12 week speed and agility program

With warm weather on the horizon, you might not be sure which workout protocol to adopt to lead into summer. Should you stay the course? Start looking to lean out? Finally test out that Zumba class? To help give you direction we tagged in trainer and coach Prince Brathwaite, CEO and founder of Trooper Fitness in New York City and winner of last October’s 2016 NPC Brooklyn Grand Prix. Leading up to the contest, Brathwaite wasn’t sure which division he best fit—Physique, Classic Physique, or Bodybuilding—so he trained his ass off and put on size while staying lean and shredded and competed in all three. Follow his routine and pair it with an ultra-clean diet and you’ll see similar results—lower body fat and way more muscle.

Part 1: Endurance

“In the endurance phase of the program you’ll work with more volume to prime your muscles for the literal heavy lifting ahead,” explains Brathwaite. “The four-day split allows the lifter to ease back into using perfect form on his lifts, which will carry over to more efficient form for when things get heavy.” Start by performing 12 reps. For each subsequent set, lighten the load and increase the reps. This will ensure that you can lift the most weight during the first set, then tax different muscle fibers with lighter weight. You’ll preserve your joints as well, as you’ll have to lighten the load to complete all of the reps.”

Part 2: Strength

Use six reps as your benchmark. Once you can perform each set for six reps, add weight to the bar. Just don’t allow your ego to take over; stick with a light progression of 5 to 10 lbs max.  

If it’s been a while since you went heavy on the squat, bench press, or deadlift. Use the first week of this phase of the program to ease back into the proper form so the mechanics of the movement become comfortable.

Navy SEAL training is one of the most demanding military training programs in the world. The program is designed to push candidates to their physical and mental limits, by testing them in various environments and situations. The program aims to create the best possible soldiers who can operate in any situation and complete any mission.

The complete navy seal workout – 12 week training program is a comprehensive training program that will help you prepare for the rigors of Navy SEAL training. The program includes a wide range of exercises and activities designed to improve your strength, stamina, and endurance.

So, if you're ready to put your muscles through the wringer like never before, let's get this training started! The program is split into twelve weeks, each getting increasingly more difficult. So if you're up for a challenge and want to work your muscles harder than ever before, this is the program for you!

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KEY Survival Elements of A NAVY SEAL

It takes a lot of willpower and dedication to be a Navy SEAL. It isn't only about having the necessary skills; it also requires strong willpower to endure the numerous challenges that individuals are put through.

The procedure for becoming a Navy SEAL is lengthy, and it includes six distinct phases. The candidate must survive through these six phases to proceed to the next set of trials as a NAVY SEAL. 


Your strength is defined as the ability to move a weight from one point to another. The heavier the load you can push, pull, or squat, the stronger you are.

Related Article: 9 Week Bodyweight Workout Plan for Strength & Muscle Gains


When you're strong, your concentration extends beyond simply moving a weight. Power is the capacity to create force quickly and effectively.

Muscle Endurance

Muscle endurance is a term used to describe the ability of a person to perform muscular movements for extended periods, usually without suffering from negative symptoms such as pain. It's when you can keep doing muscular actions repeatedly despite being tired.

Cardiovascular Conditioning

Cardiovascular conditioning is the ability of your body to utilize oxygen effectively. When you're navigating the elements of nature, you'll need tremendous cardiovascular fitness to survive and perform at a high level.

Related Article: 5 Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases & How to Prevent It

Speed & Agility

Speed and agility are two factors that define your ability to move in one direction as quickly as possible before shifting directions at a moment's notice. Simply said, you must be able to avoid capture.


The final component of SEAL training is one that we are all aware of gaining muscle. NAVY SEALs not only build muscle but also understand how to make the most of it. Being a SEAL means you not only need strength, power, and efficiency; but big muscles as well.


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Workout Description

Main Goal

General Fitness

Workout Type

Full Body

Training Level


Program Duration

12 Weeks

Days Per Week


Time Per Workout

60-75 Minutes

Equipment Required

Barbell, Bodyweight, Dumbbells, Foam Roll

Target Gender

Male & Female

Recommended Supps

Whey Isolate


Fish Oil

The training to become a NAVY SEAL is nothing short of devotion, consistency, and gut-wrenching workouts, and it requires a strong-willed individual or else you will be out of the sessions before you know it.

We kept the difficulty level to a minimum because it's a beginner's guide to training like a NAVY SEAL, so you can acquire the flavor of being on a NAVY SEAL training.

In this workout guide, you will be exercising 4 days a week for 60-75 minutes a day and taking 2 days off, whereas the 7th day is an optional full-body workout.

You will require the use of some essential gym gear, like Barbell, Bodyweight, Dumbbells, Foam Roll, etc., so you can enjoy the true essence of NAVY SEAL training.

Finally! Gain The Most Muscle Mass And Strength Possible in Just 12 Weeks!

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Target of 12-Week Complete NAVY SEAL Workout

This 12-week complete training guide for a navy SEAL is a beginner-level program; we have distributed the workouts over 4 days, with 2 off days and 1 optional training day.

Over 12 weeks, the individuals following this guide will train to their maximum capabilities using dumbbells, barbells, and body weights. They may even need to use a foam roller to ease the cramps and knots they will develop after workouts.

Considering how the NAVY SEAL workouts progress and take the individual through different phases to bring out their toughest personality, our 12-week training guide also takes you through challenging workout sessions.

These sessions are not like your everyday regime. These workouts are supersets that entail more than a workout and keep on getting intense every week.


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The Workout Program

This is what every week will look like:




Day 1 - Speed and Agility


Day 2 - Power




Day 3 - Strength


Day 4 - Hypertrophy & Muscular Endurance


Day 5 - Optional Full Body Conditioning



Before we start with the exercises, here are a few helpful tips that will enhance your workout quality and keep you from getting injured

1. This program will also cover some other frequent shortcomings that you might be susceptible to, for example, strengthening your posterior chain and overhead strength, core stability, shoring up weak asymmetrical sides, and making your whole body strong.

2. To properly recover from your workout, you will need to do some prehab and mobility work to ensure you can fully recover and not get injured.

3. Give the program a few weeks to work.

4. You should also do a thorough dynamic warm-up before each session.

5. Make sure you take breaks and stay hydrated. Also, make sure you keep your form correct and use the proper technique.

6. If you're having trouble finishing a session, consider lowering the volume by just a little and gradually increasing it over time.

Day 1: Speed and Agility


Warm-Up Sets

Work Sets

Rest (in seconds)

Sprints (at Least 20 Yards)

3 Minute Jog

5 Rounds All-Out Effort


Timed Shuttle Run (at Least 10 Yards)


5 Rounds All-Out Effort

60 to 120

Superset: Reverse Grip Chin-Up & Flat Bench Barbell Press



60 After Each Superset

Superset: Dumbbell Shrug & Hyperextension



60 After Each Superset

Superset: Floor Crunch & Bent-Knee Hanging Leg Raise



No Rest

3-5 Mile Jog at a Steady Pace




Day 2: Power


Warm-Up Sets

Work Sets

Rest (in Seconds)

Jump Squats




Kettlebell Clean and Press




Plyo (Hand Clap) Push-Up




Kettle bell Wind Mills




Explosive Bent-Over Dumbbell Row


1 Set Alternating Every 10 Seconds for 1 to 2 Minutes


3-way Plank: Alternate From Side, Middle to Other Side Without Rest (10sec Each)




Sprint Intervals: Total of 8 Sprints With One Minute Rests




Day 3: Strength


Warm-Up Sets

Work Sets

Rest (in seconds)

Barbell Floor Deadlift or Barbell Back Squat




Seated Leg Curl or Romanian Deadlift




Superset: Cable Rope High Pull & Plyo Push-Up



60 After Each Superset

Superset: Incline Bench Dumbbell Press & Wide-Grip Pull-Up



60 After Each Superset

Superset: Hanging Leg Raise & Planks


3x15-20 & 20-30 Sec for Planks

No rest

3-5 Mile Jog At a Steady Pace




Day 4: Hypertrophy & Muscular Endurance


Warm-Up Sets

Work Sets

Rest (in seconds)

Superset: Standing Barbell Shoulder Push Press & Rear Delt Rope Pull



No rest

Bulgarian Split Squat


4x10 Each Leg


Superset: Standing Dumbbell Curl & Parallel Bar Triceps Dips



No Rest

Superset: Inclined Push-Up & Single Leg Calf Raise



No rest

Superset: Sit-Up & Lying Leg Raise



No Rest

Farmer's Walk


3 Lengths


Day 5: Optional Full Body Conditioning





Squat Pulses




Walking Lunge

10 Each Leg

Triceps Bench or Parallel Bar Dip


Short Sprint

Varied Lengths

Ab Crunch



This 12-week complete navy SEAL workout guide will help you develop the strength, power, and endurance needed to perform like a NAVY SEAL. Make sure you follow the program correctly and always Warm up before each session. Stay hydrated and use proper form to prevent injuries. Good luck!

How many times a week should you train speed and agility?

Training for speed and agility is recommended for four times a week to acclimate your body and to develop muscle memory. While some days you may train harder than others, the most important factor in improvement is consistency.

How long should speed and agility training be?

The total time of agility training is usually around 15 to 20 minutes. This includes coaching time and feedback.

How can I get faster at 12 weeks?

12-Week Speed Work Progressions To Run Faster:.
Strides: four reps after an easy run, two to three times per week..
Fartlek intervals: 6–10 reps of speed increases with full recovery between rest. Increase the reps as you build fitness..

How do you program speed and agility?

Begin with a 1-mile exercise warm up. Run 8 x 600 meters (1.5 laps of a track) at 5K goal pace, maintaining a 200-meter recovery jog between each interval. Run 4 x 200 meters at 1-mile pace (slightly faster than 5K speed), maintaining a 200-meter recovery jog between each interval.


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