How can i introduce myself during interview

Are you looking at how to introduce yourself in an online interview? Fear not, as you’ve come to the right place…

Self-introduction is the easiest but also the most vital part of an interview. It helps to have a good introduction so that the interviewer can see what you're best at and understand who you are.

Did you know a huge  79% of employers are now conducting online interviews post-pandemic?

In this blog post, we will be discussing how to introduce yourself in an online interview. It is important that you introduce yourself in a way that makes you sound professional and knowledgeable.

The first impression is the most important of all. Nailing an introduction could get you the job, or at least some extra brownie points!

Section 1: Introduction

The moment you are escorted in, you start getting nervous. You start thinking about what questions they'll ask and how to answer them as best as you can in such a short period of time.

The first question in an interview can be nerve-wracking as it determines what the recruiter will think of you for the rest of your interview. Here are some pointers on how to ace a self-introduction…

So how do you respond when a recruiter asks, “tell me about yourself”?

It's important to be aware that the interviewer is trying to get a better understanding of your skills and background in a short amount of time. You should respond to this question with information specific to the position you're applying for.

With that in mind, the first thing you should do when introducing yourself is to greet the interviewer with a smile and a simple hello. Then confidently mention your name and the company or organization you work /worked for. Add information on your professional background and any hobbies or interests that can make you stand out and be remembered. This will help the interviewer know who they are talking to and what they do.

Recap key points to mention in your introduction:

  • Who am I? (Include your name, where you come from, your personal background)
  • My educational background, (where have you worked, your best job achievements, and work experience related to the role.)
  • My professional experience and training
  • Hobbies and interests that I’m interested in

Section 2: Education & Work Experience

The introduction should also be tailored to the needs of the specific job. For example, if you're interviewing for a position in sales, it would make sense to mention your experience in networking and interacting with people.


Even though your resume contains this information, it's still a good idea to remind the interviewer of how and what you studied. This will increase the chances that they pay attention to your skills during the interview. Share your achievements and avoid sounding overconfident in what you are saying.

Professional Experience

Don't forget to include the details of your work experience and all you learned during that time in your resume. Mention any internships and workshops you have attended. On the other hand, for newcomers, your studies and portfolios are a big advantage.

Section 3: Hobbies & Interests

Mention your interests after experiences, but don't get too informal. The tone of voice should be natural and conversational but not too casual; you want to focus on getting to know a person's character so it's important for them to know yours.

Your hobbies and interests will make you stand out to an interviewer and give them something to remember you by. If you’ve achieved any impressive feats with your hobbies, be sure to mention them! This can speak large volumes about your character and personality.

Section 4: Why You Want the Job

Finally, it is important that you mention what sets you apart from other candidates who may be applying for this position. This will show the interviewer that there are reasons why they should hire someone with your skillset.

If possible you can state what are you capable of doing for their business.

You can list your skills and methodology of working to demonstrate how you’ll carry out your job.

  • Does the role suit your passions?
  • Do you want to join a team of like-minded individuals?
  • Are you looking for a long-term commitment?
  • Do you want to be part of a fast-growing company?

Only you know the true reason for joining the company you're interviewing with. Be genuine and honest in your motivations for the role. Your authenticity will shine through and be remembered by recruiters.

Example: How to Introduce Yourself in an Online Interview

"Hi, I am ____.

I am a freelance writer with expertise in copywriting, blog writing, and social media marketing. I have experience in providing services to businesses and individuals in article writing, website content writing, blog post writing and social media web traffic.

At my last company, I had an average of 15% sales growth over the past three years.”

Education and professional background:

“I graduated from ___ University in 2010. Since then I have accumulated 12 years of experience in Marketing. My role began in sales and I eventually moved over to digital marketing, where my current expertise is solely focused on digital marketing, specifically Search Engine Optimization.”

Hobbies and interests:

“Outside of my professional career, I run a miniature painting blog. I provide guides and tutorials on painting techniques, sculpting and converting the miniature models. I currently have 11k followers on social media, which has let me become a popular influencer, with many sponsorships including airbrushing guns, paint droppers and miniature holding handles.”

Why you want the job:

“I want to be a copywriter because I am passionate about creativity and storytelling. As well as creating informative content,  I enjoy creating content that is emotional and engaging. I also enjoy the accumulative process of watching website visitors increase over time. I am looking for an opportunity where I can use my skills to the fullest potential.”

Standing out in your video interview

When introducing yourself in an online interview it's important to make yourself stand out.

You may only be given a short time to answer the introductory question.

At-home preparation

To prepare for this scenario, write out an introduction and practice timing yourself to see how long it takes to answer. You can even video record yourself and rewatch to get anaccurate review of how you’re coming across on camera. Show trusted friends or family to give you feedback.

How to present yourself

Be careful not to talk too fast, or too slow. Keep a relaxed manner and focus on speaking clearly and eloquently to be easily understood.

Recruiters will be engaged with and take note of a strong introduction. So think about the role you’re applying for and talk in the manner of how you would present yourself in the role.

Cool, calm, collected and confident. Try to match the 4 C’s in your presentation of yourself.

Positive impression

Your body language should be open, with shoulders back and a straight spine. This shows confidence and it will make you speak with confidence too. Be sure to remember to smile throughout and look into the camera lens. This will imitate eye contact with the recruiter on the receiving end of the online video. It will help them stay engaged and focused on you.

For more information on how to prepare for an online video interview, check out a past post of ours here: What is an online video interview?

Conclusion: How to introduce yourself in an online interview

A job interview is a process where an employer talks to potential employees about their skills and evaluates whether they are qualified for the position.

Job interviews are one of the most common ways employers evaluate potential employees. They can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience for both parties involved, but it's important to stay calm, focused and confident throughout the entire process.

A good introduction to an interview is something that can set you apart from the other candidates. It should be a concise, well-organized, and compelling statement that summarizes who you are and why you are qualified for the position.

How can I introduce myself in interview example?

Self Introduction in Interview.
Dress Appropriately. ... .
Prepare What To Say. ... .
Begin By Greeting the Interviewer. ... .
Include Your Educational Qualifications. ... .
Elaborate on Professional Experience (if any) ... .
Mention Your Hobbies And Interests. ... .
Be Prepared For Follow Up Questions. ... .
Sample 1..

How should you answer tell me about yourself in an interview?

Key Takeaways.
Structure your answer in a way that makes sense. Stick to the past-present-future format, and you're all good!.
Keep it relevant and brief (1-2 minutes max). No one wants to hear your whole life story..
Mention any of your top achievements and relevant work experiences..

How can I introduce myself in 1 minute in interview?

Well, there are three basic parts to a one-minute self-introduction..
1) Who are you? First, you simply tell people who you are. ... .
2) Give some background or context. The second part of your 60-second introduction is to give one or more details about yourself – some background for context. ... .
3) Why are you here?.

How can I introduce myself in?

Things You Should Know.
Introduce yourself casually to new friends with a handshake and a smile. Then, offer your name and ask for theirs..
If you're giving a speech, offer your name and relevant credentials. ... .
At professional events, give your name and a quick description of your work..


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