Best diet pills over the counter 2022

Burning fat and losing weight can be a real struggle, especially as we get older and our metabolism slows down more with each passing year. With food temptations everywhere we look, sticking with a healthy diet can also be a real challenge.

Luckily, there are a variety of weight loss pills on the market that can help. The best weight loss pills contain natural ingredients that can help you burn fat, suppress appetite, increase energy, and boost metabolism.

Unfortunately though, not all diet pills are created equal. While some weight loss pills contain proven ingredients and have thousands of positive reviews, others don’t have the right dosage or combination of ingredients to be as effective as they claim.

To help you find a weight loss pill that actually works, we’ve reviewed the top diet pills on the market. We evaluated over 20 of the most popular weight loss supplements on a variety of factors including ingredients, dosage, effectiveness, user reviews, and price.

After countless hours of research, we’ve narrowed down our search to five weight loss pills that work the best. Without further ado, here are our top picks for the best weight loss pills of 2022.

The 6 Best Weight Loss Pills That Actually Work in 2022

  • PhenQ: Best weight loss supplement overall
  • Phen24: Best fat burner and appetite suppressant combo
  • PrimeShred: Most effective weight loss pills for men
  • Leanbean: Best diet pills for women
  • PhenGold: Best alternative to prescription weight loss pills
  • Instant Knockout: Best men’s fat burner for athletes and bodybuilders

#1. PhenQ: Best Weight Loss Pills for Fast Results Overall

PhenQ is our choice for the best weight loss pill of 2022. PhenQ is an effective weight loss supplement that targets 5 areas of metabolic health to help shed fat, reduce cravings, and support natural energy levels.

PhenQ is a popular and effective weight loss supplement from the well-established Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited, which has been in the industry for over ten years.

How Does PhenQ Work?

For people struggling to lose weight and stubborn body fat, PhenQ is one of the best diet pills on the market. It’s so effective because it contains an ingredient called α-Lacys Reset, a combination of alpha-lipoic acid, cysteine, and magnesium that can help you burn fat and lose weight. PhenQ is also a thermogenic fat burner that aids your weight loss in five different ways:

Burns Stubborn Fat - PhenQ helps burn stored fat using thermogenic ingredients such as α-Lacys Reset and capsimax powder. These powerful thermogenic compounds help you burn more calories per day, even while sleeping or resting!

Stabilizes Mood - PhenQ supports cognitive function and balances your mood to combat the mental fatigue that often accompanies dieting.

Limits Fat Production - PhenQ includes effective weight loss ingredients that may reduce the body’s ability to store new fat cells.

Curbs Cravings - PhenQ improves your body’s insulin sensitivity to knock out those cravings for carbs and sweets. It’s also an effective appetite suppressant.

Increases Energy - This thermogenic fat burner gives you a boost of sustained energy by increasing your metabolic rate.

Formula and Ingredients

The PhenQ formula is the key to how these weight loss pills work:

  • α-Lacys Reset
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Chromium picolinate - Curbs cravings
  • L-Carnitine fumarate - Burns excess body fat for energy
  • Caffeine
  • Nopal cactus fiber - Suppresses your appetite
  • Capsimax Blend (caffeine, capsicum fruit extract, niacin, black pepper fruit extract) - Assists with thermogenesis and fat burning
  • Cellulose (capsule)

How effective is PhenQ? Scientists who performed a study of α-Lacys Reset found that the people who took the ingredient had significant weight loss compared to those who received a placebo pill that didn’t contain α-Lacys Reset. Here are the results:

  • A 3.8% increase in overall lean muscle mass
  • A 7.24% reduction in body fat
  • A 3.44% decrease in body weight

Who Is This Product Best for?

PhenQ is the best weight loss pill for anyone that’s struggling to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. PhenQ is a well-rounded diet pill that attacks weight loss from multiple angles, making it a great option for men and women alike.

  • Best weight loss pills on the market
  • Helps reduce fat accumulation for a slimmer body
  • Crushes cravings, making it easier to stick to any diet plan
  • Boosts metabolism for an accelerated weight loss journey
  • Balances mood and energy levels
  • Manufactured in GMP-approved facilities
  • Free shipping
  • Huge discounts when buying more than 1 bottle
  • 60-day money back guarantee
  • Natural alternative to prescription weight loss medication

Click Here for the Lowest Price on PhenQ

#2. Phen24: Great Diet Supplement for 24-Hour Fat Burning

Phen24 is a safe and effective weight loss system that combines a daytime and nighttime diet supplement for 24-hour fat burning. The daytime formula works by kickstarting your metabolism in the morning and keeping it going strong all day long. The nighttime formula contains thermogenic ingredients that help you burn fat while you sleep, as well as appetite suppressants that help you resist late night hunger cravings.

How Does Phen24 Work?

Here’s what Phen24 can do for you:

Burn Fat 24/7 - Phen24 contains all-natural ingredients that support the fat burning process. These fat burners help your body burn more calories per day, even while at rest.

Reduce Cravings - Hunger cravings and late night snacking are the biggest detriments to any weight loss plan. Phen24 helps you resist cravings using all-natural appetite suppressing ingredients, so you can stay on track.

Improve Energy - One of the hardest parts about dieting is the lack of energy that comes with a calorie restricted diet. Phen24 helps convert your stored fat into energy, so you can power through your day.

Formula and Ingredients

Here are the main ingredients in Phen24 daytime formula:

  • L-Phenylalanine - This amino acid helps support normal dopamine levels, which helps boost your mood while dieting.
  • Guarana - A South American plant that may help reduce obesity.
  • Cayenne - Helps speed up your body’s metabolism, allowing you to burn fat 24/7.
  • Caffeine - A natural thermogenic ingredient boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories per day, even while resting!

Here’s the main ingredients inside the Phen24 nighttime formula:

  • Glucomannan - A type of fiber that suppresses your appetite and helps you feel fuller between meals, making it easier to resist late night snacks.
  • Griffonia - A type of seed that helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps you feel satisfied after eating.
  • Choline Bitartrate - This nutrient has been clinically proven to reduce leptin, also referred to as The Hunger Hormone.
  • Hops - It’s believed to help with sleep and to offset daytime caffeine usage. Some research also shows it might have anti-obesity effects.

Phen24 comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. This means that if you’re not thrilled with your weight loss results from Phen24, simply return your bottles within 60 days for a full refund. This guarantee helps you purchase Phen24 with absolute confidence.

Each box of Phen24 comes with enough pills for a 30-day supply. It’s recommended that you take Phen24 Day formula each morning with breakfast, and the nighttime formula 15 minutes before your evening meal.

Phen24 offers generous discounts when buying more than 1 box. If you buy 2 boxes, you’ll get 1 box free. If you buy 3 boxes, you’ll get 2 boxes free. All orders come with free shipping and a variety of payment options.

Overall, Phen24 is one of the best weight loss pills on the market. Combining a daytime and nighttime formula is a well-rounded approach that attacks weight loss from multiple angles.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Phen24

#3. PrimeShred: Top Recommended Fat Burner for Men

PrimeShred is the best weight loss supplement on our list for men, although bodybuilders and weight lifters will particularly enjoy its benefits. The manufacturers of PrimeShred, Muscle Club Limited, have a good reputation and many satisfied customers who have tried their dietary supplements and experienced great results.

How Does PrimeShred Work?

PrimeShred works in three different ways to help you lose weight and burn fat while still providing your body with the fuel to build muscle. Here are the three primary ways these weight loss pills work. They:

1. Kickstart Lipolysis

If you didn’t know, lipolysis is the process of your body breaking down fat and using it for energy. PrimeShred activates the fat-burning hormones and enzymes that trigger lipolysis, helping you to eliminate stubborn fat. It also contains capsaicin, a natural fat burner that can help you target stubborn belly fat by activating hormones in your abdominal area.

2. Speed Up Fat Loss

PrimeShred also helps people lose weight fast by increasing the body’s metabolic rate. Even if you’re at rest, you can still burn fat for energy if your metabolism is high enough. Plus, it helps your body turn your daily calorie intake directly into energy rather than storing the calories as fat cells.

3. Boost Energy and Strengthens Focus

If you’ve ever gone on a low-cal diet, you know that it can make you feel exhausted both physically and mentally. PrimeShred combats those feelings of fatigue, providing you with an energy boost and premium nootropics for increased focus and mental clarity.

In addition, PrimeShred has ingredients that reduce stress while elevating and enhancing your mood. Losing weight can be difficult, and having that extra mental clarity will help you think logically about making healthy lifestyle choices rather than being ruled by your emotions.

Formula and Ingredients

PrimeShred is one of the best weight loss supplements due to its exclusive formula, containing all-natural ingredients that promote fat burning 24/7. Here is the list of the ingredients you’ll find in PrimeShred:

  • Caffeine anhydrous
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Bioperine (black pepper fruit extract)
  • Rhodiola Rosea root (adaptogenic herb)
  • L-theanine
  • Vitamin B complex
  • L-tyrosine
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • DMAE (organic compound)
  • Green tea extract

Who Is This Product Best For?

PrimeShred is the best weight loss pill for men that want to shred fat, get lean, and transform their body. It’s a great fat burner if you want to break through frustrating plateaus and strip off those last pounds of stubborn fat.

  • Best weight loss pills for men
  • Burn stubborn fat without losing energy or muscle mass
  • Optimizes your body’s natural fat burning process
  • Amplifies your energy and mental focus
  • Great for boosting metabolism
  • 100-day money back guarantee
  • Clinically-backed ingredients
  • Vegetarian and vegan-friendly ingredients

Click Here for the Lowest Price on PrimeShred

#4. Leanbean: Most Effective Diet Pills for Women

Leanbean is the best thermogenic fat burner on our list for women and is from the bright minds at Ultimate Life, LTD, in the U.K.

How Does Leanbean Work?

Leanbean uses a combination of low-stimulant alternatives, thermogenic ingredients, and dietary fiber to provide weight loss benefits for women. Studies have shown compelling evidence that women have more trouble than men at avoiding the temptation of hunger cravings. In light of this, manufacturers of this diet pill created it to work with women’s metabolisms as it acts as an appetite suppressant. You should combine Leanbean with a low-fat diet and regular exercise for the best possible results.

Here’s a deeper explanation of how Leanbean helps you lose excess weight and burn stubborn body fat. This product:

1. Eliminates Fatigue

Leanbean protects against fatigue-inducing deficiencies with an exclusive vitamin complex. It also provides a clean energy boost to help you power through your day and your most strenuous workouts.

2. Reduces Food Cravings

Leanbean is a highly effective appetite suppressant, using the dietary fiber glucomannan to keep you feeling full between meals. In addition, this helps you reduce your calorie intake to prevent weight gain and help you lose weight faster.

3. Supports Normal Fat Metabolism

As a thermogenic fat burner, Leanbean supports a normal fat metabolism, helping your body break down fat rather than storing it.

Formula and Ingredients

Leanbean is one of the best all-natural diet pills for women because its formula contains clinically proven ingredients for weight loss. So if you’re having trouble reaching your fitness goals concerning fat loss and overall health, Leanbean can be the extra oomph you need to break past those plateaus.

Are you curious about the exact ingredients in Leanbean? Here’s what you’ll find in this fat burner for women:

  • Choline (vital nutrient)
  • Glucomannan
  • Chromium picolinate (trace mineral)
  • Turmeric (stimulant alternative)
  • Zinc
  • Vitamins B6 and B12
  • Green coffee beans
  • Chloride (electrolyte)
  • Acai berry
  • Garcinia Cambogia
  • Piperine (black pepper)

Who Is This Product Best for?

Leanbean is the best weight loss supplement for women that want to burn fat, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels. With a 3,000 mg dose of glucomannan, Leanbean should help you feel fuller for longer and make it easier to reduce your calorie intake.

  • Natural weight loss pills for women
  • Breaks down stored fat to be used for energy
  • Helps curb appetite and reduces cravings
  • Helps you lose weight faster when combined with low calorie diet
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Effective weight loss pill for boosting metabolism naturally
  • Cutting edge ingredients with no harmful stimulants

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Leanbean

#5. PhenGold: Number One Appetite Suppressant on the Market

Swiss Research Labs Ltd. is the manufacturer of PhenGold, another popular weight loss pill that features clinically proven ingredients and a maximum strength formula. PhenGold is the best prescription weight loss pill alternative on the market.

How Does PhenGold Work?

PhenGold is a weight loss pill with a dedicated customer base of satisfied users that have experienced great results by combining this supplement with exercise and a healthy diet. The ingredients in PhenGold have clinical research backing up their effectiveness regarding weight loss, which is why this fat burner is so popular: it works. The manufacturers used a comprehensive approach to help you lose weight by targeting the main contributors to weight gain.

1. Halts Hunger Cravings

PhenGold weight loss pills work with caffeine and capsaicin acting as natural appetite suppressants, stopping those pesky snack attacks and hunger cravings right in their tracks. In addition, the formula contains natural mood boosters to reduce stress levels and curtail emotional eating.

2. Activates Fat-Burning Hormones

Your body contains specific hormones that break down and burn fat. PhenGold’s ingredients activate these hormones, increasing the fat-burning process within your body for the best possible results.

3. Increases Your Metabolic Rate

PhenGold is an effective metabolism booster that increases the speed at which your body burns fat and calories. Even when you’re at rest, the formula burns calories using carbohydrates for energy instead of storing them for fat.

4. Improves Motivation and Mood

These diet pills are full of all-natural mood enhancers, helping you stay motivated and feel good about yourself while you embark on your weight loss journey.

5. Boosts Energy and Focus

Everyday life can leave you feeling fatigued, and dieting can make it even worse. Luckily, PhenGold gives you a natural energy boost from green coffee and green tea extract throughout the day.

Formula and Ingredients

The ingredients in PhenGold make it one of the best all-natural diet pills on today’s market. The formula is full of scientifically proven ingredients to help you lose weight and accomplish your fitness goals more quickly.

The ingredients in PhenGold can:

  • Boost metabolism
  • Increase energy
  • Burn stubborn body fat
  • Enhance and balance your mood
  • Improve focus and mental clarity
  • Curb food cravings

Here’s a breakdown of the formula:

  • Caffeine
  • DMAE (organic compound)
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Cayenne pepper
  • L-tyrosine
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • L-theanine
  • Green tea extract
  • Green coffee beans

Key Features

The manufacturers of PhenGold offer some great selling points for these popular weight loss pills. Here’s a list of the key features of PhenGold:

  • Secure checkout and worldwide shipping
  • No subscription fees; one-time purchase only
  • 100-day money-back guarantee
  • Vegetarian- and vegan-friendly product
  • Non-GMO ingredients
  • Dairy-, soy-, and gluten-free product

Who Is This Product Best for?

PhenGold is a highly effective appetite suppressant, making it an ideal choice for people that struggle with food cravings. It also has caffeine and other mood-enhancing ingredients, which is perfect for anyone that needs a little extra kick to get through the day.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on PhenGold

#6. Instant Knockout: Natural Supplement for Men to Lose Weight Quick

Instant Knockout is an effective weight loss pill that was originally created for MMA fighters and professional boxers to cut excess pounds before a big fight. Instant Knockout is now available to the general public for anyone that wants to get a shredded physique.

How Does Instant Knockout Work?

The manufacturers of Instant Knockout collaborated with legendary MMA coach Greg Jackson to develop this premium fat-burning system that will help you lose weight and build lean muscle mass. The Instant Knockout system emphasizes the four cornerstones of weight loss:

  1. Calorie control
  2. Appetite control
  3. Thermogenic boost
  4. Well-balanced diet

How does Instant Knockout work to help you achieve rapid fat loss? Instant Knockout triggers thermogenesis to help you eliminate stubborn belly fat and build muscle mass at the same time. Here are the advertised benefits of taking this effective weight loss pill:

1. Increased Metabolism

Instant Knockout increases your body’s metabolic rate, allowing you to burn excess fat even when you’re not actively working out.

2. Sustained Energy Boost

The ingredients in Instant Knockout provide your body with a sustained boost of clean energy all day long, even during high-intensity workouts.

3. Curbs Hunger Cravings

Instant Knockout uses one of the most effective ingredients for weight loss pills that double as appetite suppressants: glucomannan. The dietary fiber expands in your stomach, keeping you full between meals and eliminating midday hunger cravings.

Formula and Ingredients

If you have some lofty health and fitness goals, then Instant Knockout is the weight loss pill to help you achieve them. It’s one of the best diet pills to boost metabolism and help your body burn excess fat without losing any muscle mass. Here are the ingredients you’ll find in Instant Knockout Cut:

  • Cayenne pepper
  • Vitamin D3, B6, B12
  • Green tea extract
  • Glucomannan
  • L-theanine
  • Caffeine
  • Black pepper extract
  • Vegetable cellulose (capsule)
  • Magnesium stearate (bonding agent)

Key Features

Instant Knockout is one of the best diet pills to help you kickstart your metabolism and incinerate stubborn belly fat. It’s been in continuous development for over ten years, making it one of the most effective diet supplements and appetite suppressants on today’s market.

  • Vegan-friendly product
  • Complete fat burning system
  • 100% safe and natural ingredients
  • 24-hour appetite suppressant
  • Bulk buy discounts for multiple bottles
  • Free shipping available

Who Is This Product Best for?

Instant Knockout is the best fat burner for men that want to lose weight while keeping muscle. This powerful weight loss pill revs up your body’s metabolism so that you can burn fat 24 hours a day, even while sleeping. Instant Knockout is a great option for athletes, professional fighters, and gym goers.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Instant Knockout

How We Ranked the Best Diet Pills for Weight Loss

The diet pill industry in the U.S. is booming. With such a large selection to choose from, finding the right type of weight loss pill to suit your needs can seem overwhelming. This review used numerous ranking factors to ensure that we chose the best weight loss pills that would be safe, effective, and contain natural ingredients.

Formula and Dosage

Two of the most critical ranking factors we looked at were formula and dosages. The most effective weight loss pills include clinically proven ingredients, with research and studies backing up their fat-burning and weight loss properties.

Finding the correct dosage is essential for two obvious reasons. First, taking a diet pill without enough of the most effective ingredients may not provide you with the results you want. Second, taking a diet pill with a dosage over the maximum may cause side effects, especially if it contains caffeine.

People with sensitivities to stimulants may find themselves with a case of the jitters or high blood pressure spikes. As you can see, formula and dosages are extremely important when choosing weight loss supplements.


When we researched the best weight loss pills, we also looked at the safety of each formula. In the world of diet pills, there have been numerous ingredients banned by the FDA as being hazardous to your health:

  • Sibutramine
  • Synephrine (bitter orange)
  • Ephedra (ma huang)
  • DMAA
  • Fenproporex
  • Fen-Phen (fenfluramine/phentermine)
  • Phenolphthalein
  • Clenbuterol (Clen Fat Burner)

None of the weight loss pills in this review contained any harmful or banned substances. The ingredients in these five supplements will not cause adverse side effects as long as you use them correctly and follow the dosage recommendations.


Customer reviews were another crucial ranking factor we used while researching the five best weight loss supplements in 2022. Reading reviews from real-life customers provides excellent insight into the product’s effectiveness and whether it works the way its manufacturers claim.

Don’t just look on the website for reviews, either. If you’re researching fat-burning supplements, check sites like Google, the Better Business Bureau, and popular e-commerce platforms. If you find an overwhelming number of unhappy customers, you may want to purchase a different type of weight loss pill.

Price per Serving

The best weight loss supplements can be expensive, but remember: The results are worth it. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find ways to save money on your order. For example, all of the diet pills in this review offered bulk-buy discounts for multiple bottles. Some websites also featured limited-time discount codes, allowing you to take advantage of promos like free shipping or 10% off.

Things to Look for in the Top Weight Loss Supplements

When researching the best weight loss supplements, it’s essential to consider the following factors.

Money-Back Guarantee

Before you purchase any diet pills, be sure to research the manufacturer’s refund policy and guarantee. A guarantee lets you buy with confidence, knowing that you have recourse if you aren’t satisfied with the results.

Of the five most popular weight loss supplements we reviewed, every one of them had a guarantee. However, PhenGold and PrimeShred provided the most extended guarantee, a 100-day money-back guarantee, while the other weight loss pills in this review offered a 60-day guarantee.

One quick note: Before you purchase a weight loss supplement, be sure to read the fine print on the guarantee. Most weight loss pills take a few months to produce maximum results. In light of this, many manufacturers only guarantee orders of two or more bottles. It makes sense, but just remember that you may not be eligible for the guarantee if you only purchase one bottle.

Natural Ingredients

Finding effective weight loss pills with natural ingredients is easier said than done. In a world where everything is plastic, and our food is full of genetically modified ingredients and preservatives, finding diet pills with all-natural ingredients is essential.

Avoid products with cheap “fillers” that don’t add any benefits to your weight loss goals. If you’re not sure what the name of an ingredient is, search on Google and find out what it is. You have a world of resources at your fingertips, so be sure to use it to your advantage and find the best, all-natural supplements to help you lose weight fast.

Clean Labels

The best weight loss pills will have clean labels. Have you ever seen or heard the phrase “proprietary blend”? In the world of weight loss supplements, manufacturers can use the term “proprietary blend” to mask the actual dosage levels of each ingredient. Essentially, it allows unethical manufacturers to use formulas with only trace amounts of the most expensive or effective weight loss ingredient and still legally be able to claim that their product contains those ingredients.

While that claim may be valid, it likely won’t contain enough of the ingredient to help you burn fat. So what’s the main takeaway here? The best weight loss pills have clean labels that clearly state the ingredients and dosage levels and don’t use proprietary blends.

Discounts for Multiple Bottles

Losing weight with the help of a dietary supplement doesn’t have to bust your budget. While the best and most effective weight loss supplements tend to be pricey, it’s because they work. Luckily, though, most manufacturers offer customers bulk-buy discounts on orders of multiple bottles.

When it comes down to it, buying in bulk is the most cost-effective way to shop for weight loss pills. Remember, you need to continue taking diet pills to maintain the effects, so saving up and purchasing multiple bottles at once makes more sense. In addition, some manufacturers also offer a discount on auto-deliveries. It may only be 5% or 10%, but every little bit adds up.

Understanding the Different Types of Weight Loss Pills

As a consumer, you should take the time to understand the different types of weight loss pills and how they work before making any purchases. Why shouldn’t you be well-informed? Read on for a breakdown of the most common types of weight loss supplements and how they work.

Appetite Suppressants

Saying that losing weight is difficult is the understatement of the century. One of the toughest challenges of any weight loss program is burning more calories than you eat each day, especially if you frequently experience hunger cravings. Fortunately, an appetite suppressant can make it much easier to avoid the temptation of a snack attack or midday food cravings.

Most weight loss pills that suppress your appetite work through the help of dietary fibers. For example, glucomannan is a popular choice in many weight loss supplements. When you consume glucomannan, the fiber expands and swells in your stomach to keep you feeling full. Ultimately, it makes it much easier to resist those snack attacks and cravings that can ruin your diet.

Thermogenic Fat Burners

Perhaps the most common types of weight loss pills are thermogenic fat burners. During thermogenesis, your body generates heat, boosting your metabolism and supporting the oxidation of fat cells. When you take a thermogenic fat burner, your body heats up faster, increasing your metabolic rate. The increase helps your body burn more calories and use fat for energy. Some of the most effective thermogenic ingredients include cayenne pepper, caffeine, and α-Lacys Reset.

Carb Blockers

Carb blockers limit the enzymes your body needs to digest and process complex carbohydrates. Essentially, they cause complex carbs to bypass your stomach and go straight to the body’s large intestine instead of contributing to your daily calorie intake. While carb blockers sound highly effective, most only provide modest weight loss. However, you can get better results by limiting your carbohydrate intake and combining your weight loss supplement with diet and exercise.

Fat Blockers

Fat blockers limit the calories and dietary fat your body absorbs each day. However, fat blockers work in different ways. For example, many prescription weight loss drugs that are fat blockers (like Orlistat) limit the amount of fat your body can absorb by interfering with lipase, a fat-digesting enzyme. Fat binders work similarly but instead bond with the fat cells to create a compound that your body cannot digest.

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The Most Effective Weight Loss Ingredients

Certain weight loss ingredients are more effective than others. This section will summarize the most common ingredients in dietary supplements that can help you lose weight and burn fat.

Garcinia Cambogia Extract

The first ingredient on our list is Garcinia cambogia extract, a type of fruit native to Indonesia. Why is it so effective at promoting weight loss? This fruit may be small, but it packs a big punch because it contains hydroxy citric acid (HCA).

Research has shown that HCA works by blocking an enzyme called ATP citrate lyase, which kickstarts fat production. In addition, Garcinia cambogia can also help you lose body weight by curbing hunger cravings and increasing your serotonin levels, making it easier to resist the temptation to snack.

Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketones are the substance that gives red raspberries their sweet, fragrant aroma. You can also find them in other fruits, such as kiwis, cranberries, and blackberries. However, the number of raspberry ketones in natural fruits is minimal. For example, you would need 90 pounds of raspberries to get one dose of ketones. So, when you see weight loss pills that contain raspberry ketones, the ingredient likely does not come from a natural source.

Raspberry ketones may still help you lose weight. Studies have shown that raspberry ketones can boost metabolism and increase fat breakdown in mice and rats. However, few studies exist regarding their effectiveness in human weight loss.

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee bean extract is another common ingredient that you’ll find in many of the most popular weight loss pills on today’s market. Green coffee beans contain caffeine and chlorogenic acid, which research has shown to be effective at helping people lose weight.

Caffeine triggers thermogenesis, which is the process of your body burning fat for energy. While green coffee beans do contain caffeine, it’s in much lower amounts than a cup of coffee. In addition, caffeine can also help you lose belly fat by minimizing your stomach’s ability to absorb glucose.


If you’re in the process of losing weight, taking glucomannan can be highly beneficial. Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber found in konjac root, the elephant yam. Essentially, this dietary fiber expands in your stomach, filling it up and making you feel full during the day. It can also delay the process of stomach emptying, which makes you feel fuller for longer.

Finally, glucomannan is an effective appetite suppressant that reduces your stomach’s ability to absorb fat. This dietary fiber works best when you take it with water, as it helps it expand more in your stomach.

Green Tea Extract

Burning fat and losing weight become much easier when you take a weight loss pill that contains green tea extract. Green tea contains antioxidants like catechins, which boost metabolism, causing your body to burn fat and calories for energy. In addition, studies have shown that green tea extract works as an effective appetite suppressant, helping you curb cravings and stay on track with your healthy diet.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, is a healthy trans fat that you can commonly find in meat and dairy products like cheese or butter. While you may think that consuming a fatty acid is counterintuitive to weight loss, research shows that CLA can help both humans and animals lose weight. It can also help boost your metabolism, suppress your appetite, and aid in fat loss.

Frequently Asked Questions About Weight Loss Pills

Who should consider prescription weight loss drugs?

Have you been spending hours in the gym, eating a healthy diet, and living an active lifestyle, but still struggle to lose weight or get rid of stubborn fat? Is your BMI (body mass index) over 30? If so, then prescription weight loss medication may be the right option.

In addition, prescription medications are suitable for people who may find that diet and exercise worsen other health issues, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Currently, the FDA has only approved four options for a prescription weight loss pill. Those options include:

  1. Bupropion-naltrexone (Contrave)
  2. Orlistat (Xenical)
  3. Liraglutide (Saxenda)
  4. Phentermine-topiramate (Osymia)

Studies have shown that taking prescription weight loss pills and making lifestyle changes can help you lose about 3% to 12% more body weight than if you just made lifestyle changes. However, please remember that everybody is different, and your results using a weight loss drug may vary. You may want to try over-the-counter weight loss pills first, like the ones we reviewed in this post.

What is the best weight loss pill to lose belly fat?

Is anything worse than trying to eliminate those last few pounds of stubborn belly fat? Stomach fat can be challenging to get rid of but not impossible.

PhenQ is the best choice on our list for burning fat in your abdominal area. The formula contains a special ingredient called α-Lacys Reset, a compound with scientific research proving its effectiveness regarding weight loss. Referencing the scientific study we discussed earlier, people taking α-Lacys Reset saw impressive results:

  • 3.8% increase in overall lean muscle mass
  • 7.24% reduction in body fat
  • 3.44% decrease in body weight

Do diet pills have any side effects?

As long as you follow the recommended instructions regarding weight loss pills and dosages, you shouldn’t experience any side effects, especially if you’re taking an all-natural formula. We also recommend purchasing your weight loss pills from a reputable manufacturer and reading customer reviews to find which brands provide the best results.

One quick reminder: Before taking a belly fat reducer, you should always consult with your physician to ensure that they are safe and healthy for you to take. For example, weight loss pills may interfere with certain prescription medications. Therefore, you should always seek a professional opinion before starting any supplement regimen, whether for weight loss, hair loss, or another health issue.

Are natural weight loss pills FDA approved?

No. However, technically, weight loss pills are dietary supplements, not drugs, so they do not require FDA approval. However, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t safe or effective. We recommend looking for manufacturers that use FDA-registered facilities that follow GMP, or good manufacturing practices.

Weight loss supplements may not require FDA approval, but you can still check customer reviews, the Better Business Bureau, etc., to ensure that the manufacturer is reputable and the product provides effective results.

How much do over-the-counter weight loss pills cost?

We can’t give an exact estimate as to how much weight loss pills cost because every manufacturer charges a different price. The cost will vary based on the brand, type of pill, dosages and ingredients, etc.

Fortunately, you have plenty of options for saving money on your order. Look for brands that offer a discount for purchasing multiple bottles or free shipping. Also, check the official website for any pop-ups or banners that offer limited-time promo codes, which are another great way to save money on your next purchase of weight loss pills.

How long does it take for diet supplements to work?

As with any medication or supplement, the type of results you experience will vary based on your body weight, body type, etc. However, most people find that they need to take diet pills for at least four to eight weeks (one to two months) to get the best results.

In addition, you’ll find that taking a diet pill by itself may not provide the best effects. Instead, combine your new diet pill supplement with a regular exercise program, a healthy, well-balanced diet, and positive lifestyle choices to get maximum results.

What is the best weight loss pill for women?

Women have a very different metabolism than men, and research shows they may have a more difficult time resisting the hunger cravings and snacking that leads to weight gain. Of the five weight loss pills in this review, Leanbean is the best choice for women who want to lose weight.

It’s a popular diet pill that’s an effective appetite suppressant and offers a way to lose weight without harsh stimulants. The manufacturers developed Leanbean to work specifically for women, and this supplement provides a clean energy boost and appetite suppression to help you resist those mid-day snack cravings.

Do weight loss supplements come with a money-back guarantee?

The best weight loss pills from reputable manufacturers offer a money-back guarantee. If you’re going to take a weight loss supplement, we recommend looking for one that provides a guarantee or refund policy. When manufacturers offer a satisfaction guarantee, it shows they back up the quality and effectiveness of their product. In addition, it gives you some recourse to get your money back if you purchase a product and are dissatisfied with the results.

Can you buy weight loss products over the counter at stores like GNC?

Many health and wellness stores (like GNC) offer weight loss pills and dietary supplements. However, these stores often sell products that don’t have the proper dosages, which can be hazardous. When taking a weight loss pill, you want to be sure that you always take the recommended dosages.

Taking too little won’t produce results, and taking too much could cause adverse side effects, like a racing pulse or nausea. Check the ingredients in a weight loss supplement before taking it, and consult with your doctor first, particularly if you’re taking any prescription meds.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re already working hard to make better lifestyle choices or have just begun your weight loss journey, adding a dietary supplement to your health and fitness regimen can provide some excellent benefits. To find the best weight loss pills, look for all-natural formulas, a money-back guarantee, and scientific studies that prove the ingredients are effective.

Each of the popular weight loss supplements in this review can help you burn fat, lose weight, and reach your fitness goals faster. Get ready to put in the work, and we promise that the confidence and results you’ll gain will be worth the effort.

*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice or to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, may or may not be peer-reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.

Which OTC diet pills work best?

Best Weight Loss Pills of 2022.
PhenQ - Best over-the-counter weight loss pills overall..
Leanbean - Best OTC weight loss pills for women..
Instant Knockout - Best over-the-counter weight loss pills for men..
Trimtone - Best for women over 40..
PhenGold - Best appetite suppressant..
PrimeShred- Best for bodybuilders..

What is the best product for weight loss in 2022?

Best Weight Loss Pills.
PhenQ - Best weight loss pill overall..
Leanbean - Best weight loss pill for women..
Instant Knockout - Best weight loss pill for men..
TrimTone - Best diet pill for belly fat..
PhenGold - Best multi-action weight loss pill..
PrimeShred - Best metabolism-boosting weight loss pill..

What OTC is most like Phentermine?

One of the most popular over-the-counter Phentermine alternative supplements is PhenQ. This pill is made by Wolfson Berg and has five unique strategies for weight loss. PhenQ improves the body's metabolism and prevents fat storage. It also suppresses your appetite and boosts your energy and mood.

What is the number 1 weight loss product?

Top 5 Best Weight Loss Pills To Lose Weight Fast: PhenQ: Overall Best Weight Loss Pills. Leanbean: Best Weight Loss Pills for Women. Trimtone: Best Natural Weight Loss Supplements. PrimeShred: Popular Weight Loss Pills For Men.


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