Heart beating hard but not fast reddit

It’s normal

Your heart dose not beat perfectly in sync 100% of the time, it’s not perfect.

I a while back had some concerns about my heart, sometimes I would get the sensation of a skipped heart beat, it would happen more commonly and kinda no pattern, got it checked out by a doctor, they did an EKG, they scanned my heart and the results said that my heart was operations normally.

They’re called palpitations

If you have some concerns, go talk to your doctor, but it’s probably unnecessary cause you’re healthy. If you have family history of high blood pressure, cardiac arrest, diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, probably bring it up to your doctor

There are some rare cases where people die from a random cardiac arrest or heart attack even though they’re young and healthy, it’s very very very rare, but it’s possible. They usually die cause there’s no AED around to restart their heart. I wouldn’t worry about it, cause it’s very rare

One kid I knew was 16, he made varsity soccer team and he died over the summer cause of a cardiac arrest and there wasn’t an AED, but it’s very rare and people say it’s probably one of the most peaceful ways to die

Hello internent. Im posting to reddit because its been 4 years dealing with this issue and there is absoltley nothing online about it, nor has any doctor found whats going on. So before I was 16 I had never felt my heartbeat my whole life. In fact, during my middle school days I was extremely active and was someone who pushed myself arguably harder than I do nowadays. However, I still never had any issues with my heart. Then when I hit 16 and started doing hs basketball + conditioning the heart issues hit me like a truck. Ever since, I've felt my heart beat really damn strong all the damn time. Im not over stating it when I say its border line pain in regards to how much uncomfort it gives me. And this is 24/7. If im sitting down, I feel it pounding. If im laying down, its really worse in intensity and i feel it pounding. Every damn beat. In my chest, pulsating in my hands, in my butt, literally its inanse. If im excersing, i dont feel it too much until i start going mild intesnity, like 140-160 heart rate then it gets insane. My heart beats at a safe rate, but it pounds so damn hard its unbearable.

As far as what else has gone in my life to sort of try to rationlize this issue let me start by saying ive done multiple ekgs, echograms, and stress tests and all were perfectly normal. The one thing that did happen to me that prefaced this heart stuff happening tho was major panic attacks which I never had prior to hs. I can recall having multiple panic attacks per week and they were horrible. I was thinking i was having a heart attack on multiple occasions throughout the week that lead to really bad panic attacks. Once I learned to live with this heart sensation and accept it as reality, I stopped having panic attacks for the next two years. So I basically have been panic attack free with low stress about my heart for the last two years. However, the 24/7 heart sensation that I described has persisted every second since it started.

Please, if anyone out there is going thru the same thing please comment below so we can help eacother. Or if anyone out there has any idea or helpful information in regards to what Im feeling can you please reach out? I feel so trapped and clueless and I want help so bad.

(Again, its not paplitations, its not singular events of sensation it is a 24/7 pounding sensation that is border line pain that makes excersing and laying down un bearable. Even sitting is really uncomfortable)

Thank you all ❤

For "skipped" heart beats, which is one type of palpitation, typically what happens is part of your heart beats out of sync. This causes your heart to beat inefficiently; it can't properly get all the blood out. So the next heart beat is extra hard - its pumping more blood than normal. That heart beat after is what you actually feel (although you might feel a slight delay, the beat after feels like your heart flipping or like a dropping feeling in your chest). Enough premature heart beats in a row and you might also feel a sense of dizziness or even shortness of breath.

Other palpitations, where you feel like your heart beat is just more... Pronounced, when its not actually faster than normal or irregular, is often just more of an awareness of your heart beat. Some positions make the feeling more noticeable, like laying down. People who have palpitations are more likely to notice them in the evening and at night - when they're laying down and have little to distract them.

I learnt a trick for this a few years ago (although it may only help a little depending on the situation - but a little is better than nothing..). I would hear my heart beating when I was beginning to feel anxious or panicky, and as you said, I would also check my pulse, which led to more anxiety, and my heart would feel like it was getting faster, leading to a horrible cycle.

My method for coping with actually hearing my heart beating, leading to being even more conscious of it, is to put very calming music on - with earphones or headphones ideally - just something that can drown out the sound of your heart beating and take your focus away from listening to your pulse. For times when soothing, instrumental music isn't enough to distract me, I listen to calming songs with lyrics that will distract me. This may not work for you, as it is just my personal way of calming myself, but I usually listen to music in a different language (but one that I can understand at least a little) - that way my mind is more interested in trying to understand, and no longer on my heart beating.

What does it mean when your heart beats harder but not faster?

A bounding pulse is when a person feels their heart beating harder or more vigorously than usual. People are often worried that a bounding pulse is a sign of a heart problem. However, anxiety or panic attacks cause many cases and will resolve on their own.

How do I stop my heart from beating so hard?

Lifestyle and home remedies.
Reduce stress. Try relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing..
Avoid stimulants. Caffeine, nicotine, some cold medicines and energy drinks can make the heart beat too fast or irregularly..
Avoid illegal drugs..

Why does it feel like my heart beats hard once?

Most of the time, they're caused by stress and anxiety, or because you've had too much caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol. They can also happen when you're pregnant. In rare cases, palpitations can be a sign of a more serious heart condition. If you have heart palpitations, see your doctor.

Why is my heart pounding but slow?

Typical heartbeat Bradycardia can be caused by: Heart tissue damage related to aging. Damage to heart tissues from heart disease or heart attack. A heart condition present at birth (congenital heart defect)


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