Angela from 90 day fiance on maury

90 Day Fiancé: Angela’s First Reality TV Stint Was With Trisha, Not Maury

Angela Deem was meant to be a reality TV star! Before showing up on 90 Day Fiancé with Michael Ilesanmi, she had appeared on Trisha and Maury.

You Are Reading :90 Day Fiancé Angelas First Reality TV Stint Was With Trisha Not Maury

Angela Deem wasn’t new to the small screen when she met Michael on 90 Day Fiancé. With a controversial back-story like Angela’s one can only expect her to have been a reality TV regular. The discovery of Angela’s appearances on Maury with her daughter Scottie Deem has got people talking. But interestingly, Maury wasn’t Angela’s first foray into television. Angela and Scottie had washed their dirty laundry in public on Trisha in 2014.

Angela and Michael’s relationship got them multiple seasons in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. Perhaps it was Angela’s personality, or maybe it was the sheer amount of entertainment she provides that made her an instant fan favorite. With various disagreements souring their story on the TLC show, Michael and Angela have still managed to make things right. The couple showed up on the latest Tell-All episode to discuss Michael’s infidelity, lap dance history, and of course, his coveted visa. Angela, who’s been making news for supposedly getting her own spin-off like Darcey Silva, stole the show, as expected. From breaking up with Michael in her first-ever 90 Day Fiancé Tell-All to now discussing having kids with him, Angela has come a long way. But, she’s also come a long way from her chaotic national TV past with two episodes of Maury and The Trisha Goddard Show on her resume.

Having a history in tabloid talk shows could have made Angela consider a future on 90 Day Fiancé. A clip by therazorsedge28 from a January 2014 episode of Trisha, follows the same storyline as Angela’s Maury debacles – Scottie and her baby daddies. “She wanted a baby and she didn’t care who gave her one,” says the narrator about Angela’s daughter in the introduction of the episode titled, “Your Baby is White… I Can’t Be The Father!” The case being that Scottie’s ex-boyfriend Chris and his current girlfriend Helena believe that Scottie is framing him of being her baby London’s father. The reason for Chris to say that is because the baby doesn’t have “darker skin, blue eyes, and natural curly black hair” like him. But London is “totally White,” claims Chris, thus not his.

The 90 Day Fiancé star and “confused grandma” sits in the audience as she’s the one who introduced Scottie to Chris, her best friend’s son. “Where I come from the man works and not the woman,” says Scottie about Helena, an older woman, supporting Chris. Trisha tries her best to calm an excited Angela down as she cheers for Scottie who in 2017, went to prison serving 15 months for multiple child molestation convictions. Trisha ropes in a lie detector administrator to stir the pot and then comes in the DNA test result which proves that Chris is London’s father. Scottie and Chris promise Trisha that they will be good parents to their baby but, a year later the 90 Day Fiancé celeb’s daughter shows up on Maury with a new man and a newer baby. However, this time around, it’s Angela who accuses her daughter that the child in question is not her current boyfriend’s, but has a different father. Maury Povich soon shares the DNA results and proves Angela wrong.

With such a twisted history of reality shows, a popcorn-worthy time with Angela was guaranteed on 90 Day Fiancé. More so, when it was Angela starring in her own storyline with Nigerian lover Michael. Angela’s run on the TLC show is surely not done yet, so fans should be expecting her to return for a new spin-off with Michael soon. But whether it will be a 90 Day Fiancé one, or “The Angela Deem Show”, remains the burning question of the hour.

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Oh, the drama! Long before 90 Day Fiancé, Angela Deem appeared on Maury — twice.

Angela, 52, first appeared on the tabloid talk show in February 2015 with her daughter Scottie. She insisted that Scottie’s boyfriend, Terry, was not the father of the couple’s baby girl, Anna Sky. Instead, Angela said she believed that Scottie’s ex Chris was the baby daddy.

“I know Scottie had a one-night stand with Chris two weeks before she got with Terry,” the TLC personality claimed during the episode. Scottie responded, “She’s delusional. … Now she can tell me when I ovulate?”

After taking a DNA test, it was determined that Terry is the father, not Chris.

Michael Ilesanmi and Angela Deem Courtesy of Discovery

The family returned to Maury in November 2016 when Scottie and Terry welcomed a second daughter, Ariah, and Angela again questioned the paternity. Scottie said the stress of the drama took a toll on both her and Ariah’s health.

“I might be sick physically, but I am not sick enough that I don’t know who the hell I slept with and who the father of my kid is!” Scottie shouted at her mother.

When host Maury Povich brought Terry out on stage, Angela stood up from her seat and started yelling at him to “shut up” before telling Scottie to “shut your damn mouth.” Povich, now 79, shot back, “Angie, if anybody should be repentant, if anybody should be contrite, if anybody should be apologetic, it should be you!”

A paternity test determined that Terry is the father of Ariah as well.

Angela currently stars on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 2. The Georgia grandmother flew to Nigeria to meet Michael Ilesanmi after they began talking on Facebook. Her family and friends expressed their skepticism over Angela traveling thousands of miles to meet the 30-year-old man.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days airs on TLC Sundays at 8 p.m. ET.

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Was Angela from 90 Day Fiancé on Maury?

Angela Deem from 90 Day Fiancé was recently spotted in an old episode of Maury, which has left fans both appalled and surprised. Hazlehurst, Georgia resident Angela rose to prominence as a TLC celebrity after her debut on 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 2 in 2018.

What episode was Angela on Maury?

Angela was first introduced to Maury viewers during a dramatic episode which aired on February 20, 2015.

Are Angela and Michael from 90 Day Fiancé still together?

In December 2021, Angela celebrated her birthday in Las Vegas with several of her 90 Day Fiancé franchise costars. While in Sin City, Angela was spotted by fans and one of them shared details about what she told them during a conversation. “Her and Michael are still together and waiting on his visa.

What is Angela from 90 Day Fiancé's net worth?

Turns out, Angela Deem is worth a whopping 100K right now. While fans assume a lot of her income and net worth came from being a memorable cast member from 90 Day Fiance, she did have bills to pay before she landed on television.

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