Can you put clove oil on your skin

Cloves are well-known for their strong flavor and a characteristic aroma that’s no less calming. You’ll love it even more after you know the benefits of clove for skin that too for acne, blemishes, scars, and what not! Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) is being used for medicinal purposes since 240 B.C. for stomach disorders, toothaches, colds, and flu.

When looking at the benefits of clove for skin, clove essential oil is a miracle. Clove oil is full of healing properties (particularly antibacterial and antioxidant properties). It can treat acne, scars, dark circles, signs of aging, etc.

Nutritional Value of Clove

According to a 2005 study, clove was tested along with 25 other phytochemical-packed spices. Among all the spices investigated for over 60 years, clove showed the highest level of antioxidant activity. It was found to be the richest source of flavonoids, Gallic acid, salicylic acids, and various tannins. Additionally, cloves have antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anticancer properties.

Let’s dig deeper into the benefits of clove for skin (so you can skip on expensive acne treatments & chemical-packed, super-drying facewashes). Adding cloves to your diet helps in treating acne, reducing dark circles, etc, but cloves show the best results for skincare in the form of clove oil.

Types of Clove Oils

There are 3 types of clove oils depending on their extractions:

a. Leaf oil—extracted from clove plant leaves

b. Bud oil—extracted from plant bud

c. Stem oil—extracted from twigs of plants

Do’s and Don’ts of Using Clove Oil

1.No matter which clove oil you pick for your skin, be sure to use it in small quantities. Never overdo it.

2. Clove oil comes in concentrated amounts. So, always apply in diluted form to prevent any irritation, burns, and skin damage.

3. Always do a patch test especially if your skin is sensitive.

Clove oil works wonders for your skin, here’s how clove can benefit your skin:

1. Treats Pimples and Acne

Clove has antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties that help treat acne and pimple fast. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of clove combat Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterial strain responsible for acne.

Besides, clove oil contains a high amount of eugenol that helps tone down acne and reduce swelling, redness, etc.

But, be sure to apply clove oil in diluted form on active acne as it can cause burns due to its concentrated form. You can mix it with a carrier oil like coconut oil to enjoy its benefits for the skin.

2. Fights Yeast Infections

Clove is an effective and quick treatment for yeast infections. You can dilute clove oil with coconut oil before use. Rinse the affected region with clove oil to combat yeast infection, often occurring around the mouth area.

Clove oil and coconut oil mix can be used for oral yeast infections as well. Yet, beware of ingesting any of it.

3. Delays Signs of Ageing

Clove oil is a natural anti-aging ingredient used in most cosmetics as well. Thanks to its potent antioxidant activity, it boosts collagen and elasticity of skin preventing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It removes the epidermal dead skin layer and boosts blood circulation to leave your skin youthful, radiant, and plump.

Adding clove oil to your night skincare routine can delay aging. You can incorporate cloves to face masks to enjoy the anti-aging benefits of cloves.

4. Lightens Acne Scars

Get rid of acne marks and lighten old acne scars with clove oil. It exfoliates the skin and works like a chemical peel (like other acne creams) to remove dead skin and acne scars. You can add clove oil to your daily skincare routine to treat blemishes, acne scars, and uneven skin tone.

5. Soothes Irritated Skin

Clove oil is a miracle for dry, itchy, irritated skin. Not only does it protect against harmful UV radiation but soothes skin irritations.

And as it exfoliates the skin, it can remove dirt, sebum, and impurities from oily skin due to exposure to a polluted environment.

6. Heals Cuts, Wounds & Bites

Cloves are natural antiseptic to cure cuts, bites, wounds, scratches, and more. If you run out of antiseptic solution during an emergency, clove oil in diluted form can heal the wound immediately. Clove oil is a natural treatment for skin rashes, especially for babies.

Clove for skin

7. Reduces Dark Circles

Dark circles appear due to improper sleep, fatigue, dehydration, stress, and aging. The skin lightening benefit of clove oil helps fade away dark circles. Its anti-inflammatory properties are great to reduce the puffiness of your eye bags.

Massage a tiny, diluted amount of clove oil on the dark circle area daily and leave it overnight.

Final Verdict

The benefits of clove for skin are as amazing as it is for health. All you need to be mindful of is using only a diluted form of clove oil and always do a patch test. And be ready to woo everyone with your clear, glowing, and youthful skin soon.

Can I apply clove directly to my skin?

Clove oil can cause skin irritation in some people. If you're concerned about your sensitivity to clove oil, test it first. To do this, apply a small amount of diluted clove oil to the inside of your elbow. If you notice signs of skin irritation, like redness, itching, or swelling, don't use clove oil topically.

Can you rub clove oil on your skin?

Clove oil for dry skin is a great natural remedy. The best way to take advantage of this treatment is to get the oil in liquid form and spread it on your skin with a clean rag. It's also used in many products that are made specifically for helping lessen the appearance of stretch marks, baggy eyes and puffy skin.

What does clove oil do for your skin?

It works in reducing skin sagging and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The application of clove oil improves blood circulation, which gives skin a youthful and radiant look. Mix a few drops of clove oil in your serum or moisturizer and apply on cleansed skin at night, before going to bed for the best results.

Is clove oil toxic to humans?

Potential Risks of Clove Essential Oil In high enough doses, it is toxic to humans. Case studies have been reported involving the ingestion of toxic amounts of clove oil (10-30 ml, or roughly 2-6 teaspoons). Symptoms include agitation, declining consciousness, and coma.


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