Big black ants in house in spring

Carpenter ants are hymenopterous insects, generally black or red depending on the species, sometimes tinged with brown, the size of which varies from 6 to 12 mm. They live mainly in the trunks of dead trees but it is not uncommon to find them inside homes. Their presence is not without risk because they can weaken the wooden structures of the house such as the frame.

In the spring, it is the mating period.

This takes place in full flight, which is why, from the month of May, we can see swarms of flying ants moving in the sky. Let’s find out a little more about the life of these insects

Photo credit: Shutterstock

What is their way of life?

Their habits

They are insects that live in hierarchical society . Each colony consists of males, sterile workers and future queens, each with a well-defined role. In the natural environment, their preferred habitat is damp rotting wood in which they dig galleries. As soon as they find ideal conditions inside houses (humidity, rotting of wood), they settle there and cause irreversible damage. Indeed, they weaken the wooden structures that they dig. This is why it is essential to carry out the extermination of carpenter ants

The reproduction

With the arrival of spring, queens carpenter ants wake up and venture outside their nest to mate. These flying ants , also called winged queens, are fertilized by males in flight. This is what we call “the nuptial flight” . Only females survive this mating. After shedding their wings, they look for a place to lay their eggs and y establish their new colony . Ten days later larvae hatch, then transform in nymphs inside of their cocoon . Later, satellite colonies are dug by the workers to extend the territory of the queen of the carpenter ants.

Their diet

These insects are omnivorous. They feed, not on wood as one might think, but on honeydew, produced by aphids, small insects and fruits . Inside homes, they love sweet products and foods containing protein (plant and animal). This is why it is important not to leave leftover food within reach.

Where can they be found ?

The places frequently invaded by ants are:

  • around windows and doors if the seal is failing.
  • in damp rooms (kitchen and bathroom).
  • in the parquet floors and at the level of the plinths.
  • in the attic, at the level of the framework.
  • in the woodpiles near the houses.

Photo credit: Space for Life

In a general way, these insects look for any trace of moisture wherever she is. Be careful, their presence can reveal water damage!
But how do they get inside homes? There are several causes for this.

  • Either a fertilized queen has entered the house to lay her eggs and created a new colony there.
  • Either a satellite nest was created inside by the workers, the main nest being outside ( this is the most common cause ).
  • Either the inhabitants of the house have inadvertently introduced them with firewood for example.


Some received ideas

Unlike termites, carpenter ants are not xylophagous . They do not digest the cellulose in wood. If they dig the beams, it is only to find refuge there. We can see the presence of small piles of sawdust near the anthills.

They can be useful and play an ecological role . They are a link in the food chain because they eat small harmful insects. On the other hand, they are the prey of many insectivorous birds. They ensure the decomposition of dead wood and stumps.

The little white balls that they move are not the eggs of carpenter ants, as is often said. These are, in fact, the cocoons of the nymphs . Carpenter ant eggs are much smaller and difficult to see with the naked eye.

If you think you have a carpenter ants infestation, call a team of extermination experts carpenter ants . They will put their skills and experience at your disposal to get rid of these annoying insects.

Though there are over 12,000 known species of ants, you can ultimately divide them into two categories: annoying but harmless and seriously destructive. In the warmer months, your indoor and outdoor spaces can end up hosting critters in both categories, and you may be desperate to find out how to get rid of ants. There are the impromptu cities of tiny pavement ants that pop up on your paths, driveway, and sidewalk (harmless but the opposite of curb appeal).

There are also the little black sugar ants that magically make their way into your home to find that one minuscule crumb you dropped on the floor (relatively harmless, though they can carry bacteria). Then, there are the large carpenter ants who have picked up the summer job of destroying your home from the inside out. Not good—and they also bite. If you're wondering how to get rid of carpenter ants, here's everything you need to know.

What are carpenter ants?

Carpenter ants have gotten their name because of the way they damage the wood that makes up your home and furniture. While they don't consume wood the way termites do, they chew and excrete it in order to make pathways for themselves and their thousands of friends and family. If you start seeing random piles of particles that look like wood shavings, that's a sign you have carpenter ants. (Fun fact: Insect experts call that stuff "frass.")

You can identify a carpenter ant from other types by their size. They are big: About 1/2" to 5/8". Carpenter ants also are usually red-black, or all-red, all-black, or all-brown.

How do carpenter ants get inside a home?

Carpenter ants love wet and/or moldy wood, so if there is a moisture issue in any part of your home, they'll be attracted to those areas. However, carpenter ants don't always get into your home by chewing their way through wood. They can enter your home through any crack or tiny opening, even if it is high above the ground (carpenter ants will simply use a branch or climb up pipes and wires to get there).

Indoors, carpenter ants usually like to set up their homes near water sources. The areas near air-conditioning units, dishwashers, sinks, and bathtubs are all popular places for carpenter ants.

How do I get rid of carpenter ants?

It's not as easy as killing any ant you happen to see. Like all ants, carpenter ant colonies start with scout ants that forage your home for the best places to eat or hang out. Then, their buddies (the "workers") follow the trail once they've hit a good food source, building a nest nearby in your wall. If you've spotted a few stray carpenters, congrats, you've probably found these little explorers. Here's what to do next:

Make a bait to find the nest. Pest experts advise setting out a bait for the ant to take back to the nest, so you can actually find the nest just by watching them. They're attracted to sweets, so a little bit of jam or jelly can work. You can also mix equal parts sugar and baking soda, then place the mixture in a shallow dish. The sugar attracts the ants, but the baking soda will kill them naturally.

Eliminate scent trails. Carpenter ants rely on pheromone trails to find food sources and to travel. By cleaning surfaces where ants have traveled, you've destroyed this treasure map to your home. You can use essential oils like tea tree, lemon, orange, or cedarwood on a cotton ball to wipe down surfaces to interrupt these trails. Or, make a solution of one part dish soap to two parts water and pour into a spray bottle. (You can also use this to kill ants, after you've found their nest.) You could also use a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water.

Destroy the nest. Once you've found the nest by following ants, by spotting "frass" near a wall, or can detect a faint rustling sound in the wall, you'll need to get into the wall to destroy it. Terminix recommends drilling 1/8" holes every six inches in the area where you suspect the nest might be. Then, use a bulb duster to "puff" boric acid through the holes. (The boric acid will kill the ants.) You might have to repeat treatments multiple times in order to destroy the nest.

When do I need to call in a pro to deal with the carpenter ants?

If this sounds like more work or more of a mess than you're willing to make, then call in a professional. Even if you successfully get rid of the carpenter ant nest, there still might be more in your home. Call an exterminator to check that the nest is destroyed and to look for possible other nests. You should also call a pro if you haven't been able to find the nest, but still see carpenter ants.

This content is imported from OpenWeb. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Why do I suddenly have black ants?

Little black ants typically nest in woodwork or masonry but sometimes come indoors and they are known to nest in the soil and under yard debris. Inside the house, little black ant infestation is usually the result of improper food storage.

How do you get rid of black big black ants?

The most common solution is to use an insecticide that contains pyrethroids. The trick is getting insecticidal spray or dust into the nest. You should never spray liquids around electrical outlets or junction boxes, but insecticidal dust can be used in these areas.

Why do ants suddenly appear in the spring?

Warm Weather Is When the Ants Start Marching In It seems that the whole animal kingdom gets going in the springtime, when hibernation is over and food becomes more plentiful. Ants are driven to find a place that is warm in the night and has plenty of easily accessible food and water resources for them.

Does killing black ants attract more?

Yes, killing ants attracts more ants because they release pheromones that alert nearby ants. The pheromones that ants release signal to the other ants about danger. Ants are good at communicating, and an ant dying lets its fellow colony members know about death.


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