Best filler for wrinkles around the mouth

Smile lines are an inevitable part of the aging process. The dynamic wrinkles around the nose and mouth are caused by years of repetitive facial expressions. While it’s normal for both men and women to get these lines, many patients are bothered by them. If you find that your smile lines make you appear older on the outside than you feel on the inside, you’re in luck!

Derma-Tech Medical Spa proudly offers a variety of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to treat your individual needs. With a wide range of FDA-approved injectables, we’re able to help you safely and effectively meet your short and long-term goals.

Why We Love Soft Tissue Fillers

Soft tissue fillers are administered with a short in-office procedure. Hyaluronic acid injectables (HA) are quick, easy, and virtually pain-free (most are even lidocaine-enhanced). Patients can get almost instant results with little to no downtime. HA is a naturally-occurring substance found within the body making it safe and effective for all skin types and tones. HA fillers are also very versatile in that they can be dissolved with a simple subsequent injection. This is a relief to patients who may be reluctant to try dermal fillers for the first time. so there is no worry

HA-based dermal fillers can be done alone or combined with other fillers throughout the face to maximize results. Each formula has unique properties that allow us to treat everything from vertical lip lines to deep lines around the mouth. Check out some of our favorite soft tissue fillers for erasing smile lines and plumping lips below.

Juvederm Collection

Juvederm is a well-known HA-based collection of fillers. Juvederm Voluma, in particular, is ideal for addressing lines and wrinkles in the mid-facial region. The FDA-approved injectable gel is designed to help combat deep dynamic wrinkles and is one of the longest-lasting HA fillers currently on the market. In clinical trials, the injectable had a high patient satisfaction rate even after 2+ years.

*Individual results may vary

Restylane Collection

Restylane offers different formulas that are perfect for everything from subtle lip plumping to deep wrinkle correction. If you’re bothered by fine lines around the mouth or deep creases along the nasolabial folds, Restylane may be a great solution for you. Restylane can last anywhere from 6-9 months depending on the chosen formula and the injection site. Touch-up treatments can safely be done as needed.

*Individual results may vary


Patients can add temporary volume to deep dynamic wrinkles around the mouth while stimulating natural collagen production with Radiesse. The unique FDA-approved filler is an excellent option for men and women with deeper smile lines around the mouth. In addition, Radiesse is the first and only filler deemed safe and effective by the FDA to correct lost volume in hands. Most patients experience results lasting up to a year with Radiesse*.

What’s right for You?

A face-to-face consultation is essential for determining what hyaluronic acid dermal filler is right for you. Each filler is comprised of a unique formula making it suitable for wrinkles in specific locations. Your injector specialist will talk to you about your concerns and customize a treatment plan to help meet your short and long-term goals.

Because treatments are done in-office, some injectables can be scheduled for a same-day appointment. Get back to your normal routine immediately following treatment with minimal restrictions. Quickly tame smile lines around the mouth for a more youthful-looking you.

Take the Next Step

Ready to smooth smile lines around the mouth? Schedule your in-person consultation at Derma-Tech Medical Spa in Joplin, Missouri today. You can fill out the contact form on this page or give us a call at (417) 206-4884. Serving the greater Southwest Missouri area.

Lines around the mouth, or perioral area, is a common concern I frequently hear about. These lines can remain visible even without movement, or become more pronounced with muscle activity. I’ll discuss some cosmetic treatments that can address these particular concerns.

I’m Dr Amiya Prasad. I’m a Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon and Fellowship Trained Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. I’ve been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years. I have a lot of experience performing facelifts, upper eyelid surgery, eyelid ptosis surgery, Asian eyelid surgery, under eye bag surgery, hair restoration and as well as working with injectable fillers.

The most common types of lines that occur around the mouth area are vertical lip lines, nasolabial folds, and mesolabial folds. These folds occur due to a decrease in facial volume from loss of fat and soft tissue. A general reduction in skin quality as we age can also contribute to this.

There are 3 common types of lines around the mouth: vertical lip lines, nasolabial folds, and mesolabial folds.

Vertical Lip Lines

Vertical lip lines are pronounced creases that occur above the upper lip when the lips are pursed. This is caused by the activity of the orbicularis oris muscle. To resolve this, a neurotoxin like Botox is used to reduce muscle activity. This then reduces the depth of the creases, making them less visible.

Botox typically takes about 3 days to take effect, with the full effects manifesting in about 2 weeks. At the 2-week mark, I evaluate the results and see if any enhancement is needed. The effects of Botox usually subsides over several months, so maintenance treatments are advised every 4 months.

Botox can help vertical lip lines, which can fully take effect after 2 weeks, and subsides over several months.

Volume loss in the fat and soft tissue layers beneath the skin are also responsible for vertical lip lines. Volume loss reduces projection above the lip, resulting in lines becoming more prominent. These lines can be filled and smoothened out with the help of a filler like Restylane or Juvederm. Filler treatment can be performed in a few minutes and can last anywhere between 6-12 months.

Hyaluronic acid fillers can improve vertical lip lines. Treatment can be performed in a few minutes and can last anywhere between 6-12 months.

Diminishing skin quality is another known cause for vertical lip lines. As we age, our skin naturally loses collagen and elasticity. To combat this, treatments like laser resurfacing or radiofrequency heating can be employed. These treatments induce a controlled injury response that stimulates collagen production and tightens skin.

Laser treatment can be used to resurface the skin above the upper lip, tighten the skin, and stimulate collagen to improve the depth of vertical lines.

Nasolabial Folds

Nasolabial folds, or parentheses lines, bracket both sides of the nose and mouth areas. Nasolabial folds become more pronounced as age-related volume loss progresses. To address this, I perform a procedure called Structural Volumizing. With this method, thicker hyaluronic acid fillers are strategically placed in the cheek and mid-face areas at the bone level.

Dr. Amiya Prasad treats nasolabial folds with Structural Volumizing, also called Y Lift, where thicker fillers are placed at the bone level, and underneath the muscle layer.

As a surgeon with extensive experience with facial implants and facial fracture repair, the Structural Volumizing technique came naturally to me. Instead of placing implants on top of the bone, I worked on the technique of placing thick, long-lasting fillers instead.

Conventional filler placement puts the filler just below the skin layer. Placing the filler deeper restores volume where it is most needed. This method also prevents the filler from shifting around under the skin. Deeper placement also avoids the typical “doughy” appearance that is commonly seen. This particular method produced results that can last for 1-2 years.

Deeper placement of filler for nasolabial folds can last for 1-2 years.

Mesolabial Folds

Lines that begin at the corner of the mouth and go downwards are called mesolabial folds, or marionette lines. Similar to nasolabial folds, these lines are also caused by volume loss and are often treated together using the same methodology. Aside from hyaluronic acid fillers, Radiesse is often used in this area, but it’s not made of hyaluronic acid, but of calcium hydroxyapatite, which is similar to bone. The difference is that calcium hydroxyapatite cannot be dissolved or reversed like hyaluronic acid filler. The effects of Radiesse last about a year, while thicker hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm Voluma can last about 2 years.

Fillers like Juvederm Ultra Plus and Juvederm Voluma are treatment options for marionette lines.

Mesolabial folds are addressed by placing volume in the jawline area by means of Structural Volumizing. As we age, loss of definition in the jawline affects the appearance of the mouth. Adding volume to this area improves definition and makes the overall contour more continuous and angular.

Generally, filler treatments take only minutes to perform. Minimal swelling can occur but usually resolves quickly. Patients can even undergo this treatment shortly before an important event like a wedding. My patient care policy post-treatment includes regular check-ups to monitor results and see if any additional enhancements are needed.

In my opinion, filler placement should be treated as seriously as facial cosmetic surgery. I believe that once you’ve entered below the skin, the procedure is already considered invasive. As such, it should be handled with the same standards one uses for all invasive procedures.

Filler treatments take only minutes to perform to improve fine lines around the mouth. Minimal swelling is expected but can resolves quickly.

Filler Treatments are Not All the Same

In many practices, filler treatment can be administered by non-physicians and doctors who don’t perform surgery. It’s important to understand that filler treatment is a procedure that requires skill and finesse. Knowledge of surgical techniques is important, especially when placing filler in deeper areas. I do advise patients to meet with doctors who can perform both surgery and filler treatment to get an unbiased recommendation of what will be best for a particular person.

I personally feel that my experience as a cosmetic surgeon has been very useful in achieving outstanding results. My expertise in facial anatomy and a natural aesthetic style allow my patients to have consistently satisfying results with minimal swelling and rarely any bruising. Choosing fillers made of hyaluronic acid are ideal for longevity, safety, and reversibility.

Do fillers work for lines around the mouth?

Instead, in most cases, to smooth out lines around the mouth the most popular option is dermal fillers. They work by hydrating the area, replenishing lost volume, and smoothing out the lines for a more youthful appearance.

How do you fill in mouth wrinkles?

You may be a candidate for a filler like Juvederm or Restylane. These hyaluronic acid treatments last 12 to 18 months. The fillers push up and support the folds that create deep lines. Botox prevents or slows the development of deeper lines.

What is the best filler for vertical lines above lips?

Hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers such as Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Volbella provide the most natural results when injected into the vermillion border (upper lip line). When filler is placed here, it provides the support and volume needed in the upper lip area, thus preventing vertical wrinkles.

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