Chances of getting pregnant on birth control and pull out method reddit

So hubby and I have relied on the pull out method literally our entire sexually active relationship (8 years). We have 2 children, and both times I got pregnant before, we definitely weren’t pulling out. He as always had amazing self control and my cycles have always been super regular, so i was never interested in taking any birth control. He was so sure of himself, that between the two of us he gave himself the nickname “Captain Pullout”. I had no reason to doubt him (as I said, 8 years w/no problems), and we both literally thought that couples that said they got pregnant from pullout method just weren’t doing it right 🤷🏻‍♀️ Well here we, are 1 week late, with 4 positive pregnancy tests 😳. He is in compete denial that the “Captain” sunk the ship 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I’m not gonna lie, I kinda can’t believe it either 😳. Of course I have been told all my life about “pre cum” blah blah blah, but I had 8 years to the contrary! Is this real life? 😱🤦🏻‍♀️


I never meant for this post to be offensive to anyone. I have since changed the flair to “experience”, as that is all I was doing was sharing my experience. I don’t need a Sex Ed’s a little too late for that anyways lol


Yes we plan to keep the baby lol this pregnancy did not destroy our 6 year marriage nonetheless our 10 year relationship lol

Chances of getting pregnant on birth control and pull out method reddit

So my boyfriend and I stopped using condom about 2 months ago. I'm on the pill and take it religiously everyday within 30 min of the same time (I set an alarm). He always pulls out, and I'm aware that precum can potentially have sperm in it. We have a lot of sex when we get to see each other on the weekends. I also know that the only way to not freak out is to not have sex. I just have really bad anxiety and close to when my period is supposed to come I panic and need to be talked down. I know it's silly to be worried when the pill is so effective but it's hard to tell my anxious mind that when its picturing the worst possible case scenario. Please help me calm down ):

Much like condoms, this sort of percentage is based on successful application of your preventive measure. So, yes, 96% of the time, if you pull out before actual ejaculation, it will prevent pregnancy.

The issue is that intercourse is not a uniform, linear experience. With many variables, both with each partner and each individual encounter, the chances of not pulling out in time seem a lot more likely.

Not to mention that this sort of method does not prevent the transmission of diseases.

Me. Boyfriend and I lost a couple condoms when our relationship started (which had never happened to either of us before so that was a fresh freak out). We had the "what if" discussion and agreed that if it happened it happened. Switched to the pull out method because my doc wouldn't give me estrogen birth control (migraines) and when I tried the progestin pill I got a laundry list of side effects, the most debilitating of which was massive abdominal cramps lasting hours and sometimes days radiating from my rib cage down into my thighs and I'd call out of work because I couldn't stand the pain, and painkillers didn't touch it. Doc wouldn't do an IUD because I hadn't had a baby yet. So it was pretty much condoms or pull out or have a baby as far as my options went.

Whelp, a few months after we decided to try using pulling out, I found out I was pregnant. Pretty sure conception occurred the night he had finished but I hadn't, so he... ahem went back in to get me mine. From my understanding of how it all works (hindsight is 20/20) there are very few swimmers present in any fluid that happens before the main event. But if a guy doesn't clear things out by going pee before round 2, there can be lingering swimmers.

I very much do not recommend the pull out method. I got lucky that my new-at-the-time boyfriend turned out to be a keeper and our kiddo is an absolute joy, we just bought a house and are starting a new chapter of our relationship. I have a Mirena now and it works great. If anyone is facing opposition by their doctor about an IUD because they haven't had a kid yet, please know that that is old information and guidelines have changed, advocate for yourself. I didn't know so I didn't push for one. But I absolutely could have if I had known. Of course, I wouldn't have my son who I can't imagine life without now that he's here, but the timing could have been better if it had been a planned event.

The Pearl-index is precisely what you're looking for.

The pull out method (coitus interruptus) has a Pearl-index of 4-18, which means that if 100 women were to use this method for the entirety of one year, 4-18 of them would become pregnant.

A lot more and detailed information is easily available on the web.

Don't they teach you these things in school?

What are the chances of getting pregnant with birth control and pulling out?

When used perfectly, it can be relatively effective. However, it is difficult to use perfectly. An estimated 1 in 5 people using this method will get pregnant in a year. While many people use the pull-out method, most also use other back-up contraception methods.

How effective is pulling out and birth control combined?

Taking the pill i far more effective than relying on the pull out method as your form of birth control. Used perfectly, the pill is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy, whereas the pull out method is only 96 percent perfect.

How effective is birth control without pulling out percentage?

Perfect use: more than 99% effective. Fewer than 1 in 100 women will get pregnant in a year when using the combined pill correctly.

Is pulling out an effective form or birth control?

As with other birth control methods, the pull out method's effectiveness comes down to how it's used. With typical use, the pull out method is 80% effective. If used perfectly, the pull out method is 96% effective at preventing pregnancy.