Can dogs get kennel cough from the vaccine

“Kennel cough” is a term in dogs that is similar to saying a human has a cold. There is not a single bacteria or virus that causes kennel cough in dogs. In fact, dogs don’t have to be kenneled in order to get kennel cough. They just have to be in relative close contact with an affected dog. This may happen at a kennel, but could also happen at a grooming salon, dog show, dog park, or even a one-on-one interaction.

Dogs that are at high risk of developing kennel cough are recommended to receive the Bordetella vaccine. Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacteria that causes a severe form of cough and respiratory infection in dogs; it is related to the bacteria that causes whooping cough in humans. The most common Bordetella vaccine we use at Woodland Veterinary Hospital is an intranasal dose of Bronchi-Shield III, which protects against two viruses (parainfluenza and adenovirus-2) in addition to Bordetella.

However, just as a human can get a flu shot and still get a cold, it is possible for dogs to get the “kennel cough” vaccine and still end up with a cough from one of any number of other pathogens. Usually, these coughs are mild and go away within a few weeks; sometimes, they require medical treatment.

It is still important for at-risk dogs to get the Bordetella vaccine. Our boarding facility requires that dogs be current on a Bordetella vaccine in order to stay here. If you have any questions about whether a Bordetella vaccine is right for your dog, or if you have concerns that your dog may have kennel cough, please call Woodland Veterinary Hospital at (530) 666-2461.

You can't always take your dog on vacation with you, and sometimes that means a trip to the kennel. Many kennels require their guests to be current on the kennel cough vaccine. Though a variety of organisms can cause kennel cough, the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica is the most common trigger. A bordetella vaccine containing live organisms can cause a mild case of kennel cough.

Where'd You Get That Nasty Cough?

It's easy for a dog to pick up one of the various infectious agents that cause kennel cough. He may have said hello to an infected dog, shared a water dish with a carrier or even just taken a breath of air where an infected dog recently coughed or sneezed. Given the highly contagious nature of the condition, it's little surprise boarding kennels require the vaccination and that animal shelters often make it part of their protocols.

So Many Irritants, One Nasty Cough

Bordetella bronchiseptica, parainfluenza 2 virus and canine adenovirus type 2 are the primary causes of kennel cough, however, a wide range of secondary bacteria can trigger it, including Staphylococcus, Mycoplasma, Streptococcus and Escherichia coli. When those organisms come together, they get to work irritating the lining of your dog's trachea and upper bronchi. That irritation causes the dry, hacking cough, which is the hallmark of kennel cough.

One Vaccination Can't Do it All

It's not possible to vaccinate your dog against all the potential causes of kennel cough because there are too many of them. The vaccine for kennel cough always addresses the most common cause, Bordetella bronchiseptica, and sometimes includes parainfluenza and adenovirus. Other standard vaccinations, such as canine distemper, provide protection against developing kennel cough from other agents. The vaccination can be injected or delivered via a nasal spray.

Vaccination Followed By a Cough

If your dog received a kennel cough vaccination and he's hacking anyway, there are a couple of reasons he may be showing symptoms. Perhaps his vaccine contained live organisms and he's responding to them. It's not unusual for the bordetella vaccine to produce mild or moderate upper respiratory infection symptoms, such as coughing, sneezing, watery eye and nose discharge and a fever. If it's related to the vaccine, symptoms typically appear between two and five days after receiving the vaccine and stick around up to a week. It's also possible your dog picked up kennel cough from one of the various potential agents that aren't included in the vaccination protocol.

Time Heals the Cough

Generally, kennel cough will clear up on its own in one to three weeks. You can make your dog more comfortable by giving him some time in a steamy bathroom, which will soothe his irritated bronchi. Don't smoke around him and make sure he doesn't inhale strong fumes, such as household cleaners. Your vet can recommend or prescribe a cough suppressant to give him some relief. If his appetite or energy level decreases, let your vet know to ensure his cough is actually coming from kennel cough. Finally, make sure he's isolated from other dogs so he doesn't share his cough.

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Kennel Cough

Two or three times a year, we experience a mini-epidemic of kennel cough. People whose dogs come down with the disease often query why this should be so when they have had their dogs routinely vaccinated against kennel cough.

So we thought it was timely to clear up a few misconceptions about this disease.

“Kennel cough” is an extremely contagious infection which causes tracheobronchitis (inflammation of the lining of the airways). The common name is something of a misnomer, since your dog doesn’t necessarily have to have been in kennels to contract it. Any contact with an infected dog can lead to development of clinical signs, up to 7 days later. The organisms responsible for the disease are spread through the air, so some dogs will get the infection even without leaving their own backyards. Nevertheless, the incidence is greater in places like boarding kennels, where large numbers of dogs are at close quarters and potentially more stressed than usual.

The principal symptom of kennel cough is a harsh dry cough, most often likened to a gooses’ honk. The more the dog coughs, the more irritated the airway linings become, so the disease tends to be self-perpetuating.

Treatment of the problem consists largely of using drugs to suppress the cough. Nursing care is also important- your dog should be kept warm and dry, and strenuous exercise which could cause him to pant should be avoided. Needless to say, contact with other dogs should be avoided as much as possible, to minimise further spread of the disease through the canine population. If you have more than one dog in your household, separating them when one develops symptoms is a waste of time- because of the incubation period of the disease, by the time one dog is showing signs, the other one will already have been exposed and potentially incubating the disease.

It is not always the case that every dog in a household will contract the infection, however, because some dogs may have innately better immunity than others.

Kennel cough tends to occur in “bursts”: we will see scores of cases over a period of a few weeks when there is an outbreak, then we may not see a case for months.

Treatment cannot cure or eliminate the disease- it is simply aimed at controlling the symptoms while the dog herself recovers over time. Systemic signs such as fever, depression or lack of appetite usually only develop if secondary bacterial infections take hold. If your dog does appear to become systemically ill, you should consult one of our vets for an assessment as to whether antibiotics are indicated.

As for the reason that vaccinated dogs can still pick up the disease: the kennel cough vaccination provides protection against two organisms, Parainfluenza virus and Bordetella bronchiseptica. These two organisms are included in the vaccine not only because they are highly contagious, but they also result in very severe forms of the disease. Like a human flu vaccine, though, the kennel cough vaccination does not provide protection against every single respiratory infection that is out in the environment, and your dog does remain susceptible to these less serious organisms.

It is nevertheless important to keep up the annual vaccinations, because it does protect your dog from the most serious of the respiratory infections, and immunity does not last for longer than 12 months.


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Can a kennel cough vaccine give a dog kennel cough?

A. Some dogs have mild symptoms of coughing, sneezing or discharge from the eyes or nose for a few days following the vaccine. Occasionally they persist for longer. Other side effects are likely to be extremely rare.

Do vaccines make dogs cough?

If your dog received their Bordetella vaccine as a nasal spray, then it is common and ordinary for symptoms of a cold to present themselves. Adverse reactions to nasal spray Bordetella vaccination include coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose. Most dogs recover from these symptoms within a day or two.

Can you get kennel cough with Bordetella vaccine?

Vaccinating your dog with the Bordetella vaccine will help reduce the risk. However, your dog can still contract kennel cough even if he or she has been vaccinated. There are many strains and mutations of the virus.

How did my dog get kennel cough?

A healthy dog can get kennel cough by inhaling aerosolized bacteria or viruses from an infected dog. The bacteria and/or virus can be spread from an infected dog through coughing or sneezing, and dogs can also get it from infected objects (toys, food/water bowls).