Companion planting 4x8 raised bed vegetable garden layout

About this Garden Plan

Three 4x8 raised garden beds. - Includes Three Sister Planting of Beans, Corn, and Pumpkins or Squash. - Plans include companion planting and no Foe plants next to each other. - Will also include marigolds to repel insects.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Lacey, WA 98503
Garden Size: 19' 11" x 19' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Raised Beds
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Three Sisters Planting.

Garden Plan

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Plant List

Planting Times



Interested in a growing food in a raised garden bed? Discover the benefits and three plans for real raised bed vegetable gardens.

What Are Raised Beds?

At their simplest, raised beds are soil mounds created directly on the ground, but they are often framed with wood, bricks or other materials for a neat finish. Raised beds are usually filled with a mixture of high-quality potting soil, compost and/or leaf mold. They drain well and are excellent for otherwise difficult areas such as stony, compacted, contaminated, very wet, or nutrient-poor soils. They can even be used on hard surfaces. By attaching hoops to the edges of the beds, netting or shade cloth can easily be added for added crop-protection.

Which Size of Raised Bed is Best?

For home vegetable gardens, narrow beds up to four feet wide are best, as this enables the gardener to reach into the center of the bed. This avoids the requirement for digging and disturbing the existing soil structure, and soil compaction is reduced as there is no need to walk on it. Raised beds are also useful for gardeners with limited mobility as they reduce the need to bend and can even be built on raised platforms for wheelchair access.

Credit: Del Boy

Planning Your Raised Bed Garden

Garden Plans for Raised Beds

Below are examples of garden plans created by Almanac readers with the Almanac Garden Planner!

1. Raised Bed Layout: Community Garden

Garden Location:  Escalon, California
Garden Size:  41’ 11” x 30’ 1”

See plant list!

2. Raised Bed Layout: Backyard Garden

Garden Size:  25’ 0” x 29’ 11”
Garden Location:  Hobbs, New Mexico
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

See plant list!

3. Raised Bed: School Garden

Garden Size: 55’ 11” x 80’ 11”
Garden Location:  Learning Farm
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Poor soil

See plant list!

Looking for more garden plans? See free layouts for other types of gardens.

Plan Out Your Raised Garden!

Ready to start planning your own garden? Learn more and try out the Garden Planner for free today!

Here it is, my 2018 raised bed garden plan. I have included some really helpful diagrams showing space requirements of each plant! I plan my garden layout as efficiently as I know how by companion planting and interplanting different types of crops together.

I start all my plants from seed indoors to supply my garden. I use heirloom varieties so the seeds are viable to produce a future generation of plants. This allows me to be completely self-sufficient without needing to shop at a greenhouse or nursery for plants. If you are interested in saving your own heirloom vegetable seeds, check out my E-book “Saving Vegetable Seeds – a quick start guide“.

I also practice succession planting to maximize efficiency in the garden. When one plant is harvested, I plant another in the same space. Don’t forget, your produce is only as good as your soil. Take as much care in preparing your beds as you in growing.

If you want to create your own computerized garden layout just like this one, check out my Garden Design and Planning Tool! Plants are pre-formatted with their mature sizes, so you will get the spacing right without having to research each crop individually.

If you are new to gardening, you may like my Veggie Garden Supply List to help you get started. It includes everything you need from starting seeds indoors, to canning the garden harvest. For more unique gardening accessories, check out these Most Wished for Gardening Accessories!

The overall size of my garden area is 40ft by 20ft. Each of my diagrams have a square foot grid in the background to show how the plants are spaced. I’m going to break each raised bed down but before I do, let me define some of my wordage.


  • Early – a variety that will produce its harvest early in the year, leaving available garden space for replanting.
  • Late – a variety that takes a long time to mature and produces a harvest late in the season.
  • Perennial – a plant that will live many seasons.
  • Reseed – an annual variety I planted last year that will regrow itself from dropping seeds.
  • Overwintered – a plant that was sown the previous season, went dormant over winter and will be harvested this season (typically spring).
  • Seed – plants I plan on letting go to seed so I can harvest and save it for the next planting season.
  • Trellis – plants climbing a trellis
  • Ground – vine plants that will spread out and grow on the ground.

Bed 1 

  1. Asparagus (early, perennial)
  2. Beefsteak tomatoes (reseed, late)
  3. Parsley (overwintered)

Bucket 1

  1. Beefsteak tomatoes (reseed, late)
  2. Lemon balm (perennial)

Bed 2

  1. Strawberries ever-bearing (perennial)
  2. Onions
  3. Garlic (overwintered)

Bed 3

  1. Bell peppers
  2. Acorn squash
  3. Rosemary (perennial)

Bed 4

  1. Zucchini
  2. Mini pumpkins

Bucket 2

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Peppermint (perennial)

Bed 5

  1. Lettuce (reseed)
  2. Carrots (overwintered, seed)
  3. Beets
  4. Onions (overwintered, early)

Bed 6

  1. Roma tomatoes (reseed, late)
  2. Basil (in cement blocks, seed)
  3. Nasturtium (in cement blocks)

Bed 7

  1. Mixed gourds (trellis)
  2. Pumpkins (ground)
  3. Radish (early, seed)
  4. Kale (early)
  5. Dill (seed)

Bed 8

  1. Snap peas, pole (trellis, early)
  2. Cucumbers (trellis, mid-late)
  3. Broccoli (seed)
  4. Brussels sprouts (seed)
  5. Dill (in cement blocks)
  6. Nasturtium (in cement blocks)

Bed 9

  1. Green beans (pole)
  2. Watermelon (late, ground)
  3. Spinach (early, seed)
  4. Carrots

Bed 10

  1. Asparagus (early)
  2. Cherry tomatoes (late, reseed)
  3. Lettuce (in cement blocks)
  4. Nasturtium (in cement blocks)

Bed 11

  1. Dry Beans – black and kidney (seed)
  2. Cilantro (seed)
  3. Butternut squash
  4. Spinach (early)

Bed 12

  1. Paste tomatoes (mid-late)
  2. Lettuce (early)
  3. Cilantro
  4. Basil

Garden Bench

  1. Lavender

Bed 13

  1. Hot peppers (chili and pablano)
  2. Small sweet peppers
  3. Swiss chard
  4. Cucumbers (trellis)
  5. Carrots (leave to overwinter)
  6. Red Onion

Bed 14

  1. Potatoes
  2. Sage (perennial)
  3. Green beans

When I was first starting out gardening I wished someone would have shared detailed garden layouts like this.  I hope this will help you in planning out your garden!

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Published by AudreySchultz View all posts by AudreySchultz

What can I plant in a 4x8 raised vegetable garden?

For me, that means lettuce and other greens, like spinach, Swiss chard, kale, and baby bok choy, cucumbers, onions, a variety of herbs, peppers (I usually plant at least one hot pepper to make habanero jelly, and a variety of other sweet peppers), the odd root veggie, like beets and carrots.

How many tomato plants can I plant in a 4x8 raised bed?

The space between the plants must be 1.5 to 2 feet or 18 to 24 inches or 45 to 70 cm. It means you can grow 12-14 plants in a raised bed of size 4×8. It is not a good thing to leave the tomato plants to sprawl all over the ground in that case you can only grow 4 to 6 plants of tomato in a raised bed of size 4×8.

What vegetables can be planted in the same raised bed?

Vegetables To Grow Together in Raised Beds.

What can you plant next to each other in a raised bed?

Beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, corn, peas, radishes, and marigolds also work as good companion plants. Marigolds attract aphid-eating ladybugs. Foes: Parsley, because it tends to grow into a small yet bushy plant and can crowd your lettuce.


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