How many weeks after miscarriage will i get my period

A miscarriage can have a profound emotional impact on you and also on your partner, friends and family.

Advice and support are available during this difficult time.


It's usually possible to arrange a memorial and burial service if you want one. In some hospitals or clinics it may be possible to arrange a burial within the grounds.

You can also arrange to have a burial at home, although you may need to consult your local authority before doing so.

Cremation is an alternative to burial and can be performed at either the hospital or a local crematorium. However, not all crematoriums provide this service and there will not be any ashes for you to scatter afterwards.

You do not need to formally register a miscarriage. However, some hospitals can provide a certificate to mark what has happened if you want one.

Emotional impact

Sometimes the emotional impact is felt immediately after the miscarriage, whereas in other cases it can take several weeks. Many people affected by a miscarriage go through a bereavement period.

It's common to feel tired, lose your appetite and have difficulty sleeping after a miscarriage. You may also feel a sense of guilt, shock, sadness and anger – sometimes at a partner, or at friends or family members who have had successful pregnancies.

Different people grieve in different ways. Some people find it comforting to talk about their feelings, while others find the subject too painful to discuss.

Some people come to terms with their grief after a few weeks of having a miscarriage and start planning for their next pregnancy. For others, the thought of planning another pregnancy is too traumatic, at least in the short term.

If you're in a relationship, it can help to make sure you're both open about how you are feeling.

Your partner may also be affected by the loss.

Men sometimes find it harder to express their feelings, particularly if they feel their main role is to support the mother and not the other way round.

Miscarriage can also cause feelings of anxiety or depression, and can lead to relationship problems.

Getting support

If you're worried that you or your partner are having problems coping with grief, you may need further treatment and counselling. There are support groups that can provide or arrange counselling for people who have been affected by miscarriage.

Read more about dealing with grief and counselling, and find bereavement support services in your area.

Your GP can provide you with support and advice. The following organisations can also help:

  • The Miscarriage Association is a charity that offers support to people who have lost a baby. They have a helpline (01924 200 799) and an email address () and can put you in touch with a support volunteer.
  • Cruse Bereavement Care helps people understand their grief and cope with their loss. They have a helpline (0808 808 1677) and a network of local branches where you can find support.

When can I have sex again after a miscarriage?

You should avoid having sex until all of your miscarriage symptoms have gone. Your periods should return within 4 to 8 weeks of your miscarriage, although it may take several months to settle into a regular cycle.

If you do not want to get pregnant, you should use contraception immediately. If you do want to get pregnant again, you may want to discuss it with your GP or hospital care team. Make sure you are feeling physically and emotionally well before trying for another pregnancy.

The Miscarriage Association has information on thinking about another pregnancy that you may find helpful. It's important to remember that most miscarriages are a one-off and are followed by a healthy pregnancy.

Although it's not usually possible to prevent a miscarriage, there are some ways you can reduce the risk. See preventing miscarriage for more information and advice.

Finding a cause

It's natural to want to know why a miscarriage happened, but unfortunately this is not always possible. Many miscarriages are thought to be caused by a one-off problem with the development of the foetus.

Read more about the causes of miscarriage.

Page last reviewed: 09 March 2022
Next review due: 09 March 2025

If you’re recovering from a recent pregnancy loss, your mind and body have been through a lot and it may take some time to readjust. It might help to have some understanding of what to expect from your body during this time, including your period. Here’s what to expect from your first period after miscarriage:

When will I get my first period after pregnancy loss?

You can usually expect your first period 4-6 weeks after a miscarriage. If you still haven’t had yours by this time it’s a good idea to contact a healthcare professional, especially if your cycle was regular before pregnancy. There are a few factors that may impact how long it takes for your period to return, including:

  • How regular your periods have been in the past – if your cycle is usually irregular, it’s likely to remain this way. This might mean that it can take longer than the average 4-6 weeks to resume.
  • How far along you were in the pregnancy – getting your period back will depend on your HCG levels HCG increases the further into your pregnancy you are (up to 12 weeks), so periods after an early miscarriage may return sooner than after a later miscarriage.

It’s important to note that while you might have a period within six weeks, it can take longer than this for the regularity of your cycle to return. Your hormones change a lot while you’re pregnant and they’ll need some time to return to your usual cycle.

What will my first period after a miscarriage be like?

Your first period after a miscarriage might be different to the periods you’re used to. Common changes you might notice in this first period could include:

  • Heavier bleeding
  • A longer period
  • More painful than usual
  • Some discharge with an odour

After around 2-3 cycles your period should return to what was normal for you before you were pregnant. If it doesn’t, and you continue to have heavy periods or an irregular menstrual cycle after a miscarriage, be sure to check in with a healthcare professional.

Will PMS be different after a miscarriage?

After a pregnancy loss, your hormones can fluctuate significantly. This and the emotional impact of experiencing a miscarriage can both mean that PMS symptoms may be more intense than you’re used to.

During this time, it’s important to keep an eye on how you’re feeling in yourself. Seek help if you think your pain might be cause for concern or you might have depression or anxiety. Grief affects all of us differently and it’s important to get emotional support. A healthcare professional can point you to support services available and help you to explore the options available. Here is some advice from the NHS on getting support after a miscarriage.

Ovulation after miscarriage

When your period resumes after a pregnancy loss so does the rest of your menstrual cycle, often including ovulation. This means that if you don’t want to get pregnant, you should use contraception when having sex. If you do want to get pregnant, it’s a good idea to speak to a healthcare professional about how you’re feeling physically and emotionally before trying for to get pregnant after a miscarriage.

Some people may not ovulate on their first period after a miscarriage, which may make PMS more painful than you’re used to. This is because when you don’t ovulate, the endometrial lining becomes thicker, causing a heavier, more painful period.

Above all, it’s important to take some time to be gentle with and look after yourself. Your experiences and feelings are valid, and you’re not alone. If you need help processing or understanding what’s happened or what comes next, speak to your healthcare provider and they will be able to guide you or tell you about organisations that can help.

Do you have anything to add about your own experience that may help someone else? Tell us in the comments if you feel comfortable.


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