Does flu take away taste and smell

COVID-19—The loss of smell, with or without changes in taste, related to COVID-19 infection typically occurs without the nasal congestion or runny nose that is typically seen with a cold. Associated symptoms may also include headache, a dry cough, shortness of breath, high fever, stomach problems, and a persistent sore throat. More severe symptoms such as these often point to COVID-19 or the flu. During the pandemic, anyone who has a new loss of smell or taste, even without any of those other symptoms, should be suspected of having COVID-19 and be tested, whether or not they have been previously vaccinated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for COVID-19 can be easily obtained and will identify those patients with COVID-19.

Patients that experience a loss of smell from COVID-19 that does not get better after several months may benefit from, smell retraining therapy. This treatment, which can be done at home by sniffing four different scents twice a day for four to six months, has proven to improve the smell for some, but not all patients. An ENT specialist may advise additional therapies, such as sinus rinses with topical nasal steroids. Parosmia, or altered sense of smell, may occur weeks or months after loss of smell with COVID-19.

URI (Upper Respiratory Infection)—Nasal obstruction and thick nasal drainage with or without the loss of smell commonly occur with a cold (viral URI). These self-confined symptoms are usually limited to the nasal and sinus areas and most times go away in five to seven days. These URIs are often associated with a mild fever. Initial treatment of URIs often benefits from symptomatic care alone without the need for an antibiotic, and they usually clear without the need for a physician visit. If the symptoms do not go away or get worse after five to seven days, a physician visit might be needed. Occasionally, a viral URI will have a lingering effect on your sense of smell, and you should see an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist, or otolaryngologist, for further evaluation if it persists after your nasal breathing returns to normal.

Allergic Rhinitis—Environmental allergies can result in acute or chronic symptoms that can be mistaken for a viral URI or sinus issues. Depending on where you live, allergic rhinitis is usually seasonal. Allergic patients have a clear nasal discharge and nasal congestion with post-nasal drainage or drip as well as runny eyes, sneezing, and itching. Some patients will only experience congestion or obstruction.

Over the counter (OTC) allergy medications or prescription medications that your primary care physician provides usually control the symptoms well. Those who are still suffering from allergies after trying medications can benefit from an evaluation by an ENT specialist to identify your allergies and other related problems that prevent improvement. They will be able to offer additional medical treatments, drops, or shots.

Acute Rhinosinusitis (commonly known as Acute Sinusitis)—Although less common, an URI, bad dental infection of the upper teeth, or severe allergy disease can lead to acute bacterial sinusitis. Symptoms include nasal congestion, which can lead to changes in smell and taste, facial pain and pressure, fever, foul nasal discharge, and occasionally swelling. It often hurts to just touch your face. Antibiotics are sometimes needed and can be obtained from your primary care physician or an ENT specialist.

Many healthy people can get well from acute bacterial rhinosinusitis without antibiotics using supportive therapy such as saltwater rinsing. If the sinus infection is caused by tooth infections, then they often improve when the tooth infection is addressed by your dentist. If not, the patient should see an ENT specialist for further treatment.

Chronic Rhinosinusitis (commonly known as Chronic Sinusitis or CRS)—Once sinus infections last more than three months, they are considered “chronic.” Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis usually complain of nasal blockage and thick nasal drainage with or without loss of smell, facial pain or tenderness and sometimes headaches. Chronic rhinosinusitis can occur with or without nasal polyps, and the presence of polyps often will require more individualized care An evaluation by an ENT specialist is recommended for proper diagnosis and treatment.

The flu can damage your sense of smell. Fortunately, this is usually not permanent, though it may take it a while to return. Often, whether or not you regain your sense of smell depends upon the underlying cause. If extensive damage is done to your nasal nerves, it is more likely that the condition will be permanent.

The medical term for a complete loss of smell is anosmia, while a partial loss of smell is called hyposmia.

Typically, anosmia is not an indicator of a serious condition. However, because the sense of taste and sense of smell are closely related, anosmia may mean that you lose interest in eating, and as a result, lose too much weight. Therefore, you fail to get the important nutrients your body needs.  The National Institutes of Health state that anosmia affects 3 percent of the adult population over the age of 40, and the incidence increases with age. For those over 60 years of age, the rate rises to as much as 22 percent.

What can cause you to lose your sense of smell?

According to the Mayo Clinic, any condition that obstructs your nasal passage or flow of air through your nose can cause you to lose your sense of smell.

These conditions include:

  • The common cold
  • The flu
  • Sinusitis
  • Chronic congestion
  • Nasal polyps

There are also neurological conditions that can cause anosmia. Although uncommon, the olfactory center of the brain—the part used for processing the sense of smell— can be damaged by:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • A brain tumor
  • Head injury
  • Diabetes
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals such as insecticides
  • Certain medications
  • Zinc-containing nasal sprays (these have been taken off the market)

How can I regain my sense of smell?

We have ear, nose and throat doctors who have extensive expertise and can implement a plan to help you. The course of care depends upon the underlying cause. For example, if your problem is caused by chronic sinus infections, then we will create a treatment plan to help you. (You may even be a candidate for our innovative balloon sinuplasty procedure.) In cases like this, your sense of smell should return at some point after the underlying problem is resolved.

If your anosmia is due to an underlying neurological condition, the good news is that your olfactory (sense of smell) nerves can regenerate, although it cannot be predicted when or to what extent. There’s also a large difference in the rate of regeneration among different individuals—for some it may take days, while for others, it may take years. There are some treatments available, and we’ll be happy to discuss if one of them is right for you.


Loss of smell due to an acute condition like a sinus infection is not likely to be permanent. Your sense of smell should gradually return. However, anosmia due to a neurological problem with your brain makes it difficult to predict when or if you will be able to smell again.

Raleigh Capitol ENT will help you treat anosmia

There are many potential causes for anosmia, and that’s why it’s important to have an experienced, innovative health care team on your side. We’ve been the provider of choice for the Raleigh, Durham and Cary area for decades, and our board-certified physicians are well-versed in the most recent treatments. Whether your sense of smell has been damaged by a nose injury or chronic rhinosinusitis, we’re here to help you. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.

Do you lose taste and smell with the flu?

First, the loss of taste and smell is specific to COVID-19 and is not seen in people who have the flu.

Can the flu take taste away?

COVID-19 and the flu are both contagious respiratory diseases caused by viruses. COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. ... Symptom check: Is it COVID-19 or the flu?.

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