive strain
Shoulder injuries from repetitive strain or stress are usually caused by performing tasks of a repetitive nature, especially for prolonged periods. Tasks that involve a repetitive motion can also cause this type of shoulder injury, especially if a worker is required to do them while in an awkward position, or too quickly.

A workplace shoulder injury caused by repetitive stress will usually be in the form of:
- inflammation of the tendon, or tendonitis
- swelling in the bursa or bursitis, also known as shoulder impingement syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome can occur from bone spurs forming on the acromion bone in the shoulder. During arm lifting movements, this causes bone to rub on the tendons in the shoulder, leading to swelling, pain and damage to the tendon. Jobs where repetitive arm lifting movements or overhead work are required are therefore more susceptible to this syndrome.

A rotator cuff tear can occur due to overloading the shoulder joint, for example by lifting a heavy object. This can be a single incident, or preceded by weakening of the shoulder structures through repetitive strain, or ordinary wear and tear that happens with aging. Interestingly, degeneration or damage in one shoulder increases the risk of tears of the tendons in both shoulders.

The shoulder tendons can also be torn during an impact, for example where the shoulder hits or is hit by, an object or piece of machinery (as well as in a fall or motor vehicle collision). Tears of this type can be caused or accompanied by damage to a bony structure in the shoulder, like a broken bone or fracture, or a shoulder dislocation.

Rotator Cuff Injury Compensation

If you have suffered a shoulder rotator cuff injury that wasn’t your fault, our team can help you. For over 25 years, Jefferies Solicitors have helped individuals make successful personal injury claims. Talk to us about rotator cuff injury compensation, we are here to help you.

For a no-obligation initial discussion about what has happened to you and to find out whether you could have a claim, please get in touch. Call us on 0800 342 3206 or contact us online.


Rotator Cuff Injuries

We use our shoulders to perform many tasks, whether it is lifting in the workplace, gardening, playing sports, carrying children, or cooking. Shoulder injuries usually cause pain and limitations in other areas of the body e.g. the back, arm, and hand.

The rotator cuff is the collection of tendons and muscles that hold your shoulder and arm together. A tear or sprain to the rotator cuff can leave your shoulder feeling extremely painful and weak. The pain can sometimes be felt down your arm, making it very difficult to move and sleep at night. These injuries can often be suffered during car accidents and or in the workplace.

Your shoulder pain can dramatically affect day-to-day life. It can prevent you from working, pursuing hobbies or performing simple everyday tasks. If it can be proved that your injury was caused by an accident that wasn’t your fault, you are likely to have a personal injury claim.

Those most susceptible to rotator cuff injuries are generally older people who have suffered wear and tear above and beyond the norm. People working in jobs where this area of the body is exposed to repetitive strain are most at risk.

Causes of rotator cuff injuries

Causes of injury can include:

  • Falling on the shoulder directly or using an arm to break your fall.
  • Lifting an object that is too heavy or performing an incorrect lifting technique.
  • Pulling an object that’s too heavy or performing an incorrect pulling technique.

If you believe that your rotator cuff injury occurred because of the negligence of your employer, you may have a valid claim for compensation. It may be the case that your employer didn’t properly train or protect you in the workplace. Alternatively, a failure to adhere to health and safety regulations may have put you at risk unnecessarily. In any of these instances, you should seek advice from us.


Rotator Cuff Injury Compensation Amounts

While every rotator cuff injury claim is different, most individuals who claim for this kind of shoulder injury receive between £10,180 and £15,300. For a more accurate idea of how much you could claim, you should contact us.

Rotator Cuff Injury Compensation

All personal injury cases are unique and so the amount of compensation that is awarded in each case is also unique. The amount of compensation that is awarded is determined by looking at two distinct factors – general damages and special damages.


The pain and suffering that your injuries have caused is the main factor that is used to determine how much compensation you are owed. This will usually be determined by undergoing a medical examination, from which a report is created that outlines the length of time the injuries will take to heal as well as their severity.

Our compensation calculator gives an indication of how much you might be entitled to based on your injuries. Jefferies Solicitors will take these different details relating to your injury into account when calculating how much compensation you should be awarded, which will then be put forward to the opposing side and the judge.


However, compensation also takes into account any financial losses that you might have suffered as a result of your injuries, such as a loss of earnings due to being unable to return to work. If you have had to pay for treatment or travel to treatment, compensation may also be able to cover this as well. Therefore, you should keep any receipts or other documents that help to outline the extent of your financial losses, as caused by your accident/injuries.


Our experts at Jefferies Solicitors are well experienced in dealing with a range of different case types. We understand how traumatic sustaining an injury can be and so we want to make the process of claiming compensation as stress-free as possible.

At first, we will need some initial details about the specifics of your injuries and how this has impacted your life. Please contact us today on 0800 342 3206 or through our online form to get started. A member of our team will call you to discuss your case.


How much money can I get for torn rotator cuff?

The average settlement value of a workers compensation claim involving a torn rotator cuff is between $50,000.00 and $125,000.00. This amount does not include the medical or wage loss benefits the insurer may have paid before you settle.

Is a torn rotator cuff considered a disability?

Rotator cuff tears can severely limit a person's range of motion, which may qualify them for disability benefits based on their inability to work.

What is the payout for a shoulder injury?

The average payout for shoulder injury settlement is near $100,000. Most automobile accident victims with shoulder damage experience pain for between one to two months. Shoulder surgery (arthroplasty, hemiarthroplasty, etc.)

How much can I claim for rotator cuff injury UK?

While every rotator cuff injury claim is different, most individuals who claim for this kind of shoulder injury receive between £10,180 and £15,300.


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