Can i have a coke in spanish

[...] to a Dominican Republic rum distillery, guests enjoy making a Cuba Libre, or "rum and coke" for friends and family back home.

[...] destiler�as de ron de la Rep�blica Dominicana, los visitantes disfrutar�n preparando una Cuba Libre o "ron y cola" para sus amigos [...] familiares al regresar a casa.

Rum and coke, naturally," says Hooper.

Ron y Coca-cola, naturalmente", [...]

Lift your spirits with Hatuey Beer, Grey Goose Vodka, or a

[...] Cuba Libre made with Bacardi rum and Coke.

Eleve su esp�ritu con la cerveza Hatuey, Grey Goose Vodka o con un

[...] Cuba Libre hecho con ron Bacard� y Coca Cola.

This time, kind readers, our story will be a weather report? I invite you to sip a caipirinha while we review the facts (okay, okay, you can have a beer if you like, or a rum and coke or a frozen juice of tropical fruit!

Esta vez, queridos lectores, nuestro reporte ser� por tanto climatol�gico? los invito a tomar una caipirinha mientras vamos revisando los hechos (ok, ol, puede ser con cerveza, una cuba o un buen jugo helado de frutas tropicales).

Use this light, smooth, tasty rum to make a classic daiquiri (frozen or on the rocks), mojito (a traditional Cuban


cocktail made with lime juice, fresh mint, brown sugar and club soda)

[...] or Cuba libre (rum, Coke and a splash of lime juice).

Usted puede usar este ligero y suave ron para hacer un daiquir� cl�sico (frozen o en las rocas),


mojito (el tradicional coctel cubano hecho con jugo de lim�n, menta

[...] fresca, az�car moreno y club soda) o un cuba libre.

Amongst the proposals included by Dacosta in the menu, particularly noteworthy are the Coca with shredded cod salad, the


farmyard eggs on a bed of Galician

[...] potatoes with ham shavings or the vegetable and duck risotto, as well as the Rum & Coke with foie-gras and the Joselito hams.

De las propuestas que incluye Dacosta en la carta destacan la coca de bacalao con exqueixada, los huevos de corral sobre base de patatas gallegas con

[...] [...] jam�n o el caldero de arroz meloso de verduras picadas y pato, y por supuesto los famosos cuba libre de foie y los jamones [...]

Beverages and drinks. - We include purified

[...] [...] wine on the table and national cocktails like margaritas, screw drivers, vodka tonic, rum & coke, etc. We do not [...] [...]

available, if you have one of your preference, you can bring the bottle along at no extra charge.

Bebidas y cocteles - Se incluye agua


purificada, refrescos, cerveza,

[...] vino en la mesa y c�cteles nacionales como Margaritas, Pi�a Colada, Vodka Tonic, Cuba Libre, etc. No hay licores [...] [...]

si tienes una preferencia, puedes traer tu botella sin cargo adicional.

To make use of the generated

[...] by-products, sinter and coke are produced and stored directly [...]

Para aprovechar los productos secundarios

[...] producidos, la escoria y el coque se producen y se almacenan [...]

directamente en la fundici�n.

The receipt and storage of the coal and the coke of oil they are realized in [...]

the Coal park, according to the logistics established by the Exploitation.

La recepci�n y almacenamiento del carb�n y el coque de petr�leo se realizan [...]

en el Parque de Carb�n, seg�n la log�stica establecida por la Explotaci�n.

Furthermore, coal and coke used for the manufacture [...]

of clinker in combination with the production of cement and leca are exempted from the tax.

Adem�s, el carb�n y el coque utilizados para la fabricaci�n [...]

de escoria en combinaci�n con la producci�n de cemento y leca est�n exentos del impuesto.

There are therefore unlikely to be

[...] harmful effects on employment and competition in the coke-using industry.

Por consiguiente, es poco probable que se produzcan efectos

[...] negativos en el empleo y en la competitividad, en la industria del coque.

To make sure the batch and the coke layer are distributed [...]

as optimally as possible, a measurement of the level is required.

Para configurar la distribuci�n �ptima del

[...] lecho de fusi�n y de la capa de coque, se necesita la medici�n [...]

These incredibly moist and tasty cakes are flavored with fine rum and delicious natural ingredients.

Estos esponjosos y suculentos bizcochos de Down Island Trader tienen sabor a ron y divinos ingredientes [...]

Cuba Libre (rum with coke and a slice of fresh lime)

Cuba Libre: (ron con coca y una rebanada de lim�n)

They include still and sparkling wines, vermouths and other fortified wines such as port and sherry, and spirit drinks


distilled from raw materials of agricultural origin such as brandies and wine spirits,

[...] whiskies, gin, vodka, rum and liqueurs.

Incluyen los vinos espumosos y no espumosos, los vermuts y otros vinos encabezados como el vino de Oporto, el vino de Jerez y bebidas espirituosas destiladas de materias


primas de origen agr�cola como el brandy y el aguardiente de vino, el whisky, la

[...] ginebra, el vodka, el ron y los licores.

A concoction of chopped plants and fresh syrup are soaked in naturally pure water, which flows directly to the rum factory from a natural [...]

[...] de plantas picadas y jugo fresco se remoja en agua natural, que fluye directamente en la f�brica de ron proveniente de una [...]

fuente en las rocas de lava.

The major users of coke - at least in industrialized countries - is the iron and steel industry.

El principal consumidor de coque - al menos en pa�ses industrializados - es la industria [...]

It is a continuous process, coke and feedstock are alternately stacked via a side opening, and the coke burns and melts the metal.

Es un proceso continuo en el que por una abertura lateral se

[...] introducen alternativamente coque y el metal de alimentaci�n, de manera que el coque se quema, fundiendo al metal.

3.16 The availability of coke and coking coal must also be seen as a factor in [...]

safeguarding European iron and steel production.

3.16 Para garantizar la producci�n europea

[...] de hierro y acero hay que tener en cuenta tambi�n el coque y el carb�n de coque.

Beside iron ore, limestone, coke and different additives [...]

are also necessary for the production of raw iron.

Para la producci�n de hierro bruto se necesita conjuntamente con el mineral de hierro

[...] tambi�n piedra caliza, coque y diferentes productos �ridos.

During carbonisation in the coke chamber of the coke oven, coal is converted under the

[...] exclusion of air to coke and crude coke oven gas (crude COG).

Durante la carbonizaci�n en la


c�mara de coque de la coquer�a, el carb�n se convierte en

[...] ausencia de aire en coque y gas de coquer�a bruto [...]

On having treated itself about monolithic closed structures it allows the stored one of


all kinds of products and raw materials, such as, cement, clinker, flying

[...] ashes, fertilizers, plaster, coke and limestone.

Al tratarse de estructuras monol�ticas cerradas permite el almacenado de todo tipo de


productos y materias primas, tales como, cemento, clinker, cenizas

[...] volantes, fertilizantes, yeso, coque y piedra caliza.

However, the reduced rate makes it possible to

[...] [...] high cost price and relatively strong degree of alcohol of rum produced in the overseas departments thus maintaining the distribution network and marketing positions.

[...] permite compensar en parte un elevado precio de coste y un grado de alcohol relativamente fuerte del ron de los departamentos de ultramar, con lo que las grandes [...]

distribuidoras lo siguen comercializando.

We also operate five underground mines that produce zinc, copper, silver and gold, as well

[...] as a coal mine and a coke oven.

Tambi�n operamos cinco minas subterr�neas que producen zinc, cobre, plata y oro, adem�s de una mina

[...] de carb�n y un horno de coque.

This old version of sobao was improved by the addition of eggs,

[...] grated lemon peel and anis or rum.

Este sobao antiguo se mejor� por la adici�n de huevos,

[...] c�scara de lim�n rallada y an�s o ron.

The measures to support the cultivation

[...] [...] direct processing into agricultural rum and sugar syrup should be continued [...]

because these measures are


helping to ensure continued deliveries of cane to distilleries, which can thus plan and rationalise investments in their production facilities, and because they help improve the incomes of cane growers and encourage them to improve their production methods to ensure higher yields and deliver better quality cane.

Es conveniente seguir apoyando el cultivo

[...] de la ca�a y su transformaci�n directa en ron agr�cola y jarabe de [...]

az�car, dado que estas medidas


tienen una incidencia positiva a la hora de perpetuar la producci�n de ca�a entregada a las destiler�as -las cuales pueden as� prever y racionalizar sus inversiones en herramientas de producci�n-, influyen en la retribuci�n de los plantadores y les incitan a mejorar sus herramientas de producci�n para garantizar el rendimiento y la calidad de la ca�a entregada.

[...] petroleum refining and rum distilling, and includes smaller [...]

textiles, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and watch-assembly operations.

Consiste en gran parte en refinaci�n de

[...] petr�leo y destilaci�n de ron, e incluye alguna producci�n [...]

menor de textiles, art�culos electr�nicos, productos farmac�uticos y ensamble de relojes.

All this evidence demonstrates the proportionality of the aid arrangements to the objective pursued,


namely improving the competitiveness of

[...] the cane-sugar-rum sector, and shows that the [...]

arrangements have not affected the development


of the market share of rums of other origins on the internal market.

El conjunto de estos datos muestra la proporcionalidad del r�gimen de ayudas con relaci�n al objetivo perseguido, es

How do you order Coca Cola in Spanish?

Dame una Coca-Cola. As we saw above, the most standard way to order is with the indefinite articles un or una (a) followed by the name of the thirst-quencher.

What is a coca in Spanish?

The coca (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈkokə], Western Catalan: [ˈkokɛ]) Coc or Fogassa is a pastry typically made and consumed in Catalonia, the Aragonese Strip, most of Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Andorra and in French Catalonia.

What is a TIAS Spanish?

noun. aunt [noun] the sister of one's father or mother, or the wife of one's uncle.