How do you clean the filter on a kitchenaid dishwasher

5 Ways to Clean Your KitchenAid Dishwasher

Nobody wants to spend any longer washing dishes than they absolutely have to. With a KitchenAid dishwasher, your dishes are done so quickly and quietly you might even forget it’s running. But your dishwasher is working hard scrubbing gunk and grime every day, and every now and again, it needs a good clean too. Follow these five tips to keep your dishwasher squeaky-clean and running smoothly.

Outer beauty

The exterior of your KitchenAid might not be doing the dirty work of cleaning dishes, but you don’t want spilled food and water stains to hide the stainless-steel finish. Glass cleaner is great for getting tough grime and smudges off the surface of your dishwasher. Just don’t spray the cleaner directly onto the machine – the moisture could damage the electronic controls. Instead, spray onto a clean cloth and apply to the front. Plastic-fronted washers can be cleaned easily with soapy water and a sponge.

What’s on the inside counts

You’d be surprised how much junk can get trapped in your dishwasher’s drain without you even noticing. Old bits of food and trash can gum up the works, keeping your dishes from getting a complete clean. When you crack open the dishwasher, start by cleaning out the filter. KitchenAid dishwashers have a removable triple filter system that you can access by removing the bottom rack. Just twist the cylindrical upper filter counterclockwise, then lift out the mesh lower filter from under the propeller. No need for coarse scrub brushes or scouring pads, just rinse them both out under running water, and use a soft brush for ground-in debris.

The secret ingredient

It turns out, you don’t need expensive cleaning products to clear the gunk out of your dishwasher. All it takes is a bit of white vinegar. Leave a dishwasher-safe mug or measuring cup filled with two cups of vinegar on the bottom rack of your dishwasher, and run a normal wash cycle. The acidic vinegar strips away all the hard-to-reach soap scum and food particles. Don’t add any detergent – the vinegar gets the job done all by itself. It’s effective, but be sure not to take this step more than once a month – too much vinegar could damage the interior of the machine.

A sparkling finish

To flush out any lingering odors, give your KitchenAid one more rinse with baking soda. After you’ve thoroughly cleaned the machine with vinegar, sprinkle baking soda all over the bottom of the dishwasher and run one last cycle. You should use the hottest water you can. This will leave the dishwasher sparkling clean and smelling fresh.

Daily upkeep works wonders

Cleaning your dishwasher every once in a while is just a fact of life if you want spotless dishes and an odor-free kitchen, but you can take steps in between washes to keep your KitchenAid fresh and functional. Your sink is usually linked to your dishwasher, so run your disposal before starting a load of dishes to keep gunk from the sink from getting mixed in to the wash. Also, checking the drain for large bits of food and debris after every cycle can help prevent buildup before it starts.

Most KitchenAid dishwashers come with a filter system to stop food chunks or foreign objects from clogging up the drain hose or damaging the pump. Depending on your model, KitchenAid dishwashers usually have an upper and lower filter assembly. The upper filter assembly is designed to stop debris from getting into the drainage system, while the lower filter prevents food scraps from being recirculated onto the dishes.

Cleaning the dishwasher filters is a relatively easy task; however, abrasive or coarse cleaning tools, like wire brushes or scouring pads, should not be used to avoid damaging the filters.

This guide applies to most KitchenAid dishwashers, including the following models: 


When should you clean the dishwasher’s filters?

Depending on how often the dishwasher is used (and if your home has hard water), its filters may require cleaning anytime from once a week to once a year. 

If your home is affected by hard water (calcium and magnesium buildup on sink and tub fixtures), the filter should be cleaned monthly. 

KitchenAid offers this guidance for how often you should clean the filter:

Number of loads per week If you wash before loading If you scrape & rinse before loading If you only scrape before loading If you do not scrape or rinse before loading
1-3 Once per year Once per year Twice per year Every 2 months
4-7 Once per year Once per year Twice per year Once per month
8-12 Once per year Twice per year Every 3 months Every 2 weeks
13-14 Once per year Twice per year Every 3 months Once per week

You should also clean the filter if you observe:

  • There is excessive debris, grime, and grease on the upper filter assembly.
  • Dishes are not being washed well enough.
  • Dishes feel gritty after washing.
  • The dishwasher is not draining properly.

How to remove the KitchenAid dishwasher filter

Note that some older KitchenAid dishwashers may not have a removable lower filter. Once the upper filter is removed, the lower filter should come out without too much effort.

Step 1: Remove the bottom dish rack and cutlery basket.

Step 2: Locate the upper filter, a circular filter with approximately a 4-inch diameter near the center of the tub.

Step 3: Turn the upper filter assembly ¼ counterclockwise and lift it out.

Step 4: Locate the lower filter, a flat, usually mesh, half-circle filter in the center of the tub.

Step 5: Grasp the lower filter in the circular opening, lift slightly, and pull forward to remove it.

How to clean the filters

  • Rinse the filters under running water.
  • If debris is difficult to remove, clean carefully with a soft brush (do not use potentially damaging cleaning tools, like wire brushes or scouring pads).
  • A soft toothbrush can be used for hard-to-reach parts of the filter.
  • Dish soap can be used, but make sure to thoroughly rinse it off as you don’t want additional detergent in the dishwasher (it might cause excessive suds, which can trigger error codes and drainage or leaking issues).

Stubborn stains, residue, mineral deposits

If there is stubborn calcium, detergent, or food residue, distilled white vinegar will help remove it. 

Either pour white vinegar over the filter or place the filter in a bowl of white vinegar and leave to soak for 30 minutes to an hour.

After soaking, clean the filter following the steps above.

How to reinstall the filters

Step 1: Place the lower filter under the locating tabs at the bottom of the dishwasher so that the round opening for the upper filter aligns with the round opening at the bottom of the tub.

Step 2: Insert the upper filter into the round opening in the lower filter.

Step 3: Carefully rotate the upper filter clockwise until it drops and locks into place.

Step 4: Make sure both filters are secure. If the upper filter turns freely, it hasn’t locked into place.

Step 5: Return the lower dishrack and cutlery basket to the dishwasher.

Do not operate the dishwasher without the filters or without them being secured in the dishwasher tub, as it will likely damage the dishwasher.

What happens if you don’t clean the filters?

The filters stop food debris or residue, grime, and foreign items like broken glass from getting into the system and damaging components like the pump and drain hose. If the filters aren’t cleaned, the debris may damage the filter and damage the dishwasher.

If the filter becomes clogged, the dishwasher’s performance will be hindered, and drainage and leaking issues may occur. Clogged filters can also cause unwanted odors.

Does KitchenAid dishwasher have a filter to clean?

The filters can be found at the bottom center of your dishwasher. The triple filter system consists of 2 parts, an upper filter assembly and a lower filter. The upper filter assembly keeps oversized items and foreign objects, along with very fine food particles, out of the pump.

How do I know if my dishwasher filter is clogged?

Signs of a Clogged Dishwasher Filter Perhaps the most obvious sign of a clogged dishwasher filter is gritty or grimy dishes after running a cycle. If you notice food particles on your “washed” dishes, we recommend checking your filter for debris and cleaning the fine screen filter.


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