Best walking shoes for shin splints and plantar fasciitis

Shin splints cause an aching or throbbing pain felt along in inner side of the shinbone. There are multiple ways to treat shin splints and relieve the pain by reducing the inflammation. For quick, easy ways to relieve pain and swelling, apply cold therapy techniques (icing the shin), take anti-inflammatory painkillers and rest your body so your shin can heal.

For long-term shin splints treatment goals, you want to make sure that you run on soft surfaces, stretch before working out and supply yourself with well-made athletic shoes that have shock absorption and arch support. Any athletic shoe from will supply the supportive design you need to avoid shin splints. These shoes offer the proper amount of support and cushion that you need to stay healthy and comfortable while working out.

If your shoes do not provide adequate arch support, you can purchase insoles for shin splints from Healthy Feet Store. These shoe inserts for shin splints will help align your body properly and distribute your weight evenly to prevent shin splints, flat feet or other problems from occurring in the future.

Finding the right orthotics for shin splints is easy when you shop on our site. We only carry high-quality, supportive shoes and inserts. These doctor-recommended products come from some of the most trusted names in footwear, and can provide a budget-friendly solution to ongoing footcare needs. If your shin splints are severe in nature, be sure to see a doctor and ask for a recommendation regarding treatment and footwear options.

Shin splints cause an aching or throbbing pain felt along in inner side of the shinbone. There are multiple ways to treat shin splints and relieve the pain by reducing the inflammation. For quick, easy ways to relieve pain and swelling, apply cold therapy techniques (icing the shin), take anti-inflammatory painkillers and rest your body so your shin can heal.

For long-term shin splints treatment goals, you want to make sure that you run on soft surfaces, stretch before working out and supply yourself with well-made athletic shoes that have shock absorption and arch support. Any athletic shoe from will supply the supportive design you need to avoid shin splints. These shoes offer the proper amount of support and cushion that you need to stay healthy and comfortable while working out.

If your shoes do not provide adequate arch support, you can purchase insoles for shin splints from Healthy Feet Store. These shoe inserts for shin splints will help align your body properly and distribute your weight evenly to prevent shin splints, flat feet or other problems from occurring in the future.

Finding the right orthotics for shin splints is easy when you shop on our site. We only carry high-quality, supportive shoes and inserts. These doctor-recommended products come from some of the most trusted names in footwear, and can provide a budget-friendly solution to ongoing footcare needs. If your shin splints are severe in nature, be sure to see a doctor and ask for a recommendation regarding treatment and footwear options.

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What To Look For in Running Shoes for Shin Splints

There a few things to focus on when you are trying to relieve yourself from shin pain.


First, you need a shoe with adequate cushioning. Besides the added comfort, the extra cushion will help absorb the shock from running on hard surfaces. Remember, keeping your heel strike in check is key to eliminating shin splints.


The durability of the shoe is what protects the supportive cushioning material and keeps your foot stable. It acts as a barrier between your foot and the trail, mud, concrete, rocks, etc.

The average pair of running shoes last 300-500 miles (3-6 months depending on your weekly mileage). While it is important to change your shoes regularly, you don’t want to be buying shoes more than you have to. They aren’t cheap! You need a shoe that lasts. The durability of the shoe is part of the investment, and you need to protect it.


Fit is probably the most important aspect of your running shoe. How well do you know your foot? What’s the shape? The size? The mechanics? You might not have thought beyond your shoe size before, and it’s time to start. Especially when it comes to shin splints, you need to understand your arches, muscles, and tendons and how they all work together.

Don’t buy ill-fitting shoes and then try to break them in. They should fit comfortably in the store. Remember that your feet swell when you run, so you should have plenty of space to wiggle your toes. Got a pair of lucky toe socks? Or a heel insert? Make sure you try those on with your new shoes before you go out for a long run.


Choose the type of support you need based on your foot type and biomechanics. If you are a runner with flat feet and overpronates, you should get a shoe with lower arch features, including a guide rail. The guide rail will help center your foot in the shoe and avoid excess movement.

High arched feet don’t flex as they should, so a runner needs a lot of support and cushioning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes shin splints when running?

Shin splints are caused by different reasons, and some are easier to fix than others. They could be caused by ill-fitting or old running shoes. Also, if you overpronate, you are at the risk of developing shin splints. Muscle imbalance and failure to stretch enough can result in shin splints when you run.

Do running shoes affect shin splints?

Running shoes won’t give you or cure you from shin splints on their own, but they do make a difference. If you have flat feet and are running in an inappropriate shoe, you are setting yourself up for injury. Running requires very little equipment – really, all you need is a pair of shoes and you’re ready to go. Since you don’t need much, go ahead and invest in a good pair of shoes. Your body will thank you!

Will new running shoes help shin splints?

Buying new shoes won’t completely solve shin splints, but it’s a great place to start. New shoes appropriate for your foot, training frequency, and personal needs can help correct running form and take the pressure off your shins.

Can you get rid of shin splints while still running?

We all know how hard it is to stop doing what you love. It seems like you’re doing great and then all of a sudden someone tells you to stop? It can be devastating news. Trust us, we get it. But it really is best to give yourself a break to heal. It’s tempting to keep going, but if you continue to push yourself, the pain will only worsen.

Even if you are training on a deadline, give yourself at least two weeks as a break. You can remain active with lower impact exercises like yoga, swimming, walking, and cycling as long as you don’t push it too hard. If you must continue to run, stick to the treadmill for a while.

How do I stop getting shin splints?

Usually, runners get shin splints from going too hard, too fast and applying repetitive stress on the calf muscles. You can diminish the risk by following the 10% increase rule. You should never increase your weekly mileage by more than 10% of the previous week’s mileage. For example, if you ran 10 miles last week, you should not run more than 11 miles the following week.

Some other ways to stop getting shin splints are to always run on the same type of surface, keep your whole body conditioned with cross-training, stretch thoroughly and regularly and focus on shortening your stride.

Another great way of preventing shin splints is tracing the alphabet with your big toes on the floor to strengthen your shin muscles. Calf raises can also strengthen your shin muscles and prevent shin splints. 

Do compression socks help with shin splints?

Compression socks help increase blood flow to the lower leg muscles. With more blood flow and oxygen getting to them, you have a lower chance of inflammation.


When it comes to shin splints, don’t be a hero. Toughing it out isn’t the answer. You need to fix the problem, or it will keep coming back. Running in pain is no fun. Starting with the right pair of shoes will have you back to enjoying your runs in no time.

Are shin splints and plantar fasciitis related?

Plantar fasciitis is when the muscle on the bottom of the foot is inflamed. Shin splints are when pain is felt on the front part of the lower leg below the knee. Injuries from overuse and in the lower leg like plantar fasciitis are common in runners.

What shoes should I wear if I have shin splints?

7 of the best running shoes for shin splints 2022.
For road running: Brooks Ghost 14 Road Running Shoes..
For shock absorption: Hoka Clifton 8..
For extra comfort: New Balance Fresh Foam 1080v11..
For durability: Mizuno Wave Inspire 17..
For wide feet: Asics Gel-Nimbus 23 (4E).
For everyday runs: Brooks Adrenaline GTS 21..

What walking shoes do doctors recommend for plantar fasciitis?

Orthofeet Coral Stretch Knit While these shoes can be helpful for a variety of foot issues, Susek finds them particularly useful for plantar fasciitis. They have extra heel cushioning compared to other shoes, as well as a deep heel cup with good anatomic arch support that makes them both comfortable and stabilizing.

Will more cushioned shoes help shin splints?

One way to combat shin splints is to wear running shoes that are comfortable and provide plenty of cushioning to help absorb most of the shock from your feet hitting the ground.


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